Very true, I see where you are coming from there. I agree some religious society's have a hard stance on certain rules etc etc and although I classify myself a Christian as such, I don't call myself religious.
I like these forums when we can talk to one another trying to understand each others perspective without each trying to put one on top of the other. I was an atheist at one stage too so I know where most people here are coming from and I am very open to the view of an atheist. Truthfully I am a believer in evolution and can see God and evolution working together. I think things work well if both sides are willing to actually listen to one another, and wether we agree or disagree or not does not matter, but I think we can all agree we should give each other the respect they deserve.
Sorry for the rant.
That's why I like this thread too. Just skip or the personal attacks.
I don't think in our lifetime, anyone would find out the answers but each have their own beliefs and theirs nothing wrong with that.
My parents are Roman Catholics but gave my brothers and sisters the choice of following their religion. My brother and sis are Christians but my other sis and myself are not.
At this point in life, I have not had the need for GOD but maybe one day I will.
So I sit on the fence.
However, my friend who was also a non believer had become christian when his mother died.
During SARS in Hong Kong, hospitals were a dangerous place if you were healthy.
His mother, had some heal complications (not SARS) and went to the hospital. They checked her over and sent her home as the hospitals were very busy and cautious about SARS. i.e. they thought people should not stay in the hospital if they did not need to.
She died a few days later.
Since then, he became a Christian as it was his Christian friends who gave him support and helped him through that period.
I just think that GOD will find his way into each person at the right time.