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Gasnier Dumped from Blues squad


Post Whore
i think it was utter stupidity. he has got a few screws loose but its being blown out of proportion

Thank christ im not a league star cause i do some pretty stupid stuff on the piss :lol:


On the Mick DeVere/Kurt Gidley selection issue...

The 18th man's role is not simply "next cab off the rank" in terms of selection.

They've been having an 18th Man in recent years as insurance in case somebody gets injured on the day of the match. Hence selectors usually choose someone with a bit of versatility.

In the current case, a player was made unavailable 6 days before the match. That leaves plenty of time to bring in a specialist. It's quite obvious that if Gasnier had been injured last week De Vere would have been named in his place. Hence he gets the gig.

Gidley Jr. may still play, but that would only occur if yet another player became unavailable - and that's not really what NSW need right now!



First Grade
I remember when the Raiders won the GF in 1989.... there was a lot of drunken behaviour... from me included... :lol: (not to say it involved disrespect to women) and Laurie Daley dropped the trophy and they probably did a lot of things that in today's politically correct society would be frowned on..... I wonder if we are becoming a bit too much like the USA and too puritanical?


Now on Gasnier...

Let me preface what I am about to say by pointing out that I strongly disapprove of what Gasnier did. I've been in a car with mates who have done similar things and it has always left me lamenting their lack of respect. However I also know that they are under the influence and just being idiots - I may think they are geese, but I don't think any less of them.

And considering the current circumstances, Mark Gasnier takes the prize goose of the year award. It was dumber and more idiotic then anything Shane Warne has ever done - and that's saying something. Of all the things not to do this was it. Have I mentioned that it was purely idiotic.

However, to get to my point...

Mark Gasnier has been made the biggest scapegoat since Trotsky was exiled from the Soviet Union.

The punishment - taking away his chance to play State of Origin - is severe, and there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that if we didn't have the debacle with the Bulldogs at Coffs Harbour earlier this year then he would still be running around in a Blue jersey next Wednesday night.

Gasnier is taking the fall for the sins of many. We dod want our officials to take a stand on such matters, however it would be preferable if the stands taken were fair and equitable.

Not so silent Bob,
I'd put Gidley in the centres.

God Qld would love that! Gidley would get killed out in the centres! Would be funny to see, even though I'm a NSW supporter cause he ain't Origon standard yet, especially not in the centres
I wonder if we are becoming a bit too much like the USA and too puritanical?

Maybe so, but the fact remains he said something like there's four humans here, f... me or whatever. That is the single dumbest thing to say after the Bulldogs rape allegations.

I have no problem with drunken fun, who hasn't committed some sort of criminal behaviour while on a night out? But, these guys are a week out from the first Origin and in the current climate in Rugby League should have a bit more sense! He deserves to be dropped and deserves to feel like a complete tosser. Wake up mate!
Unknown Pleasures said:
Not so silent Bob,
I'd put Gidley in the centres.

God Qld would love that! Gidley would get killed out in the centres! Would be funny to see, even though I'm a NSW supporter cause he ain't Origon standard yet, especially not in the centres

Yeah thats why he had a blinder for country playing in the centres, yeah hes way out of his depth there :roll:


What is the world coming too?

Unless there was more to the message than what has been revealed, big deal!

Why did this woman call the club?

If she was so upset by the obscenity of the call she should have gone to the police. Or rand Mini's mum!!!!

For godness sake if the bloke wasn't a footballer it's wipped and forgotten.

Imo the penalty placed upon Gasnier was too severe. All he's guilty of is beeing a goose.

And as for the NSW team management. IF YOU DON'T WANT TROUBLE DON'T LET THEM DRINK!

Professional footballers are dealt with like children almost everyday.

They're told where to go, what to wear, what to eat, they barely make a decision for themselves.

Gould, Daley, Carr and co should all take responsibility for this.

