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God shall not be mocked

Who believes in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 64.1%
  • No

    Votes: 33 35.9%

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Casper The Ghost

First Grade
The Rules Of The Divide

The sublime arrogance of those behind the British Empire, including all the royal houses of Europe, invaded native tribes on the lands they cared for and used brutal force to bring about their submission. Hundreds of millions were murdered and those left were traumatised into forgetting who they really were and what they are really part of. Once the people were subdued, the Establishment brought in the serfs to create the infrastructure required to introduce the constructs of the Western World Civilisation of Commerce that had previously never existed in those lands. The serfs were either sent as convicts or lured with the false promise of freedom. Once some infrastructure was in place, the Establishment representatives were able to introduce the constructs of law, government, education, commerce and western medicine. The conveyor belt of Factory Planet Earth began to turn, moulding the latest batch of slaves for their place in the fairytale of the Western World Civilisation of Commerce where they were trained to think, feel and act upon the images of the fairytale and turn their focus away from the images of consciousness they had previously put their energy into.

The Establishment gradually moved from overt power and control to covert power and control as they "allowed" conquered people and immigrants/settlers to gain "independence", moving out physically but leaving their esoteric and occultic systems of government, law, history, religion, science, new age and education behind. In other words, all the tools of brainwashing and force (the sedatives) required to keep the locals under their thumb, under the "Rules Of Their Divide". They left behind a Freemasonic shadow world government to prop up and administer the affairs of its copyrighted fairytale (the prescripted medication), and without providing full disclosure, they conned billions of us into not only believing in their fairytale but also into being the willing actors in costume with titles under contract to them (the copyright holder). Now they realise that the contracted medication is wearing off and we are starting to wake up from the fairytale, starting to remember who we really are and what we are really part of so, in their sublime arrogance, they are preparing to move back to more overt methods of power and control.

Through our education from history lessons and the media, we are taught that wars are an unfortunate but inevitable part of our existence. Race against race, culture against culture, creed against creed, country against country, we pit ourselves against one another. But behind ALL the wars are the shadowy figures of the Establishment for whom wars between us serve several purposes; besides the obviously massive gains in wealth those at the top make everytime they send in their lackeys to sell arms to both sides, loan money to both sides and then move in to offer rebuilding, rehabilitation, more loans at extortionate interest rates, etc, etc etc, all at vast profit to themselves, they also get to try out all their latest technology, developed under the guise of defending us from the enemy, whether another country or the ever-dreaded terrorists, in preparation for their final war - the war against US.

The whole earth is now on its knees before the Establishment puppeteers, trained to believe in and maintain a civilisation that is apocalyptic by design because the information it is based upon is all about destruction and, while we focus on that information, all we do is destroy............. destroy both the nature of MAN and the dream of MAN.

Self Fulfilling Prophecies

It is important to remember that the Establishment wrote ALL of the holy books and were the founders of ALL religions. Up until recent times (1780s), ONLY members of the Establishment (the owners of the castles, the land-lords, the high priest-hoods, the aristocrats and the royal families) and their lackeys were able to read and write alphabet languages*** which is why the Establishments version of history is biased (the victors always record their history to suit their version of reality to benefit them long-term) and is all we have, the old custom of telling stories in the winter evenings having long died out. This means that the Establishment also wrote the Mayan calendar, the Sumerian Tablets, the prophecies of Nostradamus, prophecies of 2012, etc.

As we are the creators of everything that happens to us and what we focus on is what we create, as we read and focus on all these prophecies (images), as well as those in all the holy books (images), guess what we create? They are not called self fulfilling prophecies for nothing!

The common denominator in all these predictions is that they require MAN to think and feel them for them to happen.

The creator only exists in the here and now so why would the creator use images of the past and future and destructive images of sacred geometry and mathematics?

