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Game of Thrones VIII


At least this garbage is finally over and can stop dominating pop culture. Hopefully we don't get a flood of copycat shows and this silly rape + death = plot and shock tactics + cynicism = drama type of TV storytelling can piss off.

I really hope the LOTR Amazon show doesn't try to be Game of Thrones. I don't have high hopes for it anyway as its Hollywood but please don't try to be GOT.

Most people in here are upset that the ending didn't live up to the early quality but you don't seem to like it at all to begin with
Why do you bother posting about it weekly?

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Probably should be renamed to "The Starks of the North"

Did not like Sansa as Queen of the North..

Did love Bron as master of coin.


Most people in here are upset that the ending didn't live up to the early quality but you don't seem to like it at all to begin with
Why do you bother posting about it weekly?

I did (mostly) enjoy the story and characters. I didn't enjoy how the show was made, and eventually the story deteriorated to the point it wasn't worth sitting through the shit to see what happened next.

I was intrigued to see how the show ended the story, so I kept up with it during the final season. I also seem to be one of the few other than yourself who has actually read the books and since they are odds on to never be finished I wanted to see at least one ending. And since I'm doing that I'm allowed to post my thoughts on it just like everyone else.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Plenty of spins off to annoy the peeps.

What is west of Westoros?

Where did the Dragon go, are there more eggs?

Why was the God of light involved at all?


Staff member
Guys, I know there is a temptation to be upset but great news: I won the season eight death pool in my office.

I don't really understand how the king situation works and I've been trying to make sense of it

Cersei was queen
Daenerys conquered/burned down Kings Landing. She has already claimed she is rightful queen of Westeros
Daenerys is killed by Jon, who is both heir of Aerys and the rightful claimant to the throne instead of Daenerys, and her second-in-command/lover so would be the rightful king as he is technically both heir and conqueror
Tyrion and Jon are imprisoned but Grey Worm (who is the current leader?) listens to traitor Tyrion for some reason. After 8 seasons of bickering turns out no-one wants the throne - so lets all vote for a King, cause that's how monarchy works, and let's all choose the guy who can't have kids and isn't even from the realm as his kingdom decides to be independent, even though this makes him the rightful King of the North. Bran then banishes rightful heir Jon to the Night's Watch which no longer exists and isn't under his rule as the Wall isn't part of the Six Kingdoms.
Everyone wanted their own kingdom before, now everyone is happy to be under this one guy they've never heard of? Everybody except his own sister of course. Did they elect a king just to punish Jon so Grey Worm would piss off?

The "voting for the King" is only by the Lords and Ladies of Westeros (i.e. the Great Houses). That is how, whenever the throne is vacated, the next ruler will be chosen. The ruler may have children but those children do not automatically become the next ruler at all. That is the big change going forward for Westeros, along with it now only being the Six Kingdoms since The North now stands independent. That change in selecting the ruler is how Tyrion was able to persuade Greyworm that Danny's purpose of "breaking the wheel" had been achieved.

Why did Greyworm listen to Tyrion? Reason is he either listened or the other Houses were going to fight the unsullied to free Jon. He decided to listen. Once he did, they all agreed that only a "King" could pardon Jon for what he did to Daenerys. Once a King was appointed, Greyworm agreed to this pardoning but the price of his agreement was that Jon was to be banished to the Night's Watch.


My thoughts on how I saw things.

- if Jon Snow is never seen again does that mean the Stark/Targarean names will die considering Bran is unable to have kids. That's to me what the book at the end was about other than a tribute to the novels. So in a thousand years time in all the libraries will be the story of Jon Snow.

Also did John Snow become the night's king at the end there. If so this is how I believe the night kings origin story started out before being sent to the wall possible by killing someone to save the world like Jon did but awoke thousands of years later to see it plunge back into chaos.

- even thought bran being king and the small council are made up of noble men/women now nothing has been achieved really. Nothing is stopping someone else from coming over to put everything back into chaos.

- I also believe Bran knew all along from the moment he could see visions knew he was set the be king and he just played his part in the background like Rhagher did with Lyanna and like littlefinger did with the starks and lanniaters and that was to cause chaos.
Arya sailing west of westeros is just to set up a spin off which could be interesting but would have even thicker plot armor. I don't mind arya being the one to kill the night King because I was saying to my friends before this season how does the faceless arya/men storyline connect with the overall story. So I'm glad there was a pay off.

Overall seasons 1-4 were still the most epic thing ever. Season 5 other than hardhome was the worst season but to me it's due to GRRM being to slow to finish. I believe the end will be the same but getting there will be different. Seasons 6 picked up and seasons 7-8 felt to Hollywood and I thought the acting was worse in these ones. Also everyone's disappointment is probably due to the fact it is the end.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Who would want to be the monarch of the seven kingdoms?

Result is certain death.

Mad King - murdered
Robert - murdered
Joffery - murdered
Tomin - topped himself
Cersei - murdered and took thousands with
Dany - murdered


Staff member
Its interesting that a major critique of the finale is that it was bland and largely emotionless.

Comtrast this with what happened in the episode: One of our two main protagonists was killed by the other.

