Gronk, you really cant believe the figures put out by the current government, they couldnt manage a school tuck shop. Council rates have been increased because of the carbon tax with more to come, it is a stupid and unnecessary measure to appease the Greens, give me a break
Comment when China, India,Canada and the USA have a similar tax and the playing field makes sense, not when the Browns of this world have any say in anything
GDP up 1% today for the quarter, making an annual figure of 2.5%. All that in the middle of a GFC. Yeah, that Swan is such a dill :sarcasm:
GDP up 1% today for the quarter, making an annual figure of 2.5%. All that in the middle of a GFC. Yeah, that Swan is such a dill :sarcasm:
So wait.. the government is going to increase taxes, but we'll all end up with more money in our pockets?
Sounds like Swan isn't just the best treasurer in the world, but he's reinvented the laws of mathematics.
I'm looking forward to the day we can all be millionaires on the dole. Work less, spend more, and enjoy the highest quality of life in the world.
All thanks to Swanny, the father of quantum economics.
That reminds me, anyone know anything about quantum levitation?
Screw David Blaine, Chris Angel is where it's at.
Yeah there's a difference. I would post a link to YouTube if I knew how.
Levitation is easy, you just use your arms and lift up your legs.
Ifr33k would like to thank Ram and Delboy, thanks to them, he is now only the third dumbest poster in this thread.