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Footy's good guy: 14 years celibate

floating pie

I bet the moral do-gooder churchy types out there will be up in arms if its revealed he doesn't use the pull out at the last second technique for a child proof form of contraception.

Condoms and the Pill are very much not "morally" right to use according to the church. They are even more outspoken against doms and the pill than they have ever been on group sex.

This could bring Rugby League into scandal once again :roll:

How could he live with himself if this were the case?

different type of church mate.


Not a Moderator
I bet the moral do-gooder churchy types out there will be up in arms if its revealed he doesn't use the pull out at the last second technique for a child proof form of contraception.

Condoms and the Pill are very much not "morally" right to use according to the church. They are even more outspoken against doms and the pill than they have ever been on group sex.

This could bring Rugby League into scandal once again :roll:

How could he live with himself if this were the case?

incorrect. thats only the catholic church. and stevens is not catholic


First Grade
So what happens when they finally have sex and then one of them decides the other one is a crap shag?

You can bet, that if you are friends with a girl for say two years without having sex, that you'll be able to work through any issues such as being "crap shag" as you go. Your friendship will see you through as you work things out ...

On the other hand, if you have sex before marriage, and your marriage is based on sex and not friendship, that you're on shaky ground. (It's common sense ... how many hours a week do you have sex and how many do you just hangout with each other).

Friendship is what will see you through to a long and happy marriage ... sex is the icing on top and damn good with a woman you love. It gets better each year ... believe me.


its good to see this, its refreshing in this day and age
and sex isnt evil
it just has an appropriate place
and that's marriage

the way sex is talked about these days its like its a sport in itself
being so performance driven

and besides people who dont have sex before marriage are more likely to make the distance
not sure fire, but still whatever helps in this day and age where half of marriages end in divorce

so good for him for living according to what he believes in

God-King Dean

Jason Stevens is the same man who stomped on a Great Britain players face.

But he doesn't stick his schlong anything, so that makes him a saint.


First Grade
Best thing I did ... waited until my wife and I were married before we had sex. I realise that most won't understand ... but frankly don't care.

I have an incredible amount of respect for Jason Stevens ... no one can dispute that it took guts for him to make that stand on national television ... and on the Footy Show no less!


First Grade
What people do is their own business. Educating abstinence is a major problem however, as in a huge proportion of cases it simply doesn't work, and keeps people heads in the sand when it comes to proper sex education for when the majority of kids eventually do become sexually active.

Not having sex doesn't make you a good guy, it doesn't make you a bad guy either. And vice versa. I respect the convictions of Jason Stevens, but it's drawing a long bow and a problematic derivative of the gutter journalism that surrounds our sport that a guy is championed merely for not having sex.

God-King Dean

I have no problem with waiting til marriage. Not for me, but I understand.

I was just laughing at this ridiculous statement.

voltron said:
its good to see this, its refreshing in this day and age
and sex isnt evil
it just has an appropriate place
and that's marriage


First Grade
Educating abstinence is a major problem however, as in a huge proportion of cases it simply doesn't work, and keeps people heads in the sand when it comes to proper sex education for when the majority of kids eventually do become sexually active.

Yeah mate ... we've had 'proper sex education' for sometime in our schools. This has seen an increase in unwanted pregnancies, sexual assaults and a general degradation of the nature of sex within relationships.

No one said that educating absentence would stop kids 'becoming sexually active'. It is, in fact, a standard that is worth setting. Just became some (or even many) don't attain a standard, doesn't mean the standard is wrong.

Your definition of "proper sex education" is something like: set no standards, just do whatever your p*nis tells you to do.


I live with a Baptist and some of his views are really f**ken out there. Brain smart, yes, but ask him to wipe down the kitchen bench and he's like "whaaaaaaa?"

I work with a guy (who along with his family) are involved in some church where they pay part of their salary to the church and dont drink alcholol or eat pig. This guy is pretty smart and a know it all (in a good and bad way) his father is a doctor....Ive always wondered how people with such intelligence can fall for religion.

and he is a messy and forgetful bastard too.