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Folau has joined AFL

Perth Red

Post Whore
They haven't signed him for his playing ability! They've signed him for the publicity and to show 12 year old RL kids that there are other options to them. If he can play or not is a total secondary consideration.


Very true 1908. A 20% hit rate for catching the ball and 50% for landing kicks does not classify as highly skilled. Especially when the you consider handling errors in a league match can be counted on one hand.

For the record every kicking competition between NRL and alf players i've seen has gone to the NRL players.


Can't stand the AFL scoring system. The point of the game is to kick the ball between the posts and yet they get rewarded for missing???

What other game in the world gives you points for failing?

Folau/Hunt is a marketing ploy. Whether they can play AFL or not is a very distant consideration.


im not saying either sport is more skilled, clearly, both require skill, i just hate people saying AFL is skilless, clearly it isnt, you cant compare the two games really, as for your kicking at goal experiment, me too, i never missed at training, but beleive me, match days are very different, you have a player on the mark for starters, doesnt sound like much but believe me, its much harder to kick over someone than to just stab it through, perceived pressure, handling this pressure is pretty much the difference between our fwds and backs, our backs can all hit targets 50/60mtrs away, but most of them cant put it through the big sticks to save themselves, but as i said before, at training, they never miss.

ive never played league, but i can spiral pass a ball a fair way and accuratly, i can catch a ball too, can i do it in a league game? who knows, ive never tryed.

as for kicking, i can bend the ball in the air both ways and with both feet accuratly, i can grubber the ball along the ground and make it turn left to right or right to left accuratly, on both feet as well, i can fairly regulaly hit spirals with both feet, this isnt a hard skill to learn if you know how to kick properly, how many league kickers do you honestly know that could do that?

im sure you can, now try and make a snap decision on one of those options and execute it , and that is reserve grade level park footy. its all well you can say you can spiral pass, i taught my auntie to do that and shes from california, but to be able to pass to a teammate seconds after catching it and make it the right decision or to catch the ball and spot a gap and go through it is a skill. now for youre afl skills you mentioned before, when i played league or even when we mucked around with the footy at school, we used to bounce the ball it really isnt that hard even at pace, all you really need to do is bounce it on the flat side of the spine of the ball. handballing please, marking is kinda hard ill give you that, especially when you have another bloke rubbing up against you competing for the ball. and kickin, the only kicking used in afl is the drop punt and the snap, anyone can drop punt, while it takes a while to lean the banana snap, theres no tactical chip and chase bombing to the wings or sliding a grubber into the ingoal for a repeat set. i dont care about the afl, i dont hate it, what i do hate is theyre underhanded administration ,constantly using sly tactics in an effort to ruin our game, covering up theyre own stars misdemeanours while shedding light on ours and the people who constantly try and make theyre sport out to be tougher than union and league. please its field netball, i dont begrudge people who play it (except hunt and folau) but stop trying to be a spin doctor cause its not working

El Diablo

Post Whore
seems to be causing unrest and why wouldn't it


Give us all a share of the money: Chris Judd

* Greg Denham
* From: The Australian
* June 04, 2010 11:45AM

CARLTON captain Chris Judd has called for pay rises for all AFL players, as concerns in the game over the cost of luring NRL stars Karmichael Hunt and Israel Folau deepened yesterday.

Judd said the huge sums used to lure Hunt to the Gold Coast and Folau to Greater Western Sydney should prompt an increase in total player payments from the end of next year when a new collective bargaining agreement is reached between the league and the players' union.

The AFL's club base salary caps in 2011, excluding the Gold Coast, will be $8.21 million plus a further player-marketing component (additional services agreement) of $573,000.

Player payments will be reviewed this year by the AFL Players Association and the league, and increased accordingly under a new CBA starting in 2012.

Judd said that in light of the salary figures reportedly being offered to Hunt and Folau, current players were entitled to more money.

"I guess it shows there is a lot of money in AFL football," Judd said.

"And that is a good thing for the (current) players but I'm sure the AFL will realise in the next collective bargaining agreement that the current players should get a good share of any increased (game) revenue."

Both Hunt and Folau will earn annual packages of about $800,000, not including incentives.

