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Gower in Fight


Assistant Moderator
The Rhino said:
Point taken - on both accounts, my apologies.
Very gracious of you Rhino and no apology neccessary. I understand the frustration as this drags on. The news of the police investigation however is a tangible development, and outside of all the tabloid press and conflicting reports we've been seeing in recent days.


Willow said:
Don't be silly, ozbash just posted a link to story in the NZ Herald. According to that report, its now a police matter - an official complaint was made.

What's with this shooting the messenger nonsense?

get that up ya LeagueLegend :cool:

btw, the earths not flat either..


gunnamatta bay said:
Stange thing to say when you don't know the full story. Some bloke has lodged a complaint of assault at the Marrickville cop shop just yesterday so even the police haven't had a chance to come to any conclusions yet this bloke Leary seems confident Gowie did nothing wrong.

I'm sure Leary with his years of being a detective in the NSW police would be right on the money after watching the CCTV footage. He's obviously seen the footage, seen that in his mind (from the years of his professional policing experience) that Craig has no case to answer. The video footage supports his stance by all accounts - it's either on there video or its not.

Dave Q

I think the problem with Gowies version of the events to the club, is that he was very drunk that evening and thus makes for a pretty unreliable witness.

He is also a witness in his own cause!

The club is saying that in their interpretation, there was nothing in it.

They are of course coming from a very biased viewpoint. Thats understandable.

Now that they have stuck their necks out, its harder for them to recant if Gower is charged unless they come across "new information" that causes them to "re-consider their understanding of the events that took place."

Information that had they known about earlier, may have led them to a different path of enquiry and from that, possibly a different assessment of the events, that at the time, were merely alleged to have taken place.

They havent hung him out to dry.

Its quite a generous gesture by them.

The video will not be conclusive.


:lol: at Craig Gower

Terrific player, but has the guy ever admitted he has a few issues?


Dave Q said:
Just becasue something isnt proven, doesnt mean it didnt happen.

Just because Police decide not to charge someone, doesnt mean they didnt committ an offence.

On the flip side, just because it is proven doesn't mean it DID happen.

Dave Q said:
I doubt that the video alone tells the whole story.
If the incident(s) are on the video then I would suggest the video does tell the story.

Dave Q said:
The clubs view on the topic is meaningless to the cops and the courts. They are unable to interfere with the legal process.
Indeed but they are compiling a report for the benefit of the NRL and themselves. Therefore the clubs views are an essential part of due process.


LeagueLegend said:
On the flip side, just because it is proven doesn't mean it DID happen.


ok - so we're nowhere no matter what - because it it's proven it might not have happened, and if it's not proven it might have happened...

The truth is out there... :crazy:

gunnamatta bay

LeagueLegend said:
I'm sure Leary with his years of being a detective in the NSW police would be right on the money after watching the CCTV footage. He's obviously seen the footage, seen that in his mind (from the years of his professional policing experience) that Craig has no case to answer. The video footage supports his stance by all accounts - it's either on there video or its not.

So why haven't Marrickville Police just rung him for confirmaton Gowie's in the clear?


Due process.

Once a complaint has been made the police are obliged to follow it through to some sort of a result - charges, no case to answer etc etc. Leary appears to have cleared him of any wrong doing on the club and league front. The Police will do their own thing, have access to greater resources than what the club could get its hands on and take it from there.

gunnamatta bay

LeagueLegend said:
Due process.

Once a complaint has been made the police are obliged to follow it through to some sort of a result - charges, no case to answer etc etc. Leary appears to have cleared him of any wrong doing on the club and league front. The Police will do their own thing, have access to greater resources than what the club could get its hands on and take it from there.

Which seems to make Leary look a goose for opening his trap. I don't know if he is an ex det but if so he should have known better then to express an opinion of guilt or innocence before all avenues of inquiry have been investigated.


Not at all. The club has cleared him of any wrong doing which would result in any club based action. A statement that does not impinge on the police investigation. Either way, being a former D for as long as Leary was, he would know what he can or can't say, should or shouldn't do. The legal system hasn't changed that much.


LeagueLegend said:
Haven't we all?

yep, of course... but it certainly looks like Gowie has a drinking problem... he also has all the perks that go with the high profile relatively high paying career he has - I don't degrudge him any of these things, but there are certain repsonsibilities and standards that do (or at least should) go along with that...

The NRL has to take action, and personally I think that should involve committing to some sort of programme to help him with these problems (if indeed he has them). I think continually letting high profile players get away with what might be considered by many to be unnacceptable behaviour is wrong. That being said, there is of course the possibility that he's targetted somewhat because of his profile - but the fact that he's a 'repeat offender' at a range of venues suggests he should take a look at himself

gunnamatta bay

How can he say Gower did nothing wrong when there is an ongoing investigation? A bloke walked into a police station yesterday with a witness and both made statements alleging Gower assaulted him. Where does Leary get off over riding the police in charge and making statements that Gower did no wrong? Has he seen the statements? Has he access to the evidence of any injuries? Have the police even interviewed the staff and any other potential witnesses who may come forward? I think not. In his eagerness to hose down this issue he has only made it worse for Gower.

