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Folau has joined AFL


as a qlder... i'm dissappointed. as a bronco supporter, it could turn out to be a big positive if we can snag one of the Storms big 4. Seeing GI tearing it up on the left and Hodges on the right. At least we won't have the dilemma of having two right side 3/4s taking up a big chunk of salary cap.

ah well..... Tuqiri for SOO2

1 Eyed TEZZA

Seems likely.

I doubt there are many people in any Australian sport who wouldn't take an offer like that.

GC and WS might have more luck getting actual AFL players if they offered them that.

They would have more success in becoming popular if they were a successful side. Cant see that happening when they arent even signing AFL players to succeed in AFL.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
Good luck to Folau, who could blame someone when they will be given such a huge sum of money to move to an easier job?

On top of that the new employer will pay you more than anyone else who does that job, yet you have never done that job before?


I know what those that are already working at the other workplace will be thinking.....how does this guy who I can lap at this job get paid so much more than me?

Lets face it, Folau will be nothing more than a circus freak act for GWS..............ROLL UP, ROLL UP........see the boy that can fly.

Only thing is that when you have seen the bearded lady once, you do not have to go and see her again.

This will fail the same as when Sailor etc went to Union, in the end it made no difference.

The NRL needs to grow some balls, and slap a ban on these guys coming back, so that they are taking a massive risk. For every year they play away, they cannot come back to the game for that same period of time.

At the end of the day, if they want to go and be a freak, I don't want them back.
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Just reading some of the comments on bigfaggy..............

I swear some of the people on there are down syndromers with access to their parents computer.

One muppet is trying to make the comparison of him not liking the Simpsons and growing to love it after 'packing a bong' and being made to watch it by a friend and how if a certain percentage of us Leaguies do the same we will 'learn to love it'........ well guess what f**kface, you would have to give me a shot of Heroin and a speedball before I would love your 'chip chasing seagull' game. It honestly shows the lack of skill in that sport when they are relying on him 'to win over the fans' in WS. All it will do is alienate the sport even more in Australia's biggest city. Go over and have a read, gripping stuff.

1 Eyed TEZZA

If the AFL really wanted to grab a headline, one that would be slightly related to the West Sydney people, they should have signed SBW.


A Queenslander being the poster boy for the GWS franchise?
Oh hang on, he grew up in Minto. He's moving back for family reasons.

Family reasons


I like how both sides (NRL fans and AFL fans), think the same things about each other. None of them good.

See, we aren't so different!

Chook Norris

First Grade
Good luck to Folau, who could blame someone when they will be given such a huge sum of money to move to an easier job?

On top of that the new employer will pay you more than anyone else who does that job, yet you have never done that job before?


I know what those that are already working at the other workplace will be thinking.....how does this guy who I can lap at this job get paid so much more than me?

Lets face it, Folau will be nothing more than a circus freak act for GWS..............ROLL UP, ROLL UP........see the boy that can fly.

Only thing is that when you have seen the bearded lady once, you do not have to go and see her again.

This will fail the same as when Sailor etc went to Union, in the end it made no difference.

The NRL needs to grow some balls, and slap a ban on these guys coming back, so that they are taking a massive risk. For every year they play away, they cannot come back to the game for that same period of time.

At the end of the day, if they want to go and be a freak, I don't want them back.

never a truer word spoken.

First thing's first though, ban him from playing Origin.. let's see if the game's administrators have the balls..


Just reading some of the comments on bigfaggy..............

I swear some of the people on there are down syndromers with access to their parents computer.

One muppet is trying to make the comparison of him not liking the Simpsons and growing to love it after 'packing a bong' and being made to watch it by a friend and how if a certain percentage of us Leaguies do the same we will 'learn to love it'........ well guess what f**kface, you would have to give me a shot of Heroin and a speedball before I would love your 'chip chasing seagull' game. It honestly shows the lack of skill in that sport when they are relying on him 'to win over the fans' in WS. All it will do is alienate the sport even more in Australia's biggest city. Go over and have a read, gripping stuff.

If Folau does get approx $1mil per season... It would probably be something like $300k from the club for playing (salary cap) and $700k from the club and AFL for marketing. No other 'average' AFL player has the profile in western sydney (or the GC in Hunt's case) to effectively promote the game.

Chook Norris

First Grade
Being from Western Sydney I can say that Falou is NOT a huge loss to the NRL in terms of AFL competing for youngsters attention.

Out here its all about Hayne, Marshall and Jennings...

Another comment i completely agree with.... 99% of the time, it's the aforementioned blokes who are rated amongst kids. The commonalities? All players based at a Sydney NRL Club.

You can guarantee that if Inglis played for a team like Souths.. he'd be admired much much more. But being based outside of Sydney, he often doesn't get the attention he deserves. Of course, elsewhere it'd probably be a different story.. obv

El Diablo

Post Whore
If Folau does get approx $1mil per season... It would probably be something like $300k from the club for playing (salary cap) and $700k from the club and AFL for marketing. No other 'average' AFL player has the profile in western sydney (or the GC in Hunt's case) to effectively promote the game.

what profile does Folau have in Western Sydney :?

you know what Origin side he plays for?

you know what club he plays for?

Ziggy the God

First Grade
If Folau does get approx $1mil per season... It would probably be something like $300k from the club for playing (salary cap) and $700k from the club and AFL for marketing. No other 'average' AFL player has the profile in western sydney (or the GC in Hunt's case) to effectively promote the game.

ROLL UP, ROLL UP, come and see the freak.....:lol:

Here you go Izzy......$3m, now go out there and sign up more members than the 'established' Swans, and get more than the 50,000 that watch them on the box each week. Heck, we will even throw in all of the schoolgirls in your Western Sydney Zone.......we will sweep up any mess.


Can't blame the bloke for leaving the game for that kind of money. If someone came to me offered double the money I was earning to do another job I would most likely take the job.

Folau is able to earn a million dollars a year because he isn't paid as part of the salary cap, he is rookie, which are players paid outside the salary cap but can't play on the senior list until he is elevated to the senior squad, which at that time his contract goes into the salary cap. It is most likely he will have a front ended contract.

Also this creates a huge amount of promotion for the AFL, because this will be front page news for the next week.


If it were me in charge of the newspapers, I would put this 'news' towards the middle of the paper, so that he can feel right at home with the rest of the whores.
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Ziggy the God

First Grade
Can't blame the bloke for leaving the game for that kind of money. If someone came to me offered double the money I was earning to do another job I would most likely take the job.

Folau is able to earn a million dollars a year because he isn't paid as part of the salary cap, he is rookie, which are players paid outside the salary cap but can't play on the senior list until he is elevated to the senior squad, which at that time his contract goes into the salary cap. It is most likely he will have a front ended contract.

Also this creates a huge amount of promotion for the AFL, because this will be front page news for the next week.


I thought that old imbecile Sheedy was supposed to be talking up the game, but he pissed off so many people with his inane comments, that they told him to pull his head in, nothing is surer.

This will be news for a week, then AFL will slink back to the pages just before the trots, where it belongs.

ROLL UP, ROLL UP.........:lol:


I would say in snaring K Hunt and Folau, apart from the publicity generated, they fill a massive void in their playing (and supporting) ranks......Polynesians / Melanesians..and hope these two initiate an inspiration in little Ropati.
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