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Gower in Fight

gunnamatta bay

Dave Q said:
lol- an absolute corker!

Leary: "Yes, Ive looked into the matter personally son, and I can assure you that there is no case to answer."

Detective Inspector Marickville: " Yes Sir, thank you Sir"

The next thing we'll see is the Panthers Report adduced as evidence in a court.

Yes it appears Mr. Leary is a legend in his own mind when it comes to criminal investigations and law enforcement. Eat your heart out Sherlock Holmes.

gunnamatta bay

LeagueLegend said:
Leaving out Craig's credibility here and solely looking at the credibility of the "witnesses" I would have some serious concerns. Below are excerpts from the following link:


"A male came in and made a complaint, and an alleged witness gave a statement," he said. "The allegation at this stage is in relation to an assault. I will review the complaint and then give it to a couple of my detectives. Part of the investigation will be reviewing CCTV footage, as well as speaking to any witnesses."

After making a complaint to the police, Hassen spoke to the Herald, saying: "We were sitting on the couch and I was asking, 'Whose shout is it?'. Craig Gower decided to come up and take a drink and then he offered me a drink, which I refused several times, and then he thought, 'I might as well tackle him'. He had his left arm around my leg, his right arm around my waist and his shoulder in my stomach. It was not something I wanted."
Asked why it had taken so long for him to make a complaint, Hassen said he had spent 45 minutes at Kings Cross station on Sunday morning before deciding not to take the issue any further.

"We were reporting it but one of the officers told us that Craig Gower had just got a broken nose and she said to us, 'Do you still want to report it or leave it as what goes around comes around?'. The officer said if we wanted to report it, they would have to send a team to the Peppermint Lounge and find out who punched you and that it would take several hours so we just left it as what goes around comes around.
"If police hadn't lied to us about Gower's broken nose, we would have filed the report on Sunday morning. When we found out he was getting off free. I thought, 'That just isn't right' … I just wanted to put my complaint in. He can say his bit then we'll see who is lying."

They decided against continuing against it on Sunday morning. Why? If it is considered serious on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon surely it is serious at the time it happened. So it ws good enough on Sunday morning to be considered "what goes around comes around" but leave it a few days and then we'll bring it up if you're not satisfied with "natural justice"?

Calling the Police liars?? I'm sure that will go down well with the investigation team along with PIC (Police Integrity Commision).

"He was getting off free" - being dragged through this is considered getting off free?

Honestly, and this applies to any case, if you won't follow through with the complaint at the time you orginally made it, it couldn't have been that bad.

Well it appears the police at the original station he attended did their best to discourage him from making it official. This is not uncommon especially when the agrieved party does not appear to have suffered a serious injury. Lets face it I'm sure Kings Cross PS would be pretty busy dealing with all sorts of assaults on a Sat night. If the policeman did tell him Gower had a broken nose, which I assume was to provide some sort of satisfaction for the alleged victim, and it was designed to deter him from making a complaint then that is a serious case of misconduct and neglect of duty.


gunnamatta bay said:
Are you implying because I'm not a cop I should just keep my opinions to myself?

Not at all, just trying to compare your practical policing experience to his. You made the comment that he was "a legend in his own mind" when it came to policing.


Assistant Moderator
LeagueLegend said:
They decided against continuing against it on Sunday morning. Why? If it is considered serious on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon surely it is serious at the time it happened. So it ws good enough on Sunday morning to be considered "what goes around comes around" but leave it a few days and then we'll bring it up if you're not satisfied with "natural justice"?
I thought he gave his reasons why. In particular, it sounded like it was late at night. In the light of day, people are allowed to make their decisions and that doesn't make the complaint any less valid then the night(s) before.

LeagueLegend said:
Calling the Police liars?? I'm sure that will go down well with the investigation team along with PIC (Police Integrity Commision).
Well if the person feels the desk officer lied to him, then he is entitled to say so. It shouldn't have any bearing on whether or not an assault took place or if charges are being laid. And it certainly shouldn't influence police in their investigation of the alleged assault.

Are you suggesting the police would not do their job properly?

LeagueLegend said:
"He was getting off free" - being dragged through this is considered getting off free?
Unfortunately, the media circus is irrelevant to due process. I'm sure the quote is in relation to the law.

LeagueLegend said:
Honestly, and this applies to any case, if you won't follow through with the complaint at the time you orginally made it, it couldn't have been that bad.
Not really. The man is entitled to lodge a complaint. Whether or not this results in charges being laid remains to be seen.

Surely if Gower has no case to answer, then he and the Panthers have nothing to worry about. Rather than having a public dust-up in the mainstream media and on internet forums, