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Game of Thrones II


Well that tedious consistency in character and world existed in the show once, and then it made sense then to theorise, as things that happened did so within a structure and for good reason. That's not the case anymore, now things happen simply because its the easiest way for the writers to get from plot point A to B, but people are still theorising like there's some reason and logic to it all. It's unfortunate, but they care more and have given it more thought than the show runners.


- the dragons aggrievance...I don't understand why this needs explaining to anyone. You're upset that Missandei didn't object with, 'no Tyrion, Dany locked them up because bla bla bla'. Come on man, that's just being insufferably nitpicky, and such a point raised by Missandei in no way contributes to theorising. It's just any old dumb reason to criticise the show.

- Jaimie and Cersei...I haven't seen anyone else raise this aggrievance. There's a good reason why.

- I think it's well implied that everyone is f**king scared of Ramsay, and that's why they wouldn't try anything against him, out of fear of his nightmare consequences.

- It was explicitly explained by Ellaria why the Dornish are okay with the Sandsnakes killing Doran. Tristane was clearly seen as a little weak link. More importantly, he's Doran's son. He's not going to be happy with them when he finds out they killed his father. He was unguarded because he obviously didn't expect anything from the Sandsnakes. This doesn't mean I like the Dornish plot, but your criticisms are invalid.

- Your last point is up there with the dragons point as the dumbest. Davos was not present when Stannis or Shireen died. If he knows about Shireen's death, he's not going to ask Melisandre to resurrect a black-roasted body. When Melisandre gets back to Castle Black, she immediately makes it clear that she was wrong about Stannis, while she implies it was supposed to be Jon, not Stannis...so he's not going to ask her to resurrect Stannis, who's body is out rotting in the forest, is he? He asks her to resurrect Jon because he obviously sees something special in him, and sees the whole bigger picture. Besides, who else was going to ask her?! What the hell would Ed know about Melisandre's magic? Melisandre wasn't going to pick herself up and do it by her complete discretion, she needed some motivation.
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It's not just a few of us here.


WE’RE three episodes into the new season of “Game of Thrones,” and something feels slightly different about this year in Westeros. (Is it winter? Is winter finally coming? One never knows.)
Sure, there are the stabbings, the hangings, the bludgeonings, the head-splatterings, the horrific murders of small children … but there’s also a distinct whiff of humour. Are the “Game of Thrones” writers finally acknowledging what we all know — that this stuff is so over-the-top it’s hilarious?
Of course, the show has had its funny moments before, but never so many smushed into just a few episodes. Let’s examine some of the ways in which “Got” may be learning to laugh at itself, just like we’ve been doing for years now. (Because if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry, and then the Ramsay Boltons win.)

As Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) and Varys (Conleth Hill) stroll, ill-advisedly, through the streets of Meereen, Tyrion tries to offer money to a beggar woman with a baby, only to frighten her to death because, as Varys tells him, “She thinks you want to eat her baby.” Later, he attempts to lighten the mood with Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) and Grey Worm (Jacob Anderson) by way of a drinking game — only to find the two deadly-serious servants don’t drink. Or play games. Or understand what “humour” is.
… But he’s good with the sitcommy one-liners

After Tyrion makes friends with Daenerys’ (Emilia Clarke) dragons and takes off their chains, he scrambles back up the steps after Varys, exiting on the line, “The next time I have an idea like that, punch me in the face.” Cue the Westerosi laugh track.
The Dothraki are basically frat bros

When Dany is captured by a horde of the Dothraki — but not the ones she ruled as the wife of Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) — she’s threatened with all sorts of nastiness by the resident Khal, who tries out his version of flattery on her by asking (rhetorically) if there’s anything better than seeing a beautiful woman naked for the first time. Fortunately, his two doofus wingmen are there to undercut the whole scene by coming up with a bunch of actual answers.

You like boobs? We’ll give you boobs

This show has gotten quite the reputation for its nudity — specifically, the female variety. So how did it kick off its first episode this season? By having Melisandre (Carice van Houten) show us what her witchy rack really looks like when she takes off that magical choker. Surprise: It’s old lady boobs! So slow your roll, lady-objectifying viewers. (Yeah, we can’t actually show you this NSFW one.)

Did Jon Snow get a sense of humour while dead?

When Jon is revived from his previously deceased state, he’s a changed man. How do we know this? Because his buddy is completely confounded when Jon tries a bit of wit: “Wait to burn my body,” he says. “That’s funny,” his bud replies. “Are you sure that’s still you in there?” Also, Jon Snow is totally burned by Tormund the wildling (Kristofer Hivju), who makes a small-penis joke — that makes Jon smile! Jon NEVER smiles. Truly, we are in uncharted territory now.

