I hate to speculate but given how some seem to have made there minds up already and are convicting May in the Court of public opinion I’ll just point out some interesting issues.
1. We don’t know yet whether Police attended the alleged DV related incident on the 8th April.
2. We don’t precisely know where it occurred in a home, out the front of a home, in a taxi etc etc
3. If this Police did attend we don’t yet know whether the alleged victim made a formal complaint or may have been hostile to police. Historically it is well documented long suffering DV victims often don’t assist Police.
4. The key thing that makes me suspect the Police did attend is the fact Taylan May rather mysteriously didn’t play in the game against the West Tigers on the 20th April.
5. I suspect Police attended on the 8th April at which point for whatever reason they did not have sufficient evidence at that point to arrest and charge, for reasons that are not yet clear, but took the mandatory legal requirement of securing an interim AVO protecting the alleged victim.
6. The interimAVO may have been the actual reason May was stood down from the Wests Tigers game.
7. In the weeks following we can only speculate and this is the great unknown and why people shouldn’t speculate too much.
8. Whatever has transpired, whether. Sufficient evidence has become available to the Police or other things have happened he was subsequently arrested this morning.
Regardless fans just need to hold off, and await further information before drawing such damning conclusions. That’s just my opinion.