***Note: 99.99% of the total global population could not read and write any alphabet language until roughly 1780 with a great majority still unable to do so until 1930. This means that today's "supposed" 6.5 billion population, their ancestors going back 10,000 years had nothing to do with recording any history books (including holy, religious, science, education, books, manuscripts, papyri, scrolls, tablets etc). All they knew was their village/tribal talk. It took the better part of 20 years for the tiny select few (less than 100 per 1 million / .01% of the global population) endowed with privileges and exclusivity not available to the commoners, to master the "craft" of read and write alphabet languages, which also included studies into sacred geometry/geometry and mathematics. More information can be gleamed from here: http://www.nospam06.com.au/node/1956


Most of us are no longer MAN. We have been seduced into forgetting our role as MAN and into switching off our connection with consciousness, our true body of life and our true purpose. In fictional terms of time, roughly 10,000 years ago, the Ancient Egyptian High-Priesthoods (now Freemasonic), the founders of the fairytale that needs to be memorised, provided us with their Rules Of The Divide that have trained us to think and feel (imagine) that we are separate from other life forms of the natural world (our body) which is why we no longer think it possible to communicate with other life forms (of our body) and why we no longer receive the information of creation from other life forms (of our body).

Through the introduction of sacred geometry and, out of that, mathematics with its rule, compass and set-square (angle), we have been seduced into forgetting that we are creation (our body) intricately linked to the rest of creation (our body) and persuaded to accept all the man-made constructs, invented/imagined out-of-thin-air, that keep us divided and ruled; time, space, dimension, levels, planes, all esoterics and occults, past, future, heaven, hell, prophesies, other civilisations/aliens/ET's, channellings, measurements, weight, distance, location, size, quantity, values, categories, classifications, rulings, rules, regulations, rituals, procedures, conditions, privileges, exclusivity, accumulation, commerce, insurance, bills, statutes, etc, etc, thousands and thousands of them.

We have been trained to memorise thousands of constructs (all imagined/invented out-of-thin-air, nowhere is this information to be found in creation/the nature of MAN) that make up a fantasy world that we maintain by focusing on fantasy images rather than images of consciousness. This memorisation requires the use of only a small part of the brain and, with so much of our focus on memorising, we have forgotten how to use the rest of our brains
(for most around 99% of it). When we rely on information we have memorised, we no longer feel the information on offer from other life forms of consciousness and our connection with those life forms here and now.

Casper The Ghost

First Grade

The information of consciousness is freely available at all times. The man-made information of the fairytale is copyrighted, just as the stories of Harry Potter are copyrighted and anyone wishing to use them (the intellectual proprietary knowledge) has to pay a copyright fee (a royalty = The Royal Family). This is why we are constantly paying (renting - user pays) for everything in the fairytale (The Western World Civilisation Of Commerce) and why our lives are filled with bills, fees, registrations, applications and fines. You can learn more about this here: "Hello George" Are You Still With Us?: http://www.nospam06.com.au/node/6645#comment-1652


Our politicians and law enforcement representatives no longer represent us because they represent the interests of private corporations and their bills/statutes. They are strangers who know nothing about our lives and our needs and who will not represent us unless we comply with private corporation dictates. Do not be fooled by the caring smiles they wear for their PR photos; they “care” only as long as you behave yourself. Remember, law enforcement officers are as enslaved as the rest of us because they too need to put food on the table and provide shelter for their families so they are under pressure to perform their job, even if it means doing harm to a fellow man or woman. They cannot refuse to do harm without putting their families at risk. This is why the State Debt Recovery Office (SDRO) employee isn’t interested in whether you can pay them or not, and why the sheriffs don’t care if they are breaking the law; if they don’t take your possessions, they will be in trouble themselves. We live under a system that does harm and forces men and women to harm each other in order to survive. This is why we have no true communities; if we did the law enforcement representatives would report back (be answerable) to the community rather than third party strangers that have nothing to do with our communities.

When we are a true community, we take full-responsibility for every member of the tribe to the extent that harmful behaviour by one community member is seen as a problem of the community that needs to be solved by the community without the need for interference from strangers who have no knowledge of the man or woman involved or the situation.

The tragedy of MANS fall from consciousness

When we (MAN) no longer remember our connection to every other life form of creation and think we are "hu-mans" (fallen MAN who has forgotten who he/she is and what he/she is part of), tiny, isolated, insignificant particles/aspects of a vast universe, we can accept that there is an "other" more powerfu
l, influential, knowledgeable and authoritative than us, big or small. Thus we give our power and our sense of responsibility away and allow others (3rd parties) to do the thinking, feeling and decision making for us. No longer prepared to take full-responsibility for how we think, feel and act as MAN, we look to others (3rd parties) for guidance in the fairytale and become a sheep to the flock, following along through one maze to another, lost within a myriad of almost endless mazes that form this fictitious fairytale (the matrix), traumatised and too scared to break out of the mould.

From baby to grandparent there
is always someone else (a 3rd party), something else (a 3rd party) from wherever or whatever, telling us how to think and how to feel and what is right (truth) and what is wrong (lies). Almost everything they are telling us (the images - the information) is constructed out of the esoteric and occultic practices of sacred geometry/geometry and mathematics that require us to memorise (be braindirtied/brainwashed) a read and write alphabet language so that we can comprehend these images, believe them and therefore put our energy/power of creation into them. It is vital that we believe in the images of the Western World Civilisation of Commerce so that we place value upon them. If we weren't taught to value them, we wouldn't put our energy into them which is why the whole Freemasonic education system (out of Ancient Egypt) is designed to teach us to place value on these fictitious images of fantasy to the extent that we are prepared to become slaves to them.

Many of us believe that we (our-selves) are on a journey from here to there, from earth to heaven or hell or somewhere else in this cosmic-galactic fairytale (universe). Others again believe there are intelligent life-forms communicating or heading our way from other parts of the universe, if not already amongst us. Bar in our imagination and our brains capacity to memorise these fictitious images (feelings, thoughts, ideas), the cold hard reality is that no one, bar the supposed 3rd parties who say so, has physically met them face-to-face, 1st party to 1st party. We are trained from childhood to accept fantasy from third parties when we read stories on our parents' knee and then when we go to school to be told right and wrong by third parties without ever being able to figure it our for ourselves. This prepares us to accept adult fairytales including third party "authority". The fact is we are not heading anywhere and we are most definitely not on a journey, never have been and never will be. This is it right here and now where here and now has always been!!!! We are creation and what we think, feel and act on is our creation of the MAN (or fallen man) we are creating here and now.

If anything you believe has a fairytale, third party figure involved, you can be sure you are being seduced by fairytale information. If there is no such figure involved you probably do not need to "believe" in what you believe in because it is of reality and you are able to experience it with all your senses of creation any time you choose so you don't have to memorise it!
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Casper The Ghost

First Grade
The program to make us forget who we really are, what we are really part of and our purpose

We are like an ant colony that has been given a different program so that, instead of putting all our energy/power of creation into constructing our ant hill and feeding each other and our young, we forget to do our part in the plan (the dream) that ensures the safety and well being of our fellow ants and start to think only of our-selves. When all the ants think only of them-selves, the anthill does not get built, not everyone gets fed and the babies are left with no one to look after them. The dream of the ant world falls into a state of chaos, collapses and finally fades away into oblivion.

We have been given a whole new artificial program of a universe that does not exist as part of the natural world of creation (the body of MAN). None of the thoughts and feelings and the images that arise from those thoughts and feelings can be found in the natural world and they are not part of the information of creation which is why we have to memorise them. We have learnt to memorise them so well that we barely listen to the information of creation any more and think that all the images of our fantasy world are true.

So deep does this fictitious program of destruction go that almost all the thoughts and feelings we think and feel every day have been compromised causing us to spend all our waking time surviving these beliefs. We are running around propping up all kinds of beliefs that have come from third parties and that take a lot of our energy to maintain. In our fight to maintain our beliefs we become arrogant and ignorant, refusing to listen to the beliefs of others in case they prove to be "better" than ours.

Living out of our memories, we often can't really hear what people are saying to us because everything we hear is filtered through our memories and dismissed if it doesn't fit in with our memorised brain programming. Our ability to live in the moment, the here and now, has been forgotten and our memorisation leads us to being self centred "individuals" (in divide u all s) because we have to expend so much energy propping up the images of our beliefs that we haven't got any energy left for others any more.

Once we have forgotten how to live in the here and now, we can only live out of our memories, no longer listening to the information of creation, lost in the endless mazes of the matrix. The Western World Civilisation of Commerce only exists in our memories; it is nowhere to be found in nature. No matter how hard you try, you will never find the Western World Civilisation of Commerce in the forests, oceans or mountains, you will never find it in the desert or the volcanos. The only place you will find the Western World Civilisation of Commerce is where we have put our energy/power of creation into creating dead images out of destroyed creation (life-forms inanimate or not) that we spend our lives remembering to maintain.

Muddy Water

Any present thoughts and feelings (dreams) we have that are imbued with man-made con-structs (structures of the con) such as space (travel out in space), galactic/cosmic/spiritual dimensions, levels and planes, other higher galactic/cosmic beings, aliens, et's, spiritual elders at the gate, channelled entities from the other side and any other constructs that we are not able to experience here and now with our senses of creation (1st party to 1st party) and are not found in nature are ALL PRESENT THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS YOU HAVE THAT ARE SEVERELY COMPROMISED, MEANING THEY ARE LIES AND DECEPTIONS TO CON YOU AWAY FROM ATTUNING WITH WHO YOU REALLY ARE AND WHAT YOU REALLY ARE PART OF.

All thoughts, feelings and actions that are of no benefit to the Nature of MAN sink deep into the earth because, creation being all there is, they have to go somewhere. There they become the energy that forms the entities of the dark-side, the thought forms, phantoms, apparitions, channelled entities etc etc (all listed above). If our negative thoughts, feelings and actions are not resolved quickly, their energy continues to grow in strength as we (MAN) feed it with our energy/power of creation. This is what becomes the earth's fever, expressed through earthquakes, volcanoes, winds, waves and storms.

If we do not resolve our destruction, the energy will gain such strength that many of us will not survive the magnitude of the fever as lands rise and sink, winds reach speeds of 300+mph, tsunamis reaching 4000 feet rolling up to 400 kilometres inland and most of our man-made abominations are destroyed. Remember - we are the creators of the earth and if we project dark thoughts, feelings and actions, they will bounce back to us in the form of destruction. When we do harm to our bodies our bodies have fever; vomit, sweating, shaking, farting, massive bowel motions, diarrhoea, fog, hazy, etc. So does the Earth (The Nature Of MAN).

We have been so confused by the mixture of truth and lies we are fed that our brains are like the black and white chequered floors so beloved by Freemasonic architects, dark and light images all thrown in together. Our brains are like a bucket of muddy water; the mud of the images of fantasy, fiction and delusion that do harm to the conscious living dream that is the nature of MAN swirling around in the clear water that is the bright thoughts and feelings inspired by the nature of MAN, the images of reality/consciousness that do no harm to the nature of MAN and benefit, expand and co-create the living dream that is the nature of MAN. We need to allow the mud to settle until all we are left with is the clear water.

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
Strangers to the dream of MANS (GODS) consciousness

Our memorisation of fantasy images is so complete that we often do not recognise images of creation when we are confronted with them. As they don't fit in with the fantasy beliefs we compare them with, we often dismiss them and turn back to fantasy, continuing the destruction of the natural world necessary to create the fantasy images we are so attached to. The destruction starts with the destruction of the MAN we are supposed to be creating and spreads out to the destruction of the bonds between us and the natural world. Notice how we have all become strangers to one another, able to "connect" and feel comfortable with only a few "like-brainded" men and women. We are so estranged from the rest of creation that we are willing to kill and eat our fellow co-creators even though they have never given us permission to do so.

We are all brothers and sisters with consciousness in common and, hopefully, the same dream of a beautiful pristine earth for us
all to co-create, expand and enjoy. When we are working for the dream of consciousness, listening to the information of creation, we don't have to remember, prop up and maintain any beliefs because there is nothing to believe in which means that we can relax and use our power of creation for the benefit of our brothers and sisters of the dream. This is the basis of MANS true freedom.

Our challenge is to heal all our esoteric and occultic thoughts and feelings of fantasy until all we are left with is consciousness. With this healing comes the full responsibility to clean up the mess both we and our ancestors have caused (and remember we could well have been some of those ancestors too!). If we feel inspired to live in a community and start looking for a beautiful, pristine spot away from all the damage, we are running away from our responsibility to clean up the mess we have helped to create. We will only heal this mess when we reach those responsible for continuing the mess until ALL of us realise where our lives are compromised by fantasy and causing destruction and ALL of us take on the full-responsibility for creating lives of freedom, joy and abundance for EVERYBODY, not just our-lives and the select few on our community.

