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But.. Welcome back Flanno !!

I'd like to see the other 4 back also if possible. Mooney in particular for mine has been outstanding in player acquisition


Do you actually understand what an independent managment consultancy revue does,and do you believe they make recommendations based on populism?
Cronulla could have and should have ignored the review. It was Cronulla that took the populist route of reinstalling Flanagan.

He presided over the drug scandal that will most likely kill the club whether he was part of it or not. Keeping the current playing group together should be the last concern on Cronulla's mind at the moment.

He was involved by virtue of incompetence at best. Extricating themselves from any drugs stench should be top priority. They should have sacked him.
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Cronulla could have and should have ignored the review. It was Cronulla that took the populist route of reinstalling Flanagan.

He presided over the drug scandal that will most likely kill the club whether he was part of it or not. Keeping the current playing group together should be the last concern on Cronulla's mind at the moment.

He was involved by virtue of incompetence at best. They should have sacked him.

Wow, just wow.

Now let me get this straight. You, a crazy old flood worried tiger coupe, who sends his old lady to an information session on the Sharks development, rather than finding out information first hand, expect us to believe that you know exactly what took place in 2011 at the Sharks, know exactly who did what and took what? That you know who told what to which person.

You sit their with your little keyboard accusing someone of wrongdoing, before any proof what so ever has been established.

This from the mad hatter that accuses the police of treating people as guilty before proven innocent.

You need a taser to the brain old fella.

Go take your meds and have a lay down. I suspect it's been a big day worrying about the next big flood.


Please give a run down Poss. Please also advise us how many times;

Graham says "hmmmmmm"
Gav Robbo is an annoying, blathering dickhead
How many basic mistakes a newsreader makes

Don't start me on their functionally illiterate newsreaders please. They make my eardrums bleed.


First Grade
I gave it a listen. Have never heard those guys before. Seem like an arrogant bunch when dealing with callers.
Wow, just wow.

Now let me get this straight. You, a crazy old flood worried tiger coupe, who sends his old lady to an information session on the Sharks development, rather than finding out information first hand, expect us to believe that you know exactly what took place in 2011 at the Sharks, know exactly who did what and took what? That you know who told what to which person.

You sit their with your little keyboard accusing someone of wrongdoing, before any proof what so ever has been established.

This from the mad hatter that accuses the police of treating people as guilty before proven innocent.

You need a taser to the brain old fella.

Go take your meds and have a lay down. I suspect it's been a big day worrying about the next big flood.



You guys do know that Crazy Tiger is a convicted peadophile right? I have had a few pm's from a few of his victims. Just refer to him as peddo.


A farkin pedo you say reef? We don'ts likes them pedoses round these parts.

This forum's got big grown ups on it, that'd tear the weakly beating f**king coward heart right out their caved in chest, if that were true.

Surely not………


You guys do know that Crazy Tiger is a convicted peadophile right? I have had a few pm's from a few of his victims. Just refer to him as peddo.

I hear you Reefy. You have hit the nail on the head! Peadophiles are the lowest of the low in society in general and in sport the lowest of the low is the drug cheat. Even lower than that is a club of systematic drug cheats.

I can see that you are trying to draw a parallel between drug cheats and peadophillia. Well said brother!


Cronulla could have and should have ignored the review. It was Cronulla that took the populist route of reinstalling Flanagan.

He presided over the drug scandal that will most likely kill the club whether he was part of it or not. Keeping the current playing group together should be the last concern on Cronulla's mind at the moment.

He was involved by virtue of incompetence at best. Extricating themselves from any drugs stench should be top priority. They should have sacked him.

So the consultancy's findings and recommendations had nothing to do with his reinstatement.FMD.It was part of the story sheesh.
If you believe the board would have reinstated him,knowing full well he had done something wrong ,they would have exposed themelves .You are living in dreamland.
Read what the new possible future chariman(d Keogh) stated in today's D.T ".Ön the surface (when referring to the other 4 sacked officials)the decision appeared to be a little pre emptive.There is an assumption of innocence until proven otherwise.".

You sir are flashing the guilty sign and know as much as the guy picking up lost golf balls at Woolooware,and that's being generous.You would get a job as a prosecutor with the Taliban,everyone guilty if they look sideways.
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