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Mr Angry

Not a Referee
My father was an undertaker.
I lived above funeral parlors until I left home - never saw/ heard/felt one.
One of my chores was to vaccum the chapel, and one day I was doing it with my sis. There was a coffin with a dead dude in it as the family was coming for a view, my sister and I sh*t ourselves when his head moved (rolled from facing the roof to facing the side of the coffin) - we promptly ran unstairs to Dad and told him the guy was alive. Laughing all the way down stairs he walked straight up to him and placed his head back where it should be and said 'When they arrive here kids they are dead, it is called gravity'.
That is as close as it came, and since that day it takes a fair bit to scare me - growing up in Western Sydney helps here too.


Ron Jeremy said:
Check this out!


Or what about this?


This is known as the brown lady, Its been proven a fake.


I've noticed that the majority of 'incidents' mentioned in this thread have happened to a friend... and the ones that have happened to the people in here have only been quick glimpses.... that tells me something about the validity of most the posts in here.

Now, don't get me wrong, I believe there is more out there than we know, but I also believe a lot of people have something sorta weird happen and make something more out of it then there really is. I won't disbelieve in ghosts or paranormal activities, but until I see them for myself or see rock-solid proof, then I won't be believing too many peoples stories either. That's not to say I'm not interested in reading or watching these sorts of stories though....


First Grade
Wait untill you see one or feel one near you tiger, guarentee you will jump out of your skin nearly.


A few years ago when I used to live at home, I was awoken by the sound of someone shuffling through my desk, I slowly sat up and said Hey, My eyes were only half open and I saw what look like a shadow figure that was no taller than a child of 9.

I thought I was dreaming, but then I saw it dart out of my room and swining the door shut behind it. I had an umbreller hanging over the the handle and heard that swing and bang against the door. That woke me up. I thought it might of been my brothers so I got up to tell them to stay out of my room, they were all fast asleep.

I asked mum the next morning if she had been in my room and she said no.

When I told my one of my brothers he said that he was woken up about 3 times cause someone kept leaving the bathroom tape on. Till this day, we still don't know what happened :?

The Colonel

The house my grandmother owns is well over 100 years old as is the old schoolhouse in the front paddock. I have been going there since I was really little - 30 years - and there has always been a "light" in the old school house that sits at the window and watches the house - it can be there for a little while or as long as an hour. We have walked over to it and gotten within a few metres before it has vanished right before our eyes. Pretty scary stuff - makes my skin crawl just thinking of it. Even scarier is we used to sleep in the school house at Christmas and even in the middle of summer it was always really cold.


That competition show on ch.10 3 or 4 yrs ago was good, but they made it stupid when they said they didn't make certain noises or actions all the time. An even better show was the documentary with Warwick Moss on ch.9 2 yrs ago at Kapunda, SA. It was interesting and funny watching Moss cry like a baby after spending the night in the town.


First Grade
Colonel Eel said:
The house my grandmother owns is well over 100 years old as is the old schoolhouse in the front paddock. I have been going there since I was really little - 30 years - and there has always been a "light" in the old school house that sits at the window and watches the house - it can be there for a little while or as long as an hour. We have walked over to it and gotten within a few metres before it has vanished right before our eyes. Pretty scary stuff - makes my skin crawl just thinking of it. Even scarier is we used to sleep in the school house at Christmas and even in the middle of summer it was always really cold.

Definitley haunted.


First Grade
This old castle which sits on a high cliff at the end of a dirt road where my aunties, cousins, brother in law lives has a green looking creature that constantly eats all the food in the castle and has terrible manners. They call it casper


First Grade
Terminator said:
Skeptics are the people who are too insentitive to physchic phenomea to be aware of it properly, sometimes like a blind person they glimpse something, then dissmiss it, they are like people deprived of a sense but not even aware of it, then we have to put up with all their mundane drivel of they cant see or feel anything so it mus'nt exist then.

What load of tosh.

By your logic, you have to be right.

Your own sense of the truth cannot be disproved.


Ron Jeremy said:
kaza_79 said:
Ron Jeremy said:

This is known as the brown lady, Its been proven a fake.

Give me the source.

Let me guess.....it was proven false by a bunch of sceptic's :lol:

Easy Ron, I am not a skeptic, I have been reading these sort of books since I was 9. Go into any library, you will find it in almost every book on ghost photo's and its been proven that it was faked.

There is one of this old house in England that these monks used to live in, and it is supposed to be haunted. It burnt down early last century and the found the bones of a young women, (they believe it was of a nun, whose ghost has been reported.)

Anyway, there is a photo of a brick floating above the rubble, that photo has everyone baffled. They can't prove it as a fake. I will try and find that photo for you.