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Cheers for that Kaon. It seemd to work for a while, but now im noticing no difference at all. But i haven't been d/c yet either

I gave that a go a few times Moff. Had some hassles the first couple of times (error reports and the sorts) but got it happening the next time around.
Don't know if it sped up my computer, but my pop ups have gone bloody stupid since. Don't know if it's related though.

El Duque

I have used this saying before and saw spacey use it today. I'm referring to "tit for tat"

Now I know what people mean when they say it but what does it come from and does it have anything to do with nipples??


A related question : how about "beat around the bush" and "cat got your tongue". I always thought they sounded vaguely sexual . . . ;)
Tit for tat:

"The original was Tip for Tap, a very old expression that evolved into tit for tat in the mid-16th century. Tip meant a hit, a shove. Tap was a retaliatory hit. The meaning is a punishment meted out to pay back an offence, measured to be equal and proportionate. You hit me, I hit you, tit for tat. By the way, tit for tat turns out to be the optimal strategy in Game Theory to guarantee cooperation from an opponent. "

Beat around the bush:

"It was once the custom to hire beaters to beat bushes and arouse game birds for the hunter to shoot at. So the beater stirred up the action, but the hunter got to the point.” From the “Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins” by William and Mary Morris (HarperCollins, New York, 1977, 1988)."

Cat got your tongue:

""HAS THE CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE? Why don't you speak? Your silence is suspicious. The saying originated in the mid-nineteenth century and was used when addressing a child who refused to answer a parent's questions after some mischief. Often shortened to `cat got your tongue?'…" From "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996). : : : It's also used to address a shy child. I think its origin lies in the way of outdoor cats dragging little captives, chipmunks and such, into the house. "
Cheers, Moffo
No worries mate

If i can ask another question. How does the body know when to wake up? I mean, without the assistance of alarm clocks, a loud noise such as a garbo or an annoying person trying to wake you up?

Does the brain send out a signal that it has had enough rest and its time to wake up? It would be interesting to get a more detailed explanation



blowed if i know moff, i wake at 4-28 every morning.
my alarm is set for 4-30.

my father in law (ex dairy farmer) has been retired for 20 od years, still wakes up at 5 am to go get the cows.
Yeh, i have the same habit as well, its weird. Always awake about a minute before the alarm. ESP perhaps ;)

90% of the time, even if i don't go to bed until 4-5am, i will usually wake up around 7-730am. And its never a good feeling!



Assistant Moderator
I don't use an alarm clock.
I wake up at around 6am every morning and if I have something to do, I get up. If I can have a sleep-in, I nod back off and wake up againlater when I want to. Buggered if I know how I do it.

Isn't thebody clock something to do with Biorythms or is that just rubbish?
Whatever the case, I would have thought it was a chemical response.

El Duque

Whatt about if you go o/s?

Say you went to America and once you got over the jetlag would your body start waking up at the usual time or has it been totally reset?


Assistant Moderator
Jet lag is a different kettle of fish.
For a week, I'll be waking up at 3am while the body clock resets itself.
Same with daylight saving, I'll wake up an hour earlier or later but within a few days its back to old regime.

btw, the only way you can really beat jet lag is to try and stay up and tough it out until thelocal bedtime comes up. That, and keeping up the fluids on the flight itself.
Easier said than done though.
Ponder over this question for a sec...
Did Adam and Eve have bellybuttons?

Id assume so........................................................i dont know!!

Also, how old were they when they came into being?

I don't think its ever mentioned in the Bible. They had intercourse pretty soon after being made to produce Cain and Abel, so im assuming that eve was at least of child bearing age. Once again, i dont know, perhaps someone else does


Also, how old were they when they came into being? I don't think its ever mentioned in the Bible
Yes it is,Eve was 0 because she was made from Adams rib while the poor bugger was a sleep. Also is is quite obvious that neither had a belly button as neither were concieved nor born, both were created.I keep asking my missus for my rib back but she won't have a bar of it.

A serious question, Who built the Sphinx in Egypt?