Our purpose is to be a gift for others, healing the earth for all of consciousness and the natural world. The pristine spots don't need us - the scarred, barren, over-developed places are the ones that need our love and attent
ion. This is where we should be directing all our energy/power of creation just as we would direct all our energy/power of creation into any diseased part of our body or the bodies of our extended family and children.


Our self-centeredness is created by imagining and believing in thoughts and feelings (not beneficial to the nature of man) that require memorisation and it is this process of memorisation that constructs a fictitious self (person/individual) that we believe in. In order to survive the belief that we are a self/individual we have to comply with all the regulations that tell us we need birth certificates, licenses, registrations, titles, degrees, certificates, passports, accounts, courses, titles, careers, standings, privileges, savings, assets, wealth, etc etc, of the fictitious fantasy life of the person/self we survive (memorise). Only a fictitious self surviving beliefs of fantasy, illusion & delusion wants to escape reality by searching for a perfect, pristine environment to compensate for the fear and trauma resonating behind the shield of beliefs in fantasy that lead to compliance and acquiescence to the rules, regulations, rituals, procedures and conditions of the Powers that be.

Running away from the monster that is still roaming somewhere on the body of the earth that is our body is not freedom. Running away from one part of the earth to another is like trying to run away from our head to our toes. There is no true sanctuary of peace and freedom while you are
constantly having to look over your shoulder for that inevitable moment when the monster comes knocking on your front door. The only remedy is to confront the monster with acts of love that are the true demonstrations of gifts that benefit MAN and MANS creation. We have to inspire the healing of every lost MAN until there is no one putting their energy/power of creation into the beast (the fairytale) anymore. Then everyone wins and we are all free and we are all living in a paradise of true freedom, peace and abundance for all.

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
The Clean Up

We cannot run away from the terrifying monster we have all been responsible for creating. The program that we are running from is the program that we have supported and maintained for lifetimes and it is not ok to think we can just walk away from it and leave others to clean up the mess. Who are the slaves whose responsibility it is to clean out the chamber pots? Running away to cleaner pastures while still thinking and feeling the system through our use of cars and other forms of destruction to the earth, is still thinking and feeling the system and therefore maintaining the system.

While we are off creating communities in far away places, the monster is still on the rampage. Is if fair to leave others to confront the ugliness of the destruction we are all responsible for? Is it right to abandon the dream of the family you have created for the dream of some spiritual partner you may find in your pristine community? We can all do something where we are right NOW. Opportunities to create paradise on earth are everywhere as everywhere on earth needs to be cleaned up if all of creation (The Nature Of MAN) is to be healed. When you make your choices, examine the motives behind those choices; are you serving the dream of the co-creation of a paradise on earth or are you serving the dream of your self.

Yes, we need communities where we all nurture and support one another but those communities need to be open for those still in the fantasy to experience so they can see that there IS another way and to comprehend their brainwashing. How much more powerful is it to be able to visit and experience a true community than to read about it or look at photos. Sorry, folks, we cannot just run away to lives of joy growing veges in the rainforest - we have a few years of hard yakka to clean up the earth. This does not mean we cannot have a lot of fun and that we cannot be surrounded by nature if we want to. Remember the cities - they too have to be cleaned up, green spaces reclaimed and lots of food grown. Neighbours can form "communities" just by their commitment to grow food together and help each other out.

The pendulum swings both ways and it is the responsibility of those of us with the dream to heal the earth to form our communities in places where we can reach those at the other end of the pendulum, the Establishment and their lackeys, who are just as lost as we are and just as in need of rescue. We have had offers of land in various places and the pull to move north to warmer, lusher pastures is always there but we feel that our responsibility is to form a community out in the open somewhere easily accessible to as many people as possible and close to the head wasps nest. The Southern Highlands where we are now is just such a place; we can live in nature but still be close to the major centres of Sydney and Canberra and to those high up in the Establishment. Who is going to come to Kindom/Raw Food/ Healing workshops if they have to travel four hours to get there? How many more people will come to experience our community if they can easily drive there and back in a day with plenty of time to soak up the atmosphere in between than if they have to make arrangements to stay overnight and put in considerable planning?

The world is as it is because we have been thinking of our selves for far too long; time to think about others and the rest of creation.