Their actual football payments will be between $250,000 and $300,000 annually, with the remainder from marketing and promotional work.

A senior GWS official said yesterday the club had become "hot property" among national corporate sponsors since the marriage this week of Folau and coach Kevin Sheedy.

Judd, who will earn an annual packaged salary of almost twice as much as either Hunt or Folau, is concerned about an inflationary effect on the AFL due to the recruitment of high-profile players from other codes.

"There is a capped amount of money that players can be paid," Judd said.

"The AFLPA can (demand more money). I'm sure the AFL is smart enough to realise that come the next (CBA) agreement, current players will have to get a good share of any increased revenue the AFL's making."

But because Hunt, this year, and Folau next, will be initially listed as rookies, they will not be subjected to the salary cap of the Gold Coast and Greater Western Sydney until they are placed on a primary list.

Certainly Hunt, and probably Folau will be on heavily front-ended and irregular contracts initially outside the bounds of the expansion clubs' already expanded salary cap limits. The 17th and 18th licences will start in the AFL with salary caps of about $1m more than the other clubs.

The Gold Coast and GWS can add Hunt and Folau to their lists under a player rule that was designed six years ago to allow clubs to attract players from other sports.

As an AFL rookie-listed player, the only financial stipulation is that a minimum wage of $35,000 must be paid, but there is no maximum, and that amount is not included in a club's salary cap.

The recruitment of both Hunt and Folau will have a minimum impact on the two clubs' ability to lure high-profile out-of-contract players from rival clubs with lucrative remuneration packages, as in the case of the Gold Coast's $1.5m bid for Geelong star Gary Ablett.

At Brisbane Broncos training yesterday, a red Sherrin mysteriously appeared as Folau's NRL teammates did their best to embarrass him.

Howls of laughter swept across the training field at Red Hill when Sam Thaiday climbed up on Folau's back to take a mock mark.

And as Folau practised his handballing, Test star Justin Hodges shouted: "Hey Izzy, Izzy - I need a loan, Izzy!"

Brisbane skipper Darren Lockyer had dug the Sherrin out of a cupboard and pumped it up himself.


Staff member
exactly what I've been saying

If Izzy and Hunt are worth a million, whats Ablett worth ?

the AFL are getting a black eye over this


All this has done, has told kids, that if you want to make big dollars in any sport, whether it is Boxing, Union, Afl, ect then take up League and be good at it.

Then you can ask for whatever price you want from any other sport, even if you have never played it.

We should have a massive increase in juniors over this, if marketed correctly.

Perth Red

Post Whore
I'm not sure we want to market that RL is merely a stepping stone to a lucrative career in another sport!


If the AFL wanted a personality they should have done it before Union started. The NRL are used to players moving away, even across the globe to another RL competition. Folau isn't even the biggest name to leave the competition in the last 12 months.

You don't seem to get it. This move was obviously done to assist in creating a market for AFL in Western Sydney. Not to take Isreal Folau away from league.

Folau originates from Western Sydney. He is highly identifiable in the Polynesian community. He doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs and his rep is pretty much as clean as you'll get.

That makes him a pretty marketable bloke in my books. I mean it only took until well after other codes showed interest in him for the NRL to realise how good his marketing potential is (remember Gallop talking about this 2-3 weeks ago?). Instead they persisted with meat heads who can't speak a single sentence properly like Brett Stewart, Jarryd Hayne, and Greg Inglis.

As i said, you would have to be in denial if you don't think that kids won't be taking up AFL in Western Sydney. Denial seems to be the general thing on this forum though.
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I'm not sure we want to market that RL is merely a stepping stone to a lucrative career in another sport!
It's still interesting to note that the most famous boxer, afl or union athletes or even F1 driver all have league backgrounds. If kids want fame and fortune the answer is the NRL, not these other codes where you will be lost in a sea of nobodies.


You don't seem to get it. This move was obviously done to assist in creating a market for AFL in Western Sydney. Not to take Isreal Folau away from league.

Folau originates from Western Sydney. He is highly identifiable in the Polynesian community. He doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs and his rep is pretty much as clean as you'll get.

