I am surprised that someone hasn't started a league tape/CDR trading tree. Here's some info about one site that does it for music....You'd need to start a site or subsite but the result would be access to thousands of games...
1.) Ok, so what is a tree anyway?
A tree is a way to distribute and receive high quality shows FOR FREE. It works by one person (the seed) making a copy of a show and sending it to branches who then copies the show and sends it to the leaves. This way everyone on the tree gets a copy of the show promptly. Users must sign-up for the tree in the allotted sign-up time (usually 2 weeks check the sign-up page for exact dates).
Everyone who would like to receive a copy of the particular show that is being treed at that time most sign up for it at the sign up page (of course this is after you have a registered username and password). You must sign up within the dates and times provided.
If you have CD burning capibilities and you want to make copies of the show for others than sign up as a branch.
If you have no reproduction capabilities or you only want to receive the show and not make any copies than sign up as a leaf.
A branch will receive a copy of the show from either a branch over them or the seed of the tree. He/She will then make copies of the show for all the leaves under him/her in the tree structure.
A leaf will communicate with the branch above them in the structure and decide whether they will trade for the show, do a b&p (blanks and postage - when you send a blank cd with a Self Addressed Return mailer to the other person who uses that blank to make you a copy and then sends it back to you with your mailer), or a trade for 1:1 blank ratio (you send the other person one blank cd or every one cd of the show that they send you). Click here to read about how to work a b&p (thanks Mike!)