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Game of Thrones VIII


I though it was.. ok...

nothing more nothing less, Looking forward to the books getting done and filling in the gaps.

Jon being sent back to the nights watch was kinda funny, but pointless, whats the point of the nights watch now? and they all just left anyway. Would've made more sense to say he was banished north of the wall. But then the North remained a seperate kingdom so why not just banish him there?

Why would they even have the power to banish him to the wall (unless it was Sansa who did it, dunno don't watch the show)? The North is a separate kingdom so wouldn't it have control of the Wall? Sansa could just pardon him.


We got SO **** close to my democracy ending, and we sort of kind of got it with the Kingsmoot style deal? But dammit, i nearly landed that. A lot of mixed thoughts again. I was just OK with the ending. I dont think it makes sense for Bran win the throne... this is a dude who's spent the whole seasoning being like "i dont want anything" and then suddenly he's like "**** yeah ill have the throne, why'd you think i came all this way"

Arya's ending was OK, i didnt see her as a sea voyager, i thought she would just be some westorosi batman, like you dont know where she'll be, but if you're **** with the innocent, you best know the NK killer is gonna settle the score... but im ok with it.

Sansa being queen of the north and freeing her people was a good ending, i was happy with that.

Tyrion being the hand was a bit **** given how they got here. I think that's how that ends up in the books but given he's been a bumbling idiot the entire last 2 seasons, i dont think he earned that (and they knew it and did a decent enough job of explaining it away)

Brienne arc was perfect imo, taking to the Kings Guard, and telling Jamie's story including the final line which was just perfect. Really great moment for her character because you know the pain in it.

I liked ending things with the small council descending into petty squabbles again, life goes on, and they want to break the wheel and they think they are... but it's just a new different wheel that is probably mostly the same. I actually like that.

Dany dying had to happen, i think they could have strung that scene out a bit more in terms of her being stabbed, but i liked the rest, with Drogon carrying her away and melting the throne.

Taking a W on Wormsy going to continue Dany's work in liberation, but i dont like the way they ended his arc. I think it would have been better for him to be a bit contrite, coming from his life and seeing what she did, i think it would have been better if he was like "power corrupted my queen and me" and kind of understanding Jon's decision. And then continuing the best parts of Dany's work starting with Narth.

Bronn got highgarten. Good for him, he was owed haha.


The North is a separate kingdom so wouldn't it have control of the Wall? Sansa could just pardon him.
He also left the Nights Watch before and noone seemed to care, why not just do it again?

Then again I guess thats what he did do by leaving and going Beyond the Wall

Maybe Bran knew thats what he really wanted to do, and pretended to send him to the wall in "exile" to trick Grey Worm into releasing him without a fight


The 6 kingdoms thing bugged me too
I was gonna write about it then found this in an article so I'll just copy paste it

The Seven Kingdoms has long been a misnomer, as the kingdom Aegon the Conqueror built is now made up of nine provinces. So even if the North is independent, we can still call it the Seven Kingdoms (technically, it’s eight now).


Mixed feelings, finales are always difficult. Usually end up making me hollow inside

I didn't think it was as bad as people make out. They way we got here bugs me more than the actual ending

Dany had to die, she's Jon's nissa nissa. He killed her just like Azor Ahai.
Jon was brought back to kill the real darkness of the world
You can say he's king beyond the wall now

I liked Sansa being queen of winterfell
Bran being king was a little unexpected. I guess that's the sweet part of the bitter sweet ending
As for Arya, once no one was left on her list, it was difficult to wrap up her story.

Skip to 4:20 to see what she had in mind in season 6


I would also absolutely LOVE for anyone to try and justify how exactly Jon Snow managed to become a prisoner of the unsullied. Grey worm was slitting throats in the street, but he's apparently happy to let the person who just murdered his queen sit in a cell.

The only thing I can think of is the unsullied only follow orders, so even the slitting of throats was an order by the mad queen
So they couldn't kill Jon without an order

but then again when the council did come up with a decision and he decided it wasn't enough
So what's the point


Yeah that was the biggest issue for me too, they should have shown something, maybe Jon handing himself into the Northmen and being protected by them in captivity, the idea that the Unsullied took his confession and Grey Worm didnt gut him where he stood feels off


Staff member
So, my thoughts about the characters arcs and how they ended. Trying to focus purely on their overarching story throughout the series not any dumb scenes they've been apart of lately (of which there are many)

Arya - well I probably don't need to reiterate I thought hers was trashed and the finale didn't help. Killing the Night King, being our POV during the burning of KL, anything she did because she's #badass. She wants to go sailing west of Westeros because of a random comment she made in Braavos 2-3 seasons ago?

Sansa - I never was that invested in her story and was okay with how it ended. Queen of the North.

Bran - So the 3ER stuff seemed pointless and so did everything to do with the White Walkers. While that was no doubt very disappointing, I've moved on and don't mind given they trashed that how his story ended. Who better to judge people and make decisions than an emotionless robot. All hail Bran 9000. I never expected Jon to sit in the throne so Bran isn't exactly the worst choice of what's left.

