The tributes on her were that she never feared taking players on and confronting issues. Mostly her assertions were either blatantly wrong, or massive stretches of reality. I read somewhere that even Peter Sterling wanted nothing to do with her knowing how she would stoop. She got a spot on the Footy Show one year and then the week before her debut proceeded to write lewd stories about half the panelists and then couldn't work out why they barely talked to her on the one show she appeared on. She vehemently criticised NRL players as alcoholic role models, yet was done for DUI and DUI whilst unlicensed. This was her failing, she was a hypocrite of the highest order. As I now hear it, I believe she may have been about to, or did, write an article where she stated Forans kids were not his.
Here's a link typifying Wilson
I'm with ozbash here. As sad as it is when someone passes humans are quick to absolve them of any wrongs they committed in their life and put a halo over everything. She went from despised reporter to a courageous pariah of justice.
Anyways, Tim Simona has probably done us all a favour. It's a new news day and sadly for him the focus is well and truly on him.