Lady Olenna is the new Dowager Countess
When Cersei (Lena Headey) and Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) interrupt the Small Council meeting, they are treated to a delicious amount of shade from Lady Olenna (played by the inimitable Diana Rigg). Here’s hoping for lots more bon mots as “Got” enters its “f — k it, we know this stuff is ridiculous” phase.

This story originally appeared on The New York Post.

Walt Flanigan

I don’t think the level of humour has changed much at all. It’s always been there with characters like Tyrion, Bronn, Sandor, Robert B, Delorous Ed, Sam etc

Just another clickbait GOT article by the looks.

God-King Dean

There's no consistency of character, theme, rhyme or reason to the show's writing anymore, throwing out predictions is a fool's errand.

That said I'll take Arya learning teleportation in episode 5.

Half the shit makes no sense. There was a reason they chained the dragons and they don't address that when Tyrion decides to just free them on a whim? Tyrion and Varys just wander the streets unguarded, meanwhile there's an insurgency capable of destroying the whole fleet.

Jaime just never thought to ask why they made Cersei do the walk? Hasn't overheard it in passing since it's common knowledge? Or he knows and is just ok with Cersei f**king Lancel? If so that was a scene we needed to see.

Everyone iin WF are ok with Ramsay murdering his dad, and the Frey. The whole of Dorne is ok with some bastards killing their leader, and his son and heir who had no part in the complacency that was apparently justification. Complacency in getting justice for Oberyn, as if he'd be ok with them killing his brother and nephew. And Trystane is just chilling unguarded on the ship for the sandsnakes to warp in there?

Davos is ok with letting Stannis and presumably Shireen go with just a shake of the head from Mel, over it in a jiffy. But the random death of the NW Commander he's known fifteen minutes spurs him to seek out Mel to revive him? Why would he even think that's possible or that she could do it or why does he care so much about Jon?

Well that tedious consistency in character and world existed in the show once, and then it made sense then to theorise, as things that happened did so within a structure and for good reason. That's not the case anymore, now things happen simply because its the easiest way for the writers to get from plot point A to B, but people are still theorising like there's some reason and logic to it all. It's unfortunate, but they care more and have given it more thought than the show runners.

Bullshit. There are a lot of short cuts being taken. They are plot holes. Why ignore them?

It's not just a few of us here.


WE?RE three episodes into the new season of ?Game of Thrones,? and something feels slightly different about this year in Westeros. (Is it winter? Is winter finally coming? One never knows.)
Sure, there are the stabbings, the hangings, the bludgeonings, the head-splatterings, the horrific murders of small children ? but there?s also a distinct whiff of humour. Are the ?Game of Thrones? writers finally acknowledging what we all know ? that this stuff is so over-the-top it?s hilarious?
Of course, the show has had its funny moments before, but never so many smushed into just a few episodes. Let?s examine some of the ways in which ?Got? may be learning to laugh at itself, just like we?ve been doing for years now. (Because if you don?t laugh, you?ll cry, and then the Ramsay Boltons win.)

As Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) and Varys (Conleth Hill) stroll, ill-advisedly, through the streets of Meereen, Tyrion tries to offer money to a beggar woman with a baby, only to frighten her to death because, as Varys tells him, ?She thinks you want to eat her baby.? Later, he attempts to lighten the mood with Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) and Grey Worm (Jacob Anderson) by way of a drinking game ? only to find the two deadly-serious servants don?t drink. Or play games. Or understand what ?humour? is.
? But he?s good with the sitcommy one-liners

After Tyrion makes friends with Daenerys? (Emilia Clarke) dragons and takes off their chains, he scrambles back up the steps after Varys, exiting on the line, ?The next time I have an idea like that, punch me in the face.? Cue the Westerosi laugh track.
The Dothraki are basically frat bros

When Dany is captured by a horde of the Dothraki ? but not the ones she ruled as the wife of Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) ? she?s threatened with all sorts of nastiness by the resident Khal, who tries out his version of flattery on her by asking (rhetorically) if there?s anything better than seeing a beautiful woman naked for the first time. Fortunately, his two doofus wingmen are there to undercut the whole scene by coming up with a bunch of actual answers.

You like boobs? We?ll give you boobs

This show has gotten quite the reputation for its nudity ? specifically, the female variety. So how did it kick off its first episode this season? By having Melisandre (Carice van Houten) show us what her witchy rack really looks like when she takes off that magical choker. Surprise: It?s old lady boobs! So slow your roll, lady-objectifying viewers. (Yeah, we can?t actually show you this NSFW one.)

Did Jon Snow get a sense of humour while dead?

When Jon is revived from his previously deceased state, he?s a changed man. How do we know this? Because his buddy is completely confounded when Jon tries a bit of wit: ?Wait to burn my body,? he says. ?That?s funny,? his bud replies. ?Are you sure that?s still you in there?? Also, Jon Snow is totally burned by Tormund the wildling (Kristofer Hivju), who makes a small-penis joke ? that makes Jon smile! Jon NEVER smiles. Truly, we are in uncharted territory now.

Lady Olenna is the new Dowager Countess
When Cersei (Lena Headey) and Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) interrupt the Small Council meeting, they are treated to a delicious amount of shade from Lady Olenna (played by the inimitable Diana Rigg). Here?s hoping for lots more bon mots as ?Got? enters its ?f ? k it, we know this stuff is ridiculous? phase.

This story originally appeared on The New York Post.


You f**king sad c(*ts


Much better episode tonight I thought than last week. The Mother of boring finally did something interesting.... Perhaps FINALLY she will start heading towards goddamned Westeros now that she has her army and we can stop wasting Tyrian on pointless politicising crap.

Most importantly it looks like several story lines are being merged together now, which will give far more time to focus on actual story telling and not just giving little snipets of a dozen different things each week. No Arya or dornish stuff was a welcome change too


First Grade
All the pieces are moving into place.
Jon will take winterfell with the help of the umbers, the wildlings and the vale. Possibly the Riverlands will put their remaining forces with them (including getting revenge on the freys). Also possible that bran and the white walkers will join Jon somehow.
Euron will take his fleet to slavers bay were dany will have slaughtered the old masters with her dothraki. She will have eurons fleet, whether through force or through alliance. She'll land in dorne and have them join her force, in the books through the martell alliance, in the show through the killing of the sand snakes. She'll March north, have the tyrells join her, tyrion will have his revenge on cersei, the faith militant will join danys cause. She'll keep marching North until she comes across the Jon Snow army. If jon is still fighting the white walkers they'll join up. If Jon is in alliance with the white walkers then we may finally get the Song of Ice and fire, Jon v Dany, Varys v Littlefinger, white walkers v dragons, ice v fire


Much better episode tonight I thought than last week. The Mother of boring finally did something interesting.... Perhaps FINALLY she will start heading towards goddamned Westeros now that she has her army and we can stop wasting Tyrian on pointless politicising crap.

Most importantly it looks like several story lines are being merged together now, which will give far more time to focus on actual story telling and not just giving little snipets of a dozen different things each week. No Arya or dornish stuff was a welcome change too

You see? A little f**king patience pays off


Everybody calm down, Daenerys get her tits out. All is right with the world of GoT.

I thought Emilia Clarke had a no nudity clause in her contract after season 1, not that I'm complaining.

Unless they did a body double thing like they did with Cersei's walk of shame.

We probably wont get to see part 2 of tower of joy until the last episode


Yeah it was a body double.

Really strong episode. Dany may not be able to do that in the books without help of magic, but who cares.


Post Whore
f**k yeah.

I'm a bit sad that resurrection didn't stoneheart the doe-eyed mopiness out of Jon Snow, but eh...
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First Grade
Thought it was a strong ep. Loving that Osha's finally been dispatched, couldn't give two f**ks about her character or the annoying actress who portrays her (f**k you Tonks!)
Was hoping Drogon made his appearance and laid waste to the building via 'dracarys' from Daenerys, rather than pushing over a cpl torches...

It's all finally coming together though!

Walt Flanigan

Yeah it was a body double.

Emelia Clarke has confirmed that it was her.

I heard about the no nudity clause but I guess that doesn't mean she can't do it if she wants to. I'm sure she saw the value in it.......and for that we are grateful.

“I’d like to remind people the last time I took my clothes off was season 3. That was awhile ago. It’s now season 6. But this is all me, all proud, all strong. I’m just feeling genuinely happy I said ‘Yes.’ There ain’t no body double!”

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First Grade
So...... will Meereen come under siege at all?!?

Thinking it will. The slavers will more than likely reject Tyrions toothless peace, and instead besiege thinking that Daenarys is dead. Then she'll come to relieve the city with 100k Dothraki and a dirty big lizard at her back.


sansa and jon! great scenes when they were together.

its looking like its going to be bigger than 'bastardbowl', little finger is pushing robin arryn towards winterfell.

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