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'Fess up: Which team has the WORST fans?

Which team has the worst fans, both at the ground and on-line?

  • Total voters


Brisbane - because most supporters i know are so arogant and think their team is all that because the Broncos have won six premierships and the Cowboys haven't won any.

Parramatta - Just because their supporters are bogans (and easy to stir too)

Newcastle - Just as arogant as Brisbane supporters

I have no problem with Doggies and Roosters supporters.


The closest I've ever come to dropping the proverbial gloves was with a Knights fan at Parramatta station a few years ago, so I'm nominating Newcastle.

Bulldogs need no explanation.

I've had nothing but good experiences with Broncos, Dragons, Tigers, Panthers, and Raiders fans.


I was at a Tigers vs. Parra game in early 2005 at Homebush, and on the way home there was a punch up between opposing fans on the train back to Lidcombe.

The reason? A bunch of drunk Eels fans were carrying on and swearing a lot, so this Tigers fan asks them to watch the language because of his 2 young kids. They ignored him and carried on, so he asked again. One of the Eels guys tells him to f*ck off, etc. and then they started arguing. All of a sudden the Eels dude just gets up and starts hitting the Tigers guy. It didn't last long until it was broken up.

Piss poor display, and the only trouble I've ever witnessed first hand.


At the game I would say Manly fans- or more specifically, those ferals that congregate on the hill at Brookie. I thought the Northern beaches was "God's country" but those bogans wouldn't be out of place in the Ipswich dole queue. Online though, Manly fans are among the most obviously passionate about their team. The worst fans online are Sharks and Rooosters fans- love to dich it out to other teams and their fans but when the spray is returned their skin is thinner than rice paper.


At the ground-Manly at manly.
Online-Souths and definately MELBOURNE,they carry on with a "us against the world" mentality and cant hold a decent arguement without resorting to name calling.
Forum administrator-Penriff.


Bernster said:
Brisbane - because most supporters i know are so arogant and think their team is all that because the Broncos have won six premierships and the Cowboys haven't won any.

Parramatta - Just because their supporters are bogans (and easy to stir too)

Newcastle - Just as arogant as Brisbane supporters

I have no problem with Doggies and Roosters supporters.

That is the funniest thing i have ever heard in my life! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Get this guys......a Cowboys fan calling Eels fans bogans. What would you call the majority of North QLD then?? No its not phone a friend you cant call your wife/cousin.

Bulldogs-I dont buy into that sh*t of its all the media, ive seen it first hand. Its not the minority either. I voted for them.

Tigers fans-They whinge and whinge, far out. I wish i took a dummy the other monday night. Mind you i sat in the Tigers section with a Eels jersey but still all i heard was "oh the ref wont let us win" THEY HAD THE PENALTY COUNT!!!!! Then they said "eels are soft!" IT WAS 32-0 AT THIS STAGE!! Oh yeah also..........GET THE F*CK OVER 2005!!!!!!!!!! JESUS CHRIST!!!!! I heard it last year and this year when we smashed the tigers "oh yeah what about in 2005". Yeah man what about in "1986" or what about in 1935 when wests won their last premiership, who cares.

Dragons fans-Cocky, arrogant and whingers and thats their good points.

Knights-I just hate them generally because all the little girls jumped on the Johns bandwagon and you cant talk about joey, its lame.

Broncos-Just because the "fans" they have in NSW are bandwagoners.

I just hate...........hate hate hate................when any supporters are getting smashed and put sh*t on the team smashing them constanly. I'd rather say nothing or if i do say something i'd bag my own players, they are the ones getting hammered.

I really like at games-Panthers, Souths and Roosters. They always seem to cop a loss or take losing. The others i didnt mention have good and bad like the Eels or any club but some are definately worse than others.

I must say at one Souths/Eels game i found it funny, Souths were winning and he said "its a long season Parra". They'd know its a long season.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
It is the minority eelsfan01, I'm a Bulldogs supporter and I'm telling you first hand. Wake up to yourself.

Ironically, Bernster says you're easy to stir and you bit like a little b*tch :sarcasm:
always the f**king minority, where i live it's a minority who aren't aggressive

try being an opposition supporter at your home game against the bulldogs, let alone at telstra

The Preacher

First Grade
eels_fan_01, you've complained that 4 or 5 lots of supporters are whingers, yet that's all you've f**king done yourself, YA WHINGER !!!


Firstly, it is the minority of bulldogs "fans" who tend to cause sh*t at matches, not that I have witnessed any fights. Only fight i have seen was the one between bulldogs and roosters supporters.

Secondly, all teams have their minority of wanker supporters and you learn to live with that. Dragons supporters tend to be the worst from my experience along with tigers, raiders, roosters and knights. Not due to violent behaviour, they just tend to dribble rubbish out of their mouths after a few too many beers.

The last time i saw a fight at a football match was last year at Oki stadium (Dragons vs Bulldogs) on a Friday night. One dragons supporter (drunk off his face) with his daughter and son started screaming out crap and picked a fight with three or four other dragons supporters. Myself, along with a bunch of other bulldogs supporters broke it up


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Tonearm Terrorwrist said:
always the f**king minority, where i live it's a minority who aren't aggressive

try being an opposition supporter at your home game against the bulldogs, let alone at telstra

I'm frequently a Bulldogs supporter at away games and I can tell you that's a load of sh*te.

Ron Jeremy

Dodger said:
It is the minority eelsfan01, I'm a Bulldogs supporter and I'm telling you first hand. Wake up to yourself.

Ironically, Bernster says you're easy to stir and you bit like a little b*tch :sarcasm:

It's a f**king huge minority.....

Parra have a minority of asshole supporters, Tigers have a minority of asshole supporters.....Cantebury have more asshole supporters then anyone so the term "minority" can be misleading...


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Ron Jeremy said:
It's a f**king huge minority.....

Parra have a minority of asshole supporters, Tigers have a minority of asshole supporters.....Cantebury have more asshole supporters then anyone so the term "minority" can be misleading...


Minority of the support base are troublemakers. That's the point.

Ron Jeremy

Dodger said:

Minority of the support base are troublemakers. That's the point.

How big is that minority though Dodger? it's a rather misleading term dont you think?

I mean, a minority of people in todays society are drug users....but we all know there is a sh*tload of them;-)


Post Whore
Knightmare said:
At the game I would say Manly fans- or more specifically, those ferals that congregate on the hill at Brookie. I thought the Northern beaches was "God's country" but those bogans wouldn't be out of place in the Ipswich dole queue. Online though, Manly fans are among the most obviously passionate about their team. The worst fans online are Sharks and Rooosters fans- love to dich it out to other teams and their fans but when the spray is returned their skin is thinner than rice paper.

Generally its the other way around

had any luck with this one yet ? http://forums.leagueunlimited.com/showthread.php?t=98618


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
You have no point Ron... it's a minority by any slice, no matter how big it is.

This is probably countered also by the fact that I doubt you've attended a Bulldogs match recently. Having attended a good 20 or more in the last year I can quite happily tell you there's been one major incident of note and since then only minor unconfirmed reports, strangely after wins over the opposition in question.


I have been concussed 7 times in my life - 5 times playing footy, and twice from behind at marathon stadium when I was with my GF and not the only Manly supporters...kept to myselfthem times, no footy arguments...Just Manly jersey


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Nothing ever physical but verbally Manly supporters were shocking at Brookvale last year btw.

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