So why the disconnect? Plenty of reasons probably:

1) Daenarys transformation was rushed and the episode was set up as "who is going to do it" rather than wondering about it happening at all.
2) Her death was glossed over pretty quick again due to self imposed time constraints. Daenarys dies, few mins of reactions then a fade to black with a "1 week later". Grey worm would kill Jon on the spot realistically too.
3) General disconnect with show; people dont care as much now due to the decline in quality and it was going to take more than Daenarys dying to salvage people's impressions of season 8.
4) Due to 3) people read spoilers because they didnt care any more. But heres the kicker: spoilers never really ruined things like the red wedding because it was the build up as much as the event itself that was glorious. Here, it was rubbish.


Its interesting that a major critique of the finale is that it was bland and largely emotionless.

Comtrast this with what happened in the episode: One of our two main protagonists was killed by the other.

So why the disconnect? Plenty of reasons probably:

1) Daenarys transformation was rushed and the episode was set up as "who is going to do it" rather than wondering about it happening at all.
2) Her death was glossed over pretty quick again due to self imposed time constraints. Daenarys dies, few mins of reactions then a fade to black with a "1 week later". Grey worm would kill Jon on the spot realistically too.
3) General disconnect with show; people dont care as much now due to the decline in quality and it was going to take more than Daenarys dying to salvage people's impressions of season 8.
4) Due to 3) people read spoilers because they didnt care any more. But heres the kicker: spoilers never really ruined things like the red wedding because it was the build up as much as the event itself that was glorious. Here, it was rubbish.

All of the above.

Thinking about it more, while the ending was somewhat satisfying for me from a plot-logic point of view in how events panned out, it really didn't hit any major emotional notes.

As I said earlier, this remains the premier Jons-gf-death scene


Staff member
So... best episode of the series?

S6E10 Winds of Winter for me. Battle of the bastards, red wedding, S4e10 (the children?) up there.


Staff member
Who would want to be the monarch of the seven kingdoms?

Result is certain death.

Mad King - murdered
Robert - murdered
Joffery - murdered
Tomin - topped himself
Cersei - murdered and took thousands with
Dany - murdered

Yeah but Tommen got to spend a fair bit of quality time with Margary Tyrell without clothes on, so I wouldn't necessarily knock it back.


Its interesting that a major critique of the finale is that it was bland and largely emotionless.

Comtrast this with what happened in the episode: One of our two main protagonists was killed by the other.

So why the disconnect? Plenty of reasons probably:

1) Daenarys transformation was rushed and the episode was set up as "who is going to do it" rather than wondering about it happening at all.
2) Her death was glossed over pretty quick again due to self imposed time constraints. Daenarys dies, few mins of reactions then a fade to black with a "1 week later". Grey worm would kill Jon on the spot realistically too.
3) General disconnect with show; people dont care as much now due to the decline in quality and it was going to take more than Daenarys dying to salvage people's impressions of season 8.
4) Due to 3) people read spoilers because they didnt care any more. But heres the kicker: spoilers never really ruined things like the red wedding because it was the build up as much as the event itself that was glorious. Here, it was rubbish.

The issues you describe above could probably be mentioned across the entire season.

What made the first few seasons so compelling IMO was the game being played in the background, different sides maneuvering for power.

That element was completely removed from the last season. In some ways it had to be toned back, but not removed. There were no real twists or turns that changed everything or realigned different characters.

The last season was just a progression of point A to point B and it made a lot of it either predictable or anticlimactic.

For example Bronn being tasked to kill Tyrion and Jamie could have been really interesting (whether he tried to or not) but it just fizzled.

The Sansa and Dany build up really fizzled to nothing where it could have put Jon in a far more interesting spot once his bloodline was revealed.

In a similar vein, Cersei removing herself and her army from fighting the white walkers. While it can rightly be argued it was the logical Cersei thing to do, having her close enough to learn about Jon's parentage could have opened more possibilities.

There was nothing happening beneath the surface for the entire season. It wasn't bad, it just didn't live up to the standard set by previous seasons.

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
Not sure how I feel about the final.
I felt it was alright when I watched bit, but I have a few issues on reflection:

- Wouldn't Dany want to burn Tyrion promptly like Varyss?
- Wouldn't Grey Worm kill Jon as soon as he knew Dany was dead (blood in the snow, her and Drogon disappeared)
- Unsullied and Dothraki hold Kings landing, yet let leaders of houses in to claim a new king....wouldn't they hold KL for themselves?
- "Ooh hey, our new king, hes the brother of guy who killed Khaleesi...well that's that then, let's go home"
Was Bran the king decision more for shock than logical choice? "I'm not Bran anymore" "I don't want anything" to...."why else would I be here"...so was he planning to be king all along?

Some things were filmed beautifully, like when Jon was going to Dany, and the dragon moves and reveals itself with the snow, or Dany with Drogons wings behind her


Staff member
One thing keeps being pointed out that I disagree with being an issue: conflict between Bran saying he didn't want anything and Bran taking the throne. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Jon didn't want a lot of things but took them on anyway. Bran doesn't want to be king but he knows he was meant to be.


One thing keeps being pointed out that I disagree with being an issue: conflict between Bran saying he didn't want anything and Bran taking the throne. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Jon didn't want a lot of things but took them on anyway. Bran doesn't want to be king but he knows he was meant to be.

I agree with that
Jon got Lord Comander, King of the North, and he was good at fighting but didn’t like it

He needed to do all those things. Who cares what he wants

I guess when the show turned to shit, people start hate watching it and pick up every little thing. It has a snowballing effect