I can't beieve we're even discussing this.:x


I dont think he is being made a scapegoat at all. He IS being punished as a direct result of the Bulldogs drama but the NRL needs to take a firm stance on it, to show the community they are doing something about it. Those who say this wouldnt have happen 2-3 years ago would be right on.
From now on, any player who shows any type of disrespect towards women will be dealt with severely, as they should be regardless of the Bulldogs scandal bringing it light. Does that make any player who does this a scapegoat? No, I dont think so. What it does is forces the NRL to act and act severely. Someone else has already said it, but players need to realise that they are not untouchable. Whether they want to be or not, they are public figures that need to show the rest of the community (especially younger children who admire the players) that they can be decent role-models.
Gasnier is a flea. No doubt about it. The other three players involved are just as much to blame, and should be punished also. For one of those players (Im not going to name names) it will be the second time this year he has been in trouble for this kind of thing. Its got to stop.
Yeah thats why he had a blinder for country playing in the centres, yeah hes way out of his depth there

I think there is a fair bit of a difference between Origin and City-Country but thats a different issue


Very succinct post Hass

Hass said:
Let me preface what I am about to say by pointing out that I strongly disapprove of what Gasnier did. I've been in a car with mates who have done similar things and it has always left me lamenting their lack of respect. However I also know that they are under the influence and just being idiots - I may think they are geese, but I don't think any less of them.
I've been in the same situation as well and have told blokes to pull their heads in. In those days we didnt have mobile phones and the drongos were reduced to yelling out the window... just as stupid imo, but harder to prove.

Hass said:
And considering the current circumstances, Mark Gasnier takes the prize goose of the year award. It was dumber and more idiotic then anything Shane Warne has ever done - and that's saying something. Of all the things not to do this was it. Have I mentioned that it was purely idiotic.
Debatable. I think Shane Warne has done more dumb things than Gasnier could dream of. But the connection between the two is inevitable.

Hass said:
However, to get to my point...

Mark Gasnier has been made the biggest scapegoat since Trotsky was exiled from the Soviet Union.
LOL. sure why not...

Hass said:
The punishment - taking away his chance to play State of Origin - is severe, and there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that if we didn't have the debacle with the Bulldogs at Coffs Harbour earlier this year then he would still be running around in a Blue jersey next Wednesday night.

Gasnier is taking the fall for the sins of many. We dod want our officials to take a stand on such matters, however it would be preferable if the stands taken were fair and equitable.

I tend to agree. If this was a one-off incident, we'd be asking for leniency. Fact is, this is a one-off incident for Mark Gasnier... at least as far the collective wisdom of this forum knows.


First Grade
major over-reaction from the NRL. Gasnier is a young bloke, out havinga bit of fun, and this incident should have been treated as a young bloke having one too many beers and making a bit of a mistake, and give him back his blue jersey and tell him to be more carefull next time.


I feel for Gasnier a bit, because it's pretty obvious he wasn't alone - he said so in the message, and was using someone else's phone. IMO the same punishment should have been handed to all 4 players - the other 3 would seem to be very lucky.

As for whether it should have been an exclusion from SOO - not normally, they were just being idiots. But, unfortunately recent events have shed light on the league (maybe sport) culture's attititude towards women. This just provides further evidence that there is a problem, and he was suspended in the context of all that. But I do think the other players should have been treated similarly.

As for NSW chances - they're getting slimmer. Qld will cope with the loss of Lockyer, they've dealt with worse.


well well well the merkins can give it but they can't take it


First Grade
I'd like to know if any of his critics have ever made a mistake. Lucky bastards... so many perfect people in the world.

Well said willow.

For godness sake if the bloke wasn't a footballer it's wipped and forgotten

Thats what these guys have to realise, everything they do is subject to public scrutiny in the modern game. Gone are the days where these things could be swept under the carpet and denied. If these guys want to play up they have to do it behind closed doors. I know they were on the turps and hell all of us have done stupid things on the turps but seriously, how dumb are these guys to do something like this after we have just come out of the bulldogs scandal, the mind boggles.....


It was bad timing. Very stupid. Something he would not normally do. That's all though. He didn't murder anyone. He didn't piss on a Casino floor, he didn't start a fight with any police. He made a lude phone call. Get over it.
Willow said:
I tend to agree. If this was a one-off incident, we'd be asking for leniency. Fact is, this is a one-off incident for Mark Gasnier... at least as far the collective wisdom of this forum knows.
One-off in terms of phone messages, but there was the incident at the surf club in August last year as well which I'm pretty certain he was involved in. I can't find the article, but I know the heading: Drunken Dragons in disgrace after fund-raising fiasco. :lol:


Caged Panther

First Grade
Did gasnier make a mistake?


Was it a bloody stupid mistake in light of recent events?


But what infuriates me about this whole situation is that despite the fact the guys has been punished, and deservedly so, the media continue to carry on like a bunch of pork chops. For some banishing the guy from the game for life seeming the only acceptable response.

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