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Gower in Fight


El Diablo said:
why don't you ring the nightclub and demand they send it to you

top idea ED though i dont know if the 'demand' bit will work.
i could ask politely i suppose. :cool:

i would have thought this would be an ideal time for the Panthers, and the NRL, to show the world that Gower is inocent and a victim of misleading reporting by some members of australias media.

why only as recently as today lunchtime, Craigs ALLEGED misdemeanors are being reported as number 1 sports news on the radio i listen to.

surely the Panthers should clear Gowies good name ?


I dare say that the media's agenda is far different to the that of the Panthers and the NRL's. Whilst there are still clowns saying the got touched by a famous player it would be in the clubs best interest to adequately investigate all claims before coming out with its findings. No use putting a report together and then being embarrased by someone who claimed something that happened earlier in the night etc.

El Diablo

Post Whore
i said earlier Gower should play AFL. here is how the media down there treat their players.


Our bad boys have nothing on sport's scariest players
Tony Hardy
February 14, 2007

SURELY, sport and its tales of binge drinking, sexual assault, steroid abuse, jail-house wall defecation, deification of mortals, Asian-influenced tattoos and ridiculously overpriced chips is where Satan feels at home.

Sport isn't nice. Sport is the home of swearing, greed, envy, lust and all the other ones. For elite players, it's the greatest get-out-of-jail-free card there is. And when I talk about elite bad boys, I'm not referring to the AFL's latest hoodlums Lance Whitnall and Heath Scotland. Or Ben Cousins and Michael Gardiner. These boys are in the seconds compared to the truly scary bad men of sport — the National Football League athlete.

Last season, more than 40 NFL players were arrested for offences including spousal abuse, boating under the influence, fleeing and eluding, improper exhibition of a firearm, providing alcohol to under-age females, assault, burglary and trafficking a controlled substance (codeine-laced cough syrup).

The San Diego Chargers' Steve Foley has been arrested five times in his career. Five! In April 2006, the 193-centimetre, 120-kilogram linebacker was in a fight with three police officers. In September, he was shot three times by an off-duty police officer after he was pulled over for swerving while driving. The policeman fired because once out of the car, Foley wouldn't stop walking towards him and he thought Foley's car, now driven by Foley's female friend, was about to run him over. Foley blew .233 but prosecutors also suspect his actions were due to steroid rage.

On February 12, 2006, 136-kilogram Chicago Bears defensive tackle Terry "Tank" Johnson was arrested for aggravated assault and resisting arrest (the charges were later dropped). On December 16, he was charged with possessing a firearm without proper notification. Police raided his house (which he shares with his wife and two children) and allegedly found his bodyguard, marijuana, assault weapons and more than 500 rounds of ammo.

His bodyguard, WillieB. Posey, was killed weeks later in a gangland murder at a North Chicago nightclub. Tank held a press conference and promised to change his ways. He was placed under "home confinement" by the courts and had to seek permission to travel and play in Super Bowl XLI — a game his Bears lost.

I'm not saying that running over a policeman is OK. Neither is Tank Johnson's attempt to be armed for a dope-fuelled invasion of Iraq. Well, yes, maybe I am saying that that's OK, but only because I'm far away from Tank. But we must realise that sport is our tainted parallel universe that's full of contradiction and double standards, and I'd like to keep it that way.

When Lance is found tipsy in a bar in Ballarat, we should thank him for not trying to run over an off-duty policeman. Yes, Scotland's alleged assault of a woman is much more serious, and if proven, he should leave for the NFL draft. But we might also consider giving him the keys to Ballarat for not possessing assault weapons and enough bullets to start Eureka Stockade II.

Let us not forget that it's Felony February, a time when our sporting elite traditionally gets into punch-ups, a time that fills the quietest part of our sporting year. That Whitnall had to front a press conference to explain why he sat for too long in a bar is ludicrous. Condemning sportsmen is simplistic, short-sighted and confirms that people these days wouldn't recognise truly bad behaviour if it jumped out of their porridge.

Look beyond our little world and you will soon realise that, thankfully, Lance has just been really bad at being bad.

the SMH seem to have gone out of their way to go after Gower. their sister paper in Melbourne does the opposite for AFL players.


Regardless of Gowers innocence or not in this case,surely the frequency of incidents occuring in his vicinity must be off putting to the panthers management..they may be tempted to put him on a "nightclub" ban to prevent the risk of further negative media.


Gower seems punch happy to the mut. If the mut was Gower he would not be going out to night clubs but staying in and loving that fine specimen that walked down the aisle with him a year ago! The mut would tap that deluxe and love it like a wife!

C'mon Craig! Do what the Mut would do. Stay home make that hotty moan...

Wooooo! Mut has the best stroke in the world!!!

Dave Q

Mut said:
Gower seems punch happy to the mut. If the mut was Gower he would not be going out to night clubs but staying in and loving that fine specimen that walked down the aisle with him a year ago! The mut would tap that deluxe and love it like a wife!

C'mon Craig! Do what the Mut would do. Stay home make that hotty moan...

Wooooo! Mut has the best stroke in the world!!!

That was appalling!

Many of marshall stalin's goats are jealous!


whether or not this whole thing is true, basically all of the witness statements say one thing and thats gower was carrying on like a dick. not the first time and damn sure wont be the last im sure


Pete on Panthers website said something about only the police could get videos from businesses without a subpoena. Looks like Panthers found a way to get it but have to be careful because of copyright.

The Rhino

ozbash said:
i would have thought this would be an ideal time for the Panthers, and the NRL, to show the world that Gower is inocent and a victim of misleading reporting by some members of australias media.

why only as recently as today lunchtime, Craigs ALLEGED misdemeanors are being reported as number 1 sports news on the radio i listen to.

surely the Panthers should clear Gowies good name ?


Rotten Rooster said:
The problem is that this term "allegedly" has cross paths with Gower one to many times, with some of these major incidents proven!

ONLY ONE PROVEN WAS THE INCIDENT INVOLVING THE TOURIST A FEW YEARS BACK. Last year's was not proven, again Craig was trialled by media along with "Moanie" Fraser before the club was given the facts. All Craig was found guilty of doing was bringing the club into disrepute. Time to move on!!

badav said:
whether or not this whole thing is true, basically all of the witness statements say one thing and thats gower was carrying on like a dick.


ozbash said:
hey Rob, wonder if the cops have copyright issues too....


SYDNEY - National Rugby League club Penrith's bid to close the book on the Craig Gower nightclub drama hit a major stumbling block today when police launched an official investigation into the incident.....

NOTICED YOU HAD TO GO TO AN OVERSEAS SITE TO FIND THIS REPORT!!! Have you got a vendetta against Gower??
Quoting from the same report as you,

But Penrith officials remain adamant that their man did nothing wrong, a viewing of the nightclub's closed circuit television footage today only strengthening their resolve.
"This morning we viewed video from the Peppermint Lounge nightclub, a group of club officials including myself, (general manger) Mick Leary and a couple of board members," Panthers spokesperson Rob Weaver said.
"The bottom line is it's not the clearest video in the world but from what we can see it supports Craig Gower's version of what happened.
"There is absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing on Craig's part ... so given the information we've received from various witnesses over the last few days, Craig Gower's statement plus the video evidence, we're sticking 100 per cent behind Craig, we don't believe he has a case to answer."
Asked whether a police investigation into the matter would alter the club's thinking, Weaver said: "The bottom line is it makes no difference to us (if the police do investigate), as far as we're concerned we believe that he didn't commit any offence.
"(General manager Michael Leary) is now compiling his report for the NRL, which he hopes to submit in the next few days, and it will be in support of Craig Gower."

gunnamatta bay

"(General manager Michael Leary) is now compiling his report for the NRL, which he hopes to submit in the next few days, and it will be in support of Craig Gower."

Stange thing to say when you don't know the full story. Some bloke has lodged a complaint of assault at the Marrickville cop shop just yesterday so even the police haven't had a chance to come to any conclusions yet this bloke Leary seems confident Gowie did nothing wrong.

Dave Q

Just becasue something isnt proven, doesnt mean it didnt happen.

Just because Police decide not to charge someone, doesnt mean they didnt committ an offence.

Gower seriously misbehaved on the Gold Coast. He admitted that.

As for the night club incidents, the best accounts would be from those who were sober and saw the entirity of the alleged incidents.

So not many people know what really happened.

The police will interview them (try to), look at the rest of the evidence and then decide whether or not to charge him.

I doubt that the video alone tells the whole story.

The clubs view on the topic is meaningless to the cops and the courts. They are unable to interfere with the legal process.

At the moment though, he remains innocent.


Assistant Moderator
LeagueLegend said:
Since ozbash is an expert on this, lets ask it.
Don't be silly, ozbash just posted a link to story in the NZ Herald. According to that report, its now a police matter - an official complaint was made.

What's with this shooting the messenger nonsense?


Assistant Moderator
The Rhino said:
NOTICED YOU HAD TO GO TO AN OVERSEAS SITE TO FIND THIS REPORT!!! Have you got a vendetta against Gower??
Quoting from the same report as you,
Stop shouting.

What has overseas got to do with it? This is the internet.

Here, perhaps the Australian Broadcast Corporation is more in your comfort zone:


Gower under police investigation

New South Wales police have confirmed that they are investigating an alleged incident involving Penrith half-back Craig Gower.
Police say two people filed a complaint on Tuesday night, alleging Gower assaulted them in a bar at Potts Point in Sydney in the early hours of Sunday.
Gower has been accused of biting a man, a claim denied by both Gower and the Penrith club.
The Panthers are sticking by their player, saying closed-circuit television footage shows Gower did not assault anyone.
Penrith spokesman Rob Weaver said on Monday that any allegations made against Gower were baseless.
"I think there's always a danger that anybody who's high profile, no matter what they do whether they be sports people or celebrities, there's always a danger everywhere they go," he said.
"But in this specific incident all I can say is I've spoken to the player and his explanation does not support the allegations that were made."
Gower, who has represented New South Wales and Australia, lost the Penrith captaincy after he was accused of groping the daughter of league legend Wayne Pearce at a charity golf tournament during the 2005 off-season.

The Rhino

gunnamatta bay said:
Stange thing to say when you don't know the full story. Some bloke has lodged a complaint of assault at the Marrickville cop shop just yesterday so even the police haven't had a chance to come to any conclusions yet this bloke Leary seems confident Gowie did nothing wrong.

Well, he would say that AFTER VIEWING the CCTV footage at the club. So I don't know how you can work out that Leary doesn't know the full story. He has seen the CCTV footage which supports Craig's version of events.
Quoting the Daily Telegraph from today: The witness's version of events was supported by a club DJ, who told the Daily Telegraph Gower was "being silly but not offensive or aggressive".