It's No Hardhome or Battle of the Bastards. Shit, it's not even a Mountain and the Viper.
Frankly, I'm a little unsatisfied. You build up a big bad and that's what we get? An episode?
I know Cersei is down south but the fact that they couldn't merge these two threads together is a bit annoying. Night King's got a dragon. The South is cluttered with corpses from the War of the five kings and the consequent famines. f**k knows how many from the Battle of the Blackwater are just waiting in mass graves. I know it's contrived and I get that the Night King is desperate to destroy the Three Eyed Raven but we get a few more episodes out of this guy and tie the disparate threads together in a more dynamic way. Cersei faces comeuppance from a most unexpected source. Euron is buried before we have to endure him for anymore episodes.
I think having Arya kill him was a magnificent touch but I don't know, Jon Should have at least had a shot. Not win or anything, but a shot. Even if the producers weren't aware of it from the start it makes perfect sense that the faceless girl would be the one to finish the job
The end to Theon's arc was solid as shit. I enjoyed that. He got to save his sister and win respect amongst some Ironborn and won back the love of his real family, and that's all he wanted. It's a good death for a character I've enjoyed and I'm actually a little sad thinking about it. His death itself despite being a bit silly, was the only one that really hit me.
The score at the end was great. The actual final minutes dragged but Ramin Djawadi, who according to my Stephan Molyneux home phrenology kit shouldn't be capable of producing great western art, has consistently smashed the music out of the park.
After watching that I now get why GRRM is never going to finish the books. He can't possibly do his own story the justice it deserves, and I think he's acutely aware of that.
I'm looking forward to the end but it all feels a bit telegraphed now.