The Rhino

I doubt it. Christ, all he has done has said he has viewed the CCTV footage, and that footage supports Craig's story. What he has said and done WILL HAVE NO IMPACT on the police investigation. Unless the police charge Gower with something, PENRITH will not be penalising Gower over it. OVERRIDING THE POLICE IN CHARGE? Where has he done that? All statements that any official from Penrith have made is simply: CCTV Footage supports Craig's story and therefore he will not be penalised by the club.

As for the evidence of injuries, statements of the supposed victims, Leary would not have seen them considering they are part of a POLICE ongoing investigation, that commenced AFTER the club had seen the footage, AFTER the media blue up. Not only has the Bouncer changed his story from the first time it was reported, the DJ has as well. I think you will find that Gower will not have a case to answer in relation to the police investigation. Would that satisfy you or will you still be calling for his head if the police drop the case?


JJ said:
yep, of course... but it certainly looks like Gowie has a drinking problem...

JJ said:
The NRL has to take action, and personally I think that should involve committing to some sort of programme to help him with these problems (if indeed he has them).

Just to clear it up which one is it? You can't have two goes at it. In your opinion does he have a problem or doesn't he have a problem?

Dave Q

gunnamatta bay said:
So why haven't Marrickville Police just rung him for confirmaton Gowie's in the clear?

lol- an absolute corker!

Leary: "Yes, Ive looked into the matter personally son, and I can assure you that there is no case to answer."

Detective Inspector Marickville: " Yes Sir, thank you Sir"

The next thing we'll see is the Panthers Report adduced as evidence in a court.

gunnamatta bay

The Rhino said:
I doubt it. Christ, all he has done has said he has viewed the CCTV footage, and that footage supports Craig's story. What he has said and done WILL HAVE NO IMPACT on the police investigation. Unless the police charge Gower with something, PENRITH will not be penalising Gower over it. OVERRIDING THE POLICE IN CHARGE? Where has he done that? All statements that any official from Penrith have made is simply: CCTV Footage supports Craig's story and therefore he will not be penalised by the club.

As for the evidence of injuries, statements of the supposed victims, Leary would not have seen them considering they are part of a POLICE ongoing investigation, that commenced AFTER the club had seen the footage, AFTER the media blue up. Not only has the Bouncer changed his story from the first time it was reported, the DJ has as well. I think you will find that Gower will not have a case to answer in relation to the police investigation. Would that satisfy you or will you still be calling for his head if the police drop the case?

Leary is on record as saying his report will support Gower. I take that to mean he is in the clear according to Leary who is supposedly some sort of ex detective.

If Leary has not seen any statements of the alleged victims how can he come out and say Gower is in the clear?

BTW please point out where I have called for Gowers head. Read all my posts. I have simply said there needs to be an investigation before any conclusions are reached. Mr Leary seems to think he knows best though and come out with his statements indicating the club is happy with Gower's behaviour that night.


gunnamatta bay said:
A bloke walked into a police station yesterday with a witness and both made statements alleging Gower assaulted him.

Leaving out Craig's credibility here and solely looking at the credibility of the "witnesses" I would have some serious concerns. Below are excerpts from the following link:


"A male came in and made a complaint, and an alleged witness gave a statement," he said. "The allegation at this stage is in relation to an assault. I will review the complaint and then give it to a couple of my detectives. Part of the investigation will be reviewing CCTV footage, as well as speaking to any witnesses."

After making a complaint to the police, Hassen spoke to the Herald, saying: "We were sitting on the couch and I was asking, 'Whose shout is it?'. Craig Gower decided to come up and take a drink and then he offered me a drink, which I refused several times, and then he thought, 'I might as well tackle him'. He had his left arm around my leg, his right arm around my waist and his shoulder in my stomach. It was not something I wanted."
Asked why it had taken so long for him to make a complaint, Hassen said he had spent 45 minutes at Kings Cross station on Sunday morning before deciding not to take the issue any further.

"We were reporting it but one of the officers told us that Craig Gower had just got a broken nose and she said to us, 'Do you still want to report it or leave it as what goes around comes around?'. The officer said if we wanted to report it, they would have to send a team to the Peppermint Lounge and find out who punched you and that it would take several hours so we just left it as what goes around comes around.
"If police hadn't lied to us about Gower's broken nose, we would have filed the report on Sunday morning. When we found out he was getting off free. I thought, 'That just isn't right' … I just wanted to put my complaint in. He can say his bit then we'll see who is lying."

They decided against continuing against it on Sunday morning. Why? If it is considered serious on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon surely it is serious at the time it happened. So it ws good enough on Sunday morning to be considered "what goes around comes around" but leave it a few days and then we'll bring it up if you're not satisfied with "natural justice"?

Calling the Police liars?? I'm sure that will go down well with the investigation team along with PIC (Police Integrity Commision).

"He was getting off free" - being dragged through this is considered getting off free?

Honestly, and this applies to any case, if you won't follow through with the complaint at the time you orginally made it, it couldn't have been that bad.

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