They are my sons, I spend plenty of time with them and know them pretty well,
Because parents never brainwash their children, right?
wrong, there are 3
you left out the ones that dont give a rats arse
So you agree people can also be conditioned (sorry, brainwashed) to apathy?
garbage, depends what school or education system
obviously the public education system isn't into the brainwashing that teh catholic schools employ
nothing to do with politics, the judicial system or society
All of these institutions reinforce social mores, attitudes and behaviours - the same 'brainwashing' you accuse Catholic schools of doing. I went to both public schools and Catholic schools and the conditioning was exactly the same - attitudes and behaviour were reinforced through the usual reward-and-punishment system.
This is how people are 'brainwashed' into society. Likewise the judicial system - when I was caught shoplifting as a child I was punished and learnt that stealing is wrong even when the victim is a big corporation.
Now I'm the only person I know who pays for software, music and tv shows. Maybe nobody else was ever punished for stealing?
no its not, you certainly didn't go to the same school I did or you would not make such a comment
You've clearly been 'brainwashed' by your experiences to believe that any suggestion of religion is the same as forced conversion. I'm sure this has been reinforced by like-minded people parroting this attitude back to you your entire life.
socialised into societies, you mean like catholics and non catholics ?
Like anybody - there are more divisions in the world than just 'Catholics' and 'others'. The Soviets weren't Catholic and they did a great job 'socialising' people into their society. Secular humanists have done the same thing in the West, which has both freed people and contributed to anomie.
You can't just remove something problematic and call the result 'good', because there will be a vacuum that needs to be filled by something else.
wrong again, I dont like not being given a choice to choose my own beliefs
This is just the point - nobody can make anyone else believe anything. Somebody obviously tried to convince you that a certain ideology was the right one and you obviously haven't adopted it. If anything you've adopted a reactionary ideology against it.
So now you think that because you rejected religion that anybody else who is religious has been brainwashed? We all have free choice. Nobody can force us to think anything we don't want to think. That's why there are religious converts from atheist families and secular schools, just as there are atheists who grew up in religious homes and went to Catholic schools.
wrong again, see above
I have nothing against religions as such, its not being given a choice that I despise
The catholic education system was around long before the Korean War
I went to a Catholic school and I'm not a Catholic. Nobody tried to force it on me and very few of the guys I went to school with even went to church. We even had a Muslim kid (though he used to get bullied for being a little fat wimp).