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Game of Thrones VIII


Staff member
Me like an hour in


I was a bit that way when Jon Snow didn't end up as toast, it just didn't make sense that Drogon didn't cremate him alive

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
I was a bit that way when Jon Snow didn't end up as toast, it just didn't make sense that Drogon didn't cremate him alive
Huh, he can smell the blood of a Targaryen. Same reason they have not eaten him before. He even looks at Jon then the throne, like this is why you humans fight, burns the chair. Made perfect sense to me.


Ratings /10 eps 1-6
6 7 4 3 6 7
Season rating 6/10

Excellent acting and production and a decent ending likely true-ish to GRRMs vision just manage to salvage the trashfire writing of the showrunners.


So it was actually snowing in KL and ash?
I assume the only reason they showed that was to show the amount of time that passed between when Jon killed Dany and when the great council met


Couple of questions.

1. Was Bran warging into Drogon when he melted the throne?
2. Bran knew all along that Dany would burn king' s landing but just let it happen? Is it like Dr Strange appreciating that there is only one correct outcome in endgame?


Staff member
So it was actually snowing in KL and ash?
I assume the only reason they showed that was to show the amount of time that passed between when Jon killed Dany and when the great council met
Dont forget Tyrion and Jons beards!


Was worried the show would really fizzle when they ran through the Night King too early.

It's like beating the final boss halfway through the game.


One of the key reasons everything fell kind of flat this season was the failure to "show, don't tell" regarding Bran's storyline.

Based on what has occurred since, Bran's transformation should have been treated as of monumental importance.
But the writers didn't seem to know how to portray this, how to show his potential impact in a meaningful way, so they just skipped over it and made other characters act as if they didn't.
His 2 notable actions were subtle, giving Arya the dagger and revealing Jon's parentage.
But the other characters act as if he has been a major player the entire time, occasionally telling the audience that he is "humanity's memory/stories" or some vague nonsense that doesn't really justify the major influence he now wields.

2 huge moments, the NK death and the Kingmaking, come across as unearned due to the failure of storytelling around Bran.


If it were to happen I guess Arya's adventures where the maps end could be an adventure especially with her skills, but I would think it wouldn't be played by Maisie as she'd be concerned about type cast to one character for all her acting life.

Jon north of the wall could make a good story, having them all walking out like that looked like it was setting something up. Its meant to be all magical and weird in the lands of always winter, ice spiders, maybe something to do with white walkers (Im guessing they're aren't actually dead, I'm guessing he'd been defeated before in the first long night but somehow came back), could even throw in an ice Dragon for Jon to eventually ride


Pretty under whelming to say the least... Unfortunately what could have been one of the greatest shows of all time will mainly be remembered for the utter cluster f**k that has been the last 13 episodes.

IMHO The great thing about this show has always been the character arcs and the relationships between said characters. These were always developed so intricately and over such a long period of time that you really cared about them and their story. I mean how the f**k could you care about John and Dany when they spent all of an episode and a half developing their relationship..

Reminds me of that joke about Spiros from the Greek islands..... Builds all the boats, all the houses, plants all the crops.. but he f**ks a one goat...

I think poor old Benioff and Weiss will forever be know as the goat f**kers and wont get much credit for the previous 60 episodes... ha ha


There won't be sequels
Jon and Arya are self-exiling to escape the pile up of PTSD they undoubtedly have.

It's Frodo sailing off with the elves.


What did you guys feel when Jon stabbed Dany?

I was surprised - I didn't think he had the sack for it, at least not until another 30mins screentime of war crimes.

But I didn't *feel* anything. Jon and Dany's relationship has never had any chemistry, due to how they rushed through it. Again, it's been told rather than shown. YER MAH QUEEN I LUV YEH etc etc
Jon+Ygritte had 100x more feeling. Ygritte's death was heartbreaking, Dany's death was 'oh ok then'

zombie jesus

Staff member
I'm happy to get some sort of closure to the story, abbreviated as it is. I'm content to take the conclusions the show has given us and spend spare hours contemplating how GRRM might get us there.

I made peace with the show a long time ago with the excluded characters, storylines, teleporting and D&D announcing just 13 episodes left when most knew there was a lot more to tell. Expectations were not high.

I'm glad a show like this, in this genre, could even be made and make it to a garbled end, but it doesn't make or break what I take from GRRM's world.

Having said all that, as a stand alone show, they f**ked it.


Ygritte did not just kill thousands cause she was pissed off.

No, but when she died it meant something because they had chemistry, heck they ended up marrying in real life

Dany and Jon was forced and this was meant to be the most important relationship in the show. She was his nissa nissa


I mentioned this earlier I think but it's 100% correct!

Season 8 (based around the Winds of Winter) - Night King
Season 9 (based around a Dream of Spring) - Cersei, Kings Landing and the Ending

We basically got what should have been 20 episodes condensed into 6

I would go further and say it required a minimum of 30 episodes.

Season 8 should have been about the Night King
Season 9 should have been about the war of the queens (Dany V Cersei) and around that Dany slowly turns evil
Season 10 should have been about Dany V the world

There are plenty of other key side plots that could have complemented them like the battle of the iron islands, the true nature of the night king, the true nature of the 3 eyed raven etc.

A final episode rarely ties up all loose ends or leaves all fans feeling satisfied so I went in with low expectations.

After what can only be described as a ridiculously rushed final season, I will cop 95% of how they finished the stories/arcs.....However Bran as King makes no sense, NO FKN SENSE!!!

I saw the TAB had a market open on Ruler at the end of the show and heading into this week he was 1.33 favourite and I still refused to believe it.

You build up a character over 8 seasons who gives up his original identity, becomes this spiritual being more so than a human and then at the end just make him King even though previously he said it wasn’t his calling, was just really facepalm inducing.

I know GOT is famous for throwing up the unexpected but it still has to to tie in and make some sort of sense in the long run.

It killed it for me.

We can't blame the writers here for that result as that is clearly what GRRM intends. As with everything else it is how we got to the destination that is the issue.


At least this garbage is finally over and can stop dominating pop culture. Hopefully we don't get a flood of copycat shows and this silly rape + death = plot and shock tactics + cynicism = drama type of TV storytelling can piss off.

I really hope the LOTR Amazon show doesn't try to be Game of Thrones. I don't have high hopes for it anyway as its Hollywood but please don't try to be GOT.


What did you guys feel when Jon stabbed Dany?

I was surprised - I didn't think he had the sack for it, at least not until another 30mins screentime of war crimes.

But I didn't *feel* anything. Jon and Dany's relationship has never had any chemistry, due to how they rushed through it. Again, it's been told rather than shown. YER MAH QUEEN I LUV YEH etc etc
Jon+Ygritte had 100x more feeling. Ygritte's death was heartbreaking, Dany's death was 'oh ok then'

I expected it, but watching it all I was thinking was "this is how Jamie should have killed Cersei". Minus the dragon of course.

The show as a whole started to show cracks a bit as soon as they passed the books. The further away they got the worse it got.

It's one thing to adapt something that is laid out in detail, another thing entirely to have bullet points and try to piece them together on your own.


I expected it, but watching it all I was thinking was "this is how Jamie should have killed Cersei". Minus the dragon of course.

The show as a whole started to show cracks a bit as soon as they passed the books. The further away they got the worse it got.

It's one thing to adapt something that is laid out in detail, another thing entirely to have bullet points and try to piece them together on your own.

It's not really surprising I guess.
The showrunners have written in a handful of months across 3 years the content that will take the original author probably 15 years (8 and counting) to write.

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