WARNING; The internet and other sources are exploding with anti H1N1 vaccine information. This is all well and good as obviously the vaccine is not something designed to be beneficial to our health. However, watch out for the "we will lead every revolution against us" shepherds. We have explained before how many if not most of the truth/freedom/conspiracy/alternative avenues are controlled by the Establishment because, even though they may expose the horrors of the system, they do nothing to remind us about who we really are and what we are really part of and the remedies they offer keep us within the system
(another new version of it) rather than freeing us from the system. The same is true with the swine flu scandal. One or more of those who gain our trust by exposing the scam that the swine flu saga is, may be being set up to offer a "remedy" to the problems we face and, because we know he or she did a good job opposing swine flu, we will be inclined to trust them on another issue. ANY remedy on offer from ANYONE needs to be examined for truth in this light; does the remedy give us the information about who we are as MAN and about our part of the consciousness of MAN which is the consciousness of God? Does it show us that we do not need the systems of the Western World Civilisation of Commerce to have happy lives of freedom, joy and abundance? If it does neither of these things, the so-called remedy is just another distraction to keep us in fantasyland while the natural world dies around us. You have been warned.


Below is an example of the possibilities of our connection to the information of the consciousness of creation; a girl in Russia has learnt to make bird sounds because she has not accepted the conditioning that tells her she cannot. Rather than using the small part of her brain needed to memorise the constructs of the Western World Civilisation of Commerce, she is using her thoughts and feelings to receive the information of creation from the birds whose songs she has learnt. Her will, her desire to learn the songs of the birds was powerful enough for her brain to break through her conditioning. Just shows how powerful we can be if we choose to. Once we truly focus on getting rid of the system and co-creating paradise, it will happen fast.

See this Video From Russia: A girl in Russia has learnt to reproduce bird sounds. She says she wanted to and she learnt. She was surprised that others couldn't do the same.- 2 Minutes 31 Seconds

The fish is not an uncommon thing and as a symbol was used in pre-Xian times as well.... it would be unwise, in my opinion, to say that it is only a Xian symbol and that your explanation may have some merit.
History points to it being used in the way I outlined and that is how it's used by Xians today.

There's too much Precessional symbolism and numerology with the Judeo-Christian theology, Haynzy, for it to be a mere coincidence.


First Grade
There's too much Precessional symbolism and numerology with the Judeo-Christian theology, Haynzy, for it to be a mere coincidence.

Fair enough, i haven't looked too much into symbolism and numerology.

It wouldn't surprise me if in some/many cases symbols from other traditions/faiths were/are used by Xians in an effort to distract the original or previous users or to perhaps even blend in with them.

84 Baby

This worked out well, no mocking of god going on here

Thing is the issue wasn't god being mocked it was using the name Jesus, yet seeing how God sent Jesus to his death I find it hard to believe he'd give a rat's back passage whether a handful of people out of billions decided to give themselves the nickname Jesus. Then again I also believe God and Jesus are fictitious so who am I to say how God thinks :sarcasm:


I can see this topic going on and on, everyone has there beliefs and this just a case of agree to disagree or how ever that goes. The important part is we are all the same you cut me I cut you we both bleed red (or in our case blue and gold :D)


Staff member


First Grade
In relation to this thread in general...
Such opposing world views will not see eye to eye..... arguments are useless especially when everyone's terminology and point of reference is different.

When one person says Jesus and means a fictional character and another means a historical character how can there ever be any agreement?

Not to mention that when one person says bible they're talking about a collection historical documents and another sees a conspiracy of fiction.

or one person says resurrection and they mean a physical one another means metaphorical

the list goes on.......

Coming on here and mocking athiests, christians, muslims, hindus etc is just childish and frankly many of the so called arguments that have been going on here show that many people here on all sides of the discussion don't really know what they believe or why or they don't even care and they just want to take pot-shots at others or they are uninformed and just arguing for the sake of it..

If you take issue with what someone says contact them privately..if they go on regardless and you feel the need to defend whoever you think they are attacking go for your life but remember that this is the internet and your discussions are public and reflect on you.

You'd think it was the school holidays in here sometimes :lol:

We seem to live in a world where everyone has to tell everyone what they think about everything whether they care or not because of some sort inflated self importance.
(and I'm aware that i'm probably just as guilty as the next person)

by the way, I'm all for discussion but when you make unsubstantiated or unsubstantiatable claims, pass them off as truth and then belittle those who don't agree with you you become a preacher with all of the negative connotations that come with that label.