That makes him a pretty marketable bloke in my books. I mean it only took until well after other codes showed interest in him for the NRL to realise how good his marketing potential is (remember Gallop talking about this 2-3 weeks ago?). Instead they persisted with meat heads who can't speak a single sentence properly like Brett Stewart, Jarryd Hayne, and Greg Inglis.

As i said, you would have to be in denial if you don't think that kids won't be taking up AFL in Western Sydney. Denial seems to be the general thing on this forum though.

Israel can speak proper sentences? I don't know about you but the three you mentioned speak a bit more clearly than Israel.

It is not like these kids didn't know about AFL before hand and it isn't like there aren't other alternatives to Rugby League already.

As far as his marketing potential goes or profile he is just one in many. He goes another star appears. Jamal Idris has a bigger profile than him already in Western Sydney.


You don't seem to get it. This move was obviously done to assist in creating a market for AFL in Western Sydney. Not to take Isreal Folau away from league.

Folau originates from Western Sydney. He is highly identifiable in the Polynesian community. He doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs and his rep is pretty much as clean as you'll get.

That makes him a pretty marketable bloke in my books. I mean it only took until well after other codes showed interest in him for the NRL to realise how good his marketing potential is (remember Gallop talking about this 2-3 weeks ago?). Instead they persisted with meat heads who can't speak a single sentence properly like Brett Stewart, Jarryd Hayne, and Greg Inglis.

As i said, you would have to be in denial if you don't think that kids won't be taking up AFL in Western Sydney. Denial seems to be the general thing on this forum though.

His f**king rep is as clean as you will get???

hahahaha, don't me laugh, his rep as far as most of us are concerned is nothing but a filthy whore who will open his 'legs' to the highest bidder. It's not like he was on peanuts playing league, he was bestowed the highest honours of playing for QLD and Oz and has turned that down for our competitor who wants to destroy our game. He might have gone to Brisbane to be closer to his family (apparently), but this move has been to do nothing but try and destabilize the game in the west that made him the player he is today. f**k him and f**k his pissant sport.


Folau originates from Western Sydney. He is highly identifiable in the Polynesian community. He doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs and his rep is pretty much as clean as you'll get.

are you sure hes such a cleanskin


First Grade
You don't seem to get it. This move was obviously done to assist in creating a market for AFL in Western Sydney. Not to take Isreal Folau away from league.

Exactly the same reasons the ARU had at the turn of the century.

Folau originates from Western Sydney. He is highly identifiable in the Polynesian community. He doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs and his rep is pretty much as clean as you'll get.

Folau is a Queensland State of Origin player who's two clubs happen to be the most unliked teams in Sydney. He is not 'one of us' as you're trying to make out. His rep is unmarked but that's no different any other 21yr old NRL player.

That makes him a pretty marketable bloke in my books. I mean it only took until well after other codes showed interest in him for the NRL to realise how good his marketing potential is (remember Gallop talking about this 2-3 weeks ago?). Instead they persisted with meat heads who can't speak a single sentence properly like Brett Stewart, Jarryd Hayne, and Greg Inglis.
a) Folau is no better or worse than Inglis when it comes to enunciation.
b) People have already forgotten that the AFL originally wanted Hayne but he rejected them.

As i said, you would have to be in denial if you don't think that kids won't be taking up AFL in Western Sydney. Denial seems to be the general thing on this forum though.
I think you must be a bit soft in the head if you think that Folau will make any kind of noticable impact on Sydney's AFL following.

The ARU did this exact same experiment a decade ago and they had the massive RUWC as the backdrop to these signings. What has the AFL got? A couple of soul-less franchises being placed where there is no support at all and who after ten years will be lucky to still be around, let around averaging near five figures for crowds or tv audiences.

I honestly can't see what anyone would buy into the hype for? It's not like this is the first time that Sydneysiders or Queenslanders have seen AFL nor is it the first time we've had a winger poached by another code. AFL has had a presence in both places for a century and has had pro teams in both areas for three decades. The people here don't follow their game and these new teams won't change anything.


First Grade
Anyone see the article on Foxsports about Inglis meeting with the Essendon Bombers over the last few days...


First Grade
True, either way not looking good, Essendon have been keen on Inglis for a while.


yeah well I have been keen on Kate Beckinsale for a while........... doesn't mean she is going to jump in my bed if I throw some $$$ her way............

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