Jaime - ruined. f**ked over more than Arya. Why go North? Why return to Cersei? Please.

Cersei - I've never been invested in her arc as such, but it ties in closely with Jaime's. Justice was a huge theme of this series and her justice was... to die in her lover's arms. Righteo.

Tyrion - in theory, Tyrion ending up as hand of the king sounds great. If you heard that at the start of the series or even midway through you'd probably think it was very fitting. The problem is they turned him into a bumbling idiot who didn't deserve it. One of the smartest characters ended up being one of the dumbest and that's hard to accept.

Daenarys - I've been a proponent of Daenarys being the true baddie of GOT for years. Yet it feels underwhelming due to being rushed and poorly executed. Basically they f**ked it up like a lot of other things. It'll be a lot better in the books. Her death was also a pretty mild affair for such a major character. Why did Grey Worm not just kill Jon Snow for murderi-... nvm I said I wouldn't talk about dumb scenes.

Jon - oof this is the hardest one to get my head around.
- he didn't end up on the throne.
- after the past few episodes it looked like he was just going to be a dumb yes man to Daenarys forever, I'm glad it was him that killed her otherwise he would have been more useless than Tyrion
- turning your brain off, its cool he ended up back where he belongs. It felt fitting that's where his story ended even if it made little sense. more on this in the bad section..

- him being a Targaryen had no purpose or meaning whatsoever
- Arya stole half his arc because she's #badass
- what is the point of the Nights Watch and what is Jon going to do there?


I think the reason I like this episode more than most people is a lot of the character stuff I hated happened in the other episodes and not this one. If I pretend the other episodes didn't happen and the characters got to where they are in some meaningful way (aka taking this episode in isolation) I thought there was more good than bad.


Potential final episode spoiler:

There is a leak that went up on Reddit from a source that posted a leak a few weeks ago saying that Danerys would go full mad queen and burn Kings Landing, triggered by bells. It also leaked that Arya would kill the Night King in episode three. So it sounds as though this source may have a bit of insider knowledge.

Anyway, this leaker states that the Iron Throne will end up with - wait for it - Wheels Stark himself, Bran. I do not know how it could possibly get to this point, or how it is within character with anyone left alive or with Bran or The Three Eyed Raven (not that we have any real explanation on what The Three Eyed Raven is, or its powers or anything like that).

If it's true, I just don't even know. It's like they've thrown darts at a board covered in names and adjectives and gone with whatever sticks.

That's more than a leak lol


Good ending all things considered.

The mid season, eps 3 and 4 specifically, collapsed under the weight of all the plot pieces that had to be ruthlessly shoved into place.

But I'm happy with 5-6, for me it's somewhat redeemed itself.


Staff member
Seems like Bran/Three Eyed Raven was the one true villain of the entire series.

Wishful thinking tbh. Good twist but I think what you see is what you get with the TV show.

Mixed feelings, finales are always difficult. Usually end up making me hollow inside

Yeah finales are the hardest. TV show with this many threads are always going to be f**king hard to wrap up in a way that makes the majority happy.

As for Arya, once no one was left on her list, it was difficult to wrap up her story.

Skip to 4:20 to see what she had in mind in season 6

*twitches* I think I'm just exhausted of people using single liners from seasons ago to justify Arya's story making sense. I agree with you that it was difficult and they probably had NFI how to end her story. Becoming a Sea Captain wasn't it for me though.

Brienne arc was perfect imo, taking to the Kings Guard, and telling Jamie's story including the final line which was just perfect. Really great moment for her character because you know the pain in it.

I forgot Brienne. I think her arc was probably handled the best.


I predicted no one would sit the Iron Throne, it would fall.
And that the kingdoms would split, or a kind of democracy implemented.

I think I'm mostly correct, had the gist of it right.

Anyone at all actually ruling under the existing system would have been a nonsense ending, this is the only way that makes the story worth telling.


Haha every merkin getting pissy about the last 2-3 eps said I was being a negative hater when I said that episode 3 f**ked up the entire thing. lololol


Yeah, if Jon remains a bastard in the story and was never a Targ then it has zero impact

They didn't do the greatest job of communicating it because everything was rushed, but Jon's potential for rallying half the realm behind him, and Sansa and Tyrion conspiring on his behalf, was a major reason behind Dany's shock and awe campaign and eventual fall.


*twitches* I think I'm just exhausted of people using single liners from seasons ago to justify Arya's story making sense. I agree with you that it was difficult and they probably had NFI how to end her story. Becoming a Sea Captain wasn't it for me though.

The blue eyes stuff with Melisandre was retconned, but I'm not sure this is
Generally, I think where all the characters end up in the show is where they end up in the books

Here's hoping the books get them there more satisfactorily

Dave's mate

Arya should have died and lived another life in Nymeria running free and leading the pack but the show didn't bother with he warging at all.

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