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Assistant Moderator
I have it as a download, El.
Go here: http://www.showroom.com.au/download.htm
click on downloads
then click on WS FTP LE

When installing it, be careful to call yourself a student or non-profit type person. The makers of WS FTP only give it way to destitute blokes like us. ;)


Assistant Moderator
No worries El.
The interesting thing about FTP programs is that they time-out after about 5 or 10 minutes. That is, if you let it sit idle for too long, it has to be re-connected.
I understand that this something to do with the computer operating system and it'sWINSOCK settings.

Does anyone know how to stop FTP programs timing out?


But I've found that not only does the game and all its sundries get a bagging to the extreme, and needlessley,but worthless sports like boxing and rugby union are represented to too much praise.
You have the right to your opinion friend, but please realise one thing you may have overlooked in your comments before youposted. You may believe that boxing is a worthless sport or a poor excuse for a sport, and heaven knows there are many that will agree with you, but some of the finest writes you'll read on any forum are found in the boxing section of this community.
I'm guessing you made the comments before you went through the boxing section and had a good read of many of the threads. If you'd had looked through some, than maybe you would of praised the members rather than bag it. As for the comments applying to rugby union? I agree with you 100%, but legend cleared that point up also, so that's fine by me.
It's not a rugby league only forum friend. It's an allsports in general forum. That's the beauty of this place. The other beauty that I love is censorship is next to non existance. Like someone said, your post is still there isn't it?
It's too bad you didn't stick around. You would have enjoyed it.
Good luck mate.

And Tomahawk, it wouldn't take much to figure out who you were ;)

And yes, i'd like to be sure as winning the lottery that you are still reading these replies. So mate, its up to you



<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" border=1> <tbody> <tr> <td nowrap align=middle background=http://sc.communities.msn.com/themes/pby/img/mb/reply_bg.gif><a target=_top title="Add a reply to this message.">Reply</a>
</td> <td width="100%"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td> Recommend (0 recommendations so far)</td> <td align=right> Message 426 of 429 in Discussion </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan=2> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 width="100%" border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td valign=top nowrap width="100%">From:Willow</td> <td valign=top nowrap>Sent:29/07/2002 5:30PM</td></tr></tbody></table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 width="100%" border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td> No worries El.
The interesting thing about FTP programs is that they time-out after about 5 or 10 minutes. That is, if you let it sit idle for too long, it has to be re-connected.
I understand that this something to do with the computer operating system and it'sWINSOCK settings.

Does anyone know how to stop FTP programs timing out?

Isn't it related tothe settings on theremote server you are connected to Willow ?

I have used Cute, Flash WS_FTP and a couple of others which have timed out on some sites, and certainly quicker than 5 minutes, but been able to sit idle for an hour on others,



Assistant Moderator
wb Craig :)

It may be something to do withthe remote server and their settings. All I know is that it annoys the hell out of me... it puts a rush on everything.

I'll askthe web hostsand see if they have any ideas.


Thnx Willow :)

I remember one person I used to download from,

It would d/c you after 30 seconds of idle time, if you stopped to read an email.... Bang your d/c,

Used to give me the absoloute shits lol

But on a friends one it would never, ever d/c.

That's why I have always been convinced that it is going to be the settings of the ftp you connect too.


Assistant Moderator
MFC: "Tomahawk, it wouldn't take much to figure out who you were ..."

Thats easy Moffo.
Tomohawk is a crude cutting tool.


I have a problem with my mouse.
Every now n then my mouse will cease up. I'm unable to move the cursor from a fixed screen position for about 5 to 15 seconds. It varies. I've checked my mouse settings and properties, tried to reset them and what not, even deleting my cookies and temp internet files thinking they may be linked in some way (please do not laugh).Nothing seems to work. It started off being a once in a full moon kind of thing, but now is far more frequent. In fact pretty much every time I log in to the internet, it happens. It's starting to really piss me about. A pain in the butt is being kind.
My question is this. Is there anything I can do threw my settings on the computerto rectify the nuisance, or should I just go out and fork $50-$100 on a new one because my mouse has had the Richard? If I need a new one,is a good quality expensive mouse worth the bucks, or is a mouse a mouse? I don't mind spending the $$$ but I just don't want to get it home and find the same problem.
Please help!
I can't comment on your problem exactly Outlaw, but I did have a similar one.
My curser would dissapear of the screen for a few short seconds at a time. Drove me nuts until I went out and bought a Logitech mouse. The stationary kind where the mouse moves via ball. Fixed my problem in a heartbeat. It cost a little more, but did the trick.
If I need a new one,is a good quality expensive mouse worth the bucks, or is a mouse a mouse?
My PC-nerd friend told me at the time that the few extra dollars on a quality mouse is worth it in the long haul.
But like I said, I can't comment specificaly on your problem. I'm sure someone here will be able to help though. Good luck....
PS-your post reply 427 was very good.



Assistant Moderator
Have you tried cleaning the insides?

Underneath the mosue where the ball is, you can half turn (anti clockwise usually)and remove the flat cap. The ball will come our and you'll see three little rollers. These will have gunk on them.
Get a pair of tweezers and remove the gunk from the little rollers. You should do this every few months.

With hardware its often a mechanical problem before its a operating system problem.
Let me know how you go.

El Duque

For some reson these little pop up reply things are popping up on the bottom right of my screen and I have o either move them or maximise them to hit send message.

Is this just me and is there a way of fixing it?


Assistant Moderator
In NineMsn forums?
I dont see them. Perhaps you have to check your filter settings or security settings.
The problem that ElDuque explained is the problem that I've been having with my email for yonks.
Every time I go to send a new email either throughmy addy book or clicking on an email link, the damn screen opens up at the bottom right hand corner of my pc. I barely have enough 'hang' to drag it back into the main arena to enlarge it. I'm use to it now but wouldn't mind fixing it. The pc's at Uni are fine. They open a new page....as it should I'm guessing.
Ideas anyone?