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
In relation to this thread in general...
Such opposing world views will not see eye to eye..... arguments are useless especially when everyone's terminology and point of reference is different.

When one person says Jesus and means a fictional character and another means a historical character how can there ever be any agreement?

Not to mention that when one person says bible they're talking about a collection historical documents and another sees a conspiracy of fiction.

or one person says resurrection and they mean a physical one another means metaphorical

the list goes on.......

Coming on here and mocking athiests, christians, muslims, hindus etc is just childish and frankly many of the so called arguments that have been going on here show that many people here on all sides of the discussion don't really know what they believe or why or they don't even care and they just want to take pot-shots at others or they are uninformed and just arguing for the sake of it..

If you take issue with what someone says contact them privately..if they go on regardless and you feel the need to defend whoever you think they are attacking go for your life but remember that this is the internet and your discussions are public and reflect on you.

You'd think it was the school holidays in here sometimes :lol:

We seem to live in a world where everyone has to tell everyone what they think about everything whether they care or not because of some sort inflated self importance.
(and I'm aware that i'm probably just as guilty as the next person)

by the way, I'm all for discussion but when you make unsubstantiated or unsubstantiatable claims, pass them off as truth and then belittle those who don't agree with you you become a preacher with all of the negative connotations that come with that label.

Good on you Haynzy
You have made/raised some very good/intelligent points...:clap::clap::clap:

Using logic, meaning using your brain to think things through to their logical conclusion will always get you closer to the truth than arguing for the sake of ones belief/s regardless of logic.

So deep does this fictitious program of beliefs/fantasy go that almost all the thoughts and feelings we think and feel every day have been compromised causing us to spend all our waking time surviving these beliefs.

We are running around propping up all kinds of beliefs that have come from third parties and that take a lot of our energy to maintain. In our fight to maintain our beliefs we become arrogant and ignorant, refusing to listen to the beliefs of others in case they prove to be "better" than ours.

Living out of our memories, we often can't really hear what people are saying to us because everything we hear is filtered through our memories and dismissed if it doesn't fit in with our memorised brain programming.

Our ability to live in the moment, the here and now, has been forgotten and our memorisation leads us to being self centred "individuals" (in divide u all s) because we have to expend so much energy propping up the images of our beliefs that we haven't got any energy left for others any more.


Post Whore
Well, whilst such is well meaning it obviously is not right. Being a Christian is an issue of belief and action in reflection of such. Being a human being has nothing to do with belief but rather biology. Of course you can be a bad human being without any contradiction to your identity.

You can tell a 'human being' by their biology alone (nothing they can do can change that they are human) however the Bible tells us that you can tell a Christian by their confession (belief) and the 'fruit' (Gal 5:22, James 1) of their lives.

OK, then replace the term "human being" with "person". My point simply was that you do not need to be a "good Christian" to achieve everything in the previous post - a good person will help others in need, demonstrate patience, etc. It's a no-brainer, yet it's a set of circumstances used to separate religion from non-believers.

And whilst on the subject of biology and human beings, what is it to be human? For example, can you really characterize Adolf Hitler or Ted Bundy as a "human being"? Biologically yes, of course. But I would rather think that a human being is composed of many factors all intertwining into the one core - a human being is a biological homo sapien but also including a basic set of morals.

And to further illustrate, aren't homosexuals seen in God's eyes as not right? I believe it is seen as near-inhuman for a man or woman to be gay in religion. And yet, they are just as good a person as anyone else and most definitely human beings biologically.

My point simply was that the set of values that were explained earlier can be applied to anybody, religious or not, and that humanity is in itself a little more complex to describe than by merely saying it is biological.

Ron Jeremy

I play drums, Jase.

Guitar is for posers.

drums are for the less talented in the group - anyone can bang some symbols, and make a beat to follow - hell even i can after approximately playing drums for 20 seconds - not everyone can produce pieces like an 'eruption' or sweep pick.

Drummers are the sh*t kickers in a group, even bass players get more respect.

The only drummers i have respect for are Alex Van Halen and John Bonham - both brought something different to jsut playing drums, their styles of playing have influenced drummers style more then anyone.