The Colonel
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I can't believe this thread has made 500 posts......
I wrote earlier that I was reading a book with the theme that Jesus' crucifixion was staged by the Romans to unite the Christians and then use this to control them.
In the Quran it says:
[4:157] And for claiming that they killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of GOD. In fact, they never killed him, they never crucified him - they were made to think that they did. All factions who are disputing in this matter are full of doubt concerning this issue. They possess no knowledge; they only conjecture. For certain, they never killed him.
Now, it could be misinterpreted but anyone can shed some light on this?
Sorry mate, didn't realise you replied, my bad.
You and I know both know you don't need a Bible to tell us what is right or wrong. My question is very simple, if there is no God, who defines right and wrong? I am happy for this argument to say there is no God, who then defines what is right and what is wrong. Are there moral absolutes or not?
If Muslims believe that suicide bombings is a moral thing to do if it kills their enemies and Christians believe the opposite, then what is right and what is wrong?
Apologies Snooch . . . "right" or "wrong" may very well be relative only to the human experience, and any other living creature with a conscience (or perhaps even pain perception) that we impact upon.
And speaking in these terms, generally humans know the differences between the two.
I believe there is a form of autism, where those afflicted can not recognise the feelings and emotions of others, and what impact their own actions has upon these. This is probably the exception.
Knowing the difference between the two, and actually respecting what is "right" and acting in its best interests I think are two very different things.
Self-interest in many, will trump "right" and "wrong" arguments in majority occasions.
Other people may rationalise what they initially feel is "wrong", into something acceptable, to appease their own conscience.
I do not think anyone is above doing this in varying degrees.
But I honestly believe, that most humans know enough "right" from "wrong" to function co-operatively within society.
Whether they chose to act upon these notions, is an entirely different matter altogether.
Thus why I don't believe religion should be allowed. Even if there really is a god, religion is now the domain of the corrupt and corruptible. If anything can be taken from the Bible is that if everyone stopped believing in him that would be the perfect time for him to actually show himself. In essence to actually prove your beliefs would be to actually stop believing in them. That would be a true martyr, someone willing to receive the wrath of god for renouncing him, but renouncing him in the hope that it would bring god forth so that everyone else could then see god. Perhaps 2000 years after that day we can have this conversation again.A perfect example of religion corrupting common sense morals.
It was used by christians to identify one another when they were being persecuted. They would draw it in the sand.
The word ICTHUS means fish in ancient greek language and is an acrostic.
I - Jesus
C - Christ
TH - God's
U - Son
S - Saviour
jesus did the most famous pose of all-timeI play drums, Jase.
Guitar is for posers.
I play drums, Jase.
Guitar is for posers.
When you bend your knees the hem comes up above your ankle line. Plus, the robes give plenty of free movement for the lower half of the body which is good for double kick.
I can't believe this thread has made 500 posts......
You see, Jesus was the Avatar for the Age of Pisces (which we now live in). He took the symbol of the fish from the astrological symbol for Pisces.
We see other references to the astrological Ages/symbols when the Israelites got in trouble for worshipping the Bull and the Ram after Moses came down from Mt. Sinai. The Bull and the Ram represent Taurus and Aries, the two Ages prior to Pisces.
We're soon to enter the Age of Aquarius. With Aquarius symbolising knowledge and enlightenment, and with the coming of Aquarius signalling the passing of Pisces, perhaps Christianity is on its way out...
Mission statement from the website:
Hope Rwanda is a faith-based, non-profit organisation that exists to restore hope and justice to the people of Rwanda. We unite individuals, churches, governments, NGOs, education, trade, healthcare and business professionals to offer practical solutions to a country devastated by war, genocide and poverty. By developing local relationships, we empower people to bring reconciliation and restore hope and dignity.
Very evil. :roll: