In your view we have a long way to go, not necessarily in anyone else's. A real fan supports the team through thick and thin. A fake fan makes snide remarks about players, coaching staff and management as if they have all the answers, that is the height of arrogance and delusion. They say they're realists, but they think by political point scoring over every decision made that somehow will fix the problem. That isn't reality, that is fantasy. The reality is you're a supporter of the team, your opinion does not matter, your support does. So make a choice, support the team or don't, the ranting on here will not achieve anything and I for one, have had a complete gutful of it.
You say everyone thinks the board is corrupt, but I call bullshit on that. Instead it is outdated, out of touch and delusional fair weather fans expecting instant results. We won a premiership 8 years ago, that is not a long time. The circle jerkers can learn to accept the club for what is and where it is or they can support another team/follow another sport.