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Game of Thrones VIII


I haven't watched since season 4 as imo the show is lame ass but I have read the 5 books and it absolutely felt like the Others were the big bad. It felt like that in the show as well from the opening scene. It always felt like compared to the real existential threat coming from beyond the Wall all the wars over a throne were just petty squabblings.

Also with all the drama and excitement seemingly generated by 'who's gonna die' and 'who's gonna kill who' I'm glad I don't watch anymore. If that's more exciting than the story than the story must be pretty bland.
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Staff member
Yeah I'd say they are, would be silly to play that card twice.

However I think Arya might give it a shot and get killed by The Mountain in the process......triggering Cleganebowl.

If this doesn't happen I will be furious.


Valyrian steel, fine. What we "know" about Valyrian steel is that it is apparently forged using dragonfire. Hence having the properties of dragon magic.
The issue isn't so much why VS killed the NK, but why they included the bit where he is completely invulnerable to dragonfire.

Anyway, IMO it's sloppy but not the main issue. As I said above, I can and have numerous times forgiven scenes that require too much explanation and suspension of disbelief. But for the most part they don't really matter, eg. Jaime not drowning in his armour after escaping the Dragons, the 'teleporting' characters between Dragonstone and the far north, etc etc.

My main gripe is that it's a dud payoff for the very long supernatural/3-eye-raven/white walker arc, there was no twist, no deeper meaning, and I doubt there's anywhere interesting to go now.
No one south of Winterfell has learned anything, they'll have their petty war over a chair, and live happily ever after.
Hope I'm wrong, doubt it.

We’ve seen several white walkers killed by valyrian steel, so I don’t get what the stretch is in believing it was capable of killing the night king.

We also saw him happily stroll through the magical fire set by the children of the forest. So I don’t see why anyone would think dragon fire would hurt him.

Lastly, Arya stabbed the NK right in his heart, which is where the dragon glass that made him was lodged. Valyrian steel was shown to be able to parry and destroy the magical weaponry of the white walkers, so it would also stand to reason that it can shatter dragon glass.

The big twist IMO is that Bran had a plan all along. He set a perfect trap for the night king, coldly sacrificing thousands of men and loved ones in order to get him in the exact place he needed him to be. He armed Arya with the weapon that killed him.

It’s like bran intended for all the paltry defences the rest we’re planning to fail, knowing that would lead to the NK becoming overconfident to the point that he would approach Bran in an open space without any of his generals to protect him. Death got cocky and paid the price.

It was some brilliant stuff I say


I would however be interested to see if oathkeeper and widows wail would hold the same magical properties of properly forged swords like long claw etc. you’d think some random idiot melting it down would cause some issues


Post Whore
She hasn't defeated death. That was just rhetoric from the script. She defeated a supernatural force.

People will still die.

No shit captain kill joy :)

I'm basing it on Sam's speech here


The war council accepts this explanation at face value. “That’s what death is, isn’t it?” marvels Sam. “Forgetting. Being forgotten. If we forget where we’ve been and what we’ve done, we’re not men anymore. Just animals.”

And the red woman's crack which harkens back to series one eg what do we say to death ?

I didn't mean literally nobody will die now, everyone on the planet is not now immortal


Post Whore
Thematically most people thought that it would show how inconsequential and shitty petty human wars are in the grand scheme of things.

ASOIAF was partially borne of a desire to explore what LOTR might be like without the obvious 'happily ever after' moments. The show has become, to me at least, LOTR without the characters and themes actually making sense. Epic for the sake of epic, cutting plot corners just to justify a big surprise or cool special effect.

You can draw parallels with Arya to Frodo and Eowyn's big moments. But both of those moments made sense, physically and thematically.
I'm NOT saying Arya didn't earn it or wasn't set up to be 'the one' - she was, sure.
But how did she get there, the NK surrounded by a wall of zombies and actually f**kin omnipotent.
The bloke's invulnerable to dragonfire, but destroyed by a single stab of dragonglass? I thought they were basically imbued with the same magic.

Bran didn't show any kind of power that would make the NK so desperate to focus on him and be in a potential trap situation. The justification in ep 2 was vague and flimsy.
The omnipotent NK engineered events over thousands of years but didn't see himself being stabbed by a teenager.

After the huge tension of the battle, the feeling that holy shit they actually are gonna kill everyone, the payoff felt cheap for me. Mad Cersei being the final boss doesn't feel exciting.

I've put away any hopes of the finale holding any challenging themes or thought provoking twists.
Dany and Jon will have a petty tiff over the throne, they'll kiss and make up, defeat Cersei and rule together. All their friends will be their Kingsguard. Etc etc

She got there by training as an assassin and faceless man for years

You saw her in the library, you saw the hair of the white walker moving just before the final scene. I took that to be the wind from Arya running past them.

The NK got the save, he stopped Arya's attack. Arya then out smarted him. f**k yeah
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Post Whore
On the Arya to kill Cersei rumours, I think people are reading too much in to the eye colour comment. She looked unfazed when she mentioned brown and green eyes i.e. she could think of people with that colour eyes whom she has killed.

For me her story arc is essentially over although I am sure she will play an important role in the final episodes.

Please let Jaimie kill Cersei after she kills Tyrion

I reckon it will be the other way

Cersei will kill Jamie/ let Jamie be killed by the Ironborn king Bono and Tyrion will shoot her with the crossbow


I have watched it twice now and preferred it second time around. Few pointers

- first reaction was hit with a slight anti climatic feel as arya killed him with a dagger. It was built up to be a showdown with Jon but that is what happens in most movie/shows so it was a good twist. It actually does fit Aryas story the more I think about it. From all her training, what you say to death "not today", the eye thing, chasing cats with making a sound, been given the dagger used to kill bran in front of the same tree she snuck up on Jon from and where the night King was killed.

- only question for me is we need to know why was it Bran he wanted cos he could have flown all around westeros and destroyed the whole continent. There still must be a pay of to his connection with Bran like has he been in Brans position before and needs to destroy bran? Bran sitting there not worried made me think bran was in control and the Night King wasn't but thought he was. It was also smart that he tried to avoid Jon cos he knows he is a good fighter. Plus Knight king has powers but one on one combat he would be risking his whole army if he tried to fight Jon.

- this will probably be known from the spin off but was he the first night King and can anyone have the same power if you plunge dragon glass through the there heart into a heart tree. I actually thought the night King needed to be healed not killed cos he was unfairly put into that spell and been stuck like that for thousands of years.

Walt Flanigan

only question for me is we need to know why was it Bran he wanted cos he could have flown all around westeros and destroyed the whole continent.
Bran said in the last ep that the Night King wants to erase all history and knowledge of man, which would always exist inside the three eyed raven.


Past 2 episodes they were talking about Dany not having the respect of the North

Now that she’s fought on the frontline with a dragon, she’s probably gained their respect, whatever is left of them


Yes but was the great military plan of the operation? Briane talked about holding the left and pushing them back but the Dohraki just charged into the darkness without anyone really setting any secondary motion into action. Did they think the Dothraki might be enough?
Pretty shit plan really. Dothraki mongol horde would've been much better as a flanking option, having horses and all. Saying that, seeing their flaming scythe thingies extinguish away into darkness was a nice touch.


Staff member
Don't know how they are defending Foxtel. It was f*cking atrocious compared to the other version I watched.

I was using Foxtel Go and throwing it to my ~5 year old TV via Chromecast. I have to say, I didn't really have any issues with the picture. It was dark, sure, but it didn't phase me or my wife.

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