J league, Argentina.. Can't talk about world's best when you clearly have limited knowledge of world
What about them? Tokyo and Buenos Aires represent roughly 1/3 of their country’s total population (i.e they are what they call ‘global cities’)
In Argentina’s case which has a total population of around 40-50 million all of their other major cities are roughly the same size as Adelaide. Buenos Aires has a population of over 15m
In Japan’s case, Tokyo’s population is roughly 37-38 million with the only other city over 5 million being Osaka. These are massive differences between their largest cities and their other cities.
Currently, Melbourne has a roughly similar size to Sydney and will eventually overtake Sydney whilst Brisbane and Perth, the 3rd and 4th biggest cities are rapidly expanding to a population of between 4 to 5 million over the next 20 odd years. This means the demographics are completely different.
Secondly, let’s look at those sporting markets. Argentina play two sports soccer (predominantly) and rugby a clear second. Japan play soccer, baseball and rugby. How many sporting codes are there in Australia and how many sporting teams are there just in Sydney? The sporting market in Australia is a lot more fierce, so ergo the competition for corporate support is a lot greater than in Japan or Argentina
Therefore, these comparisons aren’t apt. Find me a code or sport (outside of fumbleball which is also in Australia) which has half their teams in one city representing less than 30% of their population in an overall market that is as competitive as Australia. My guess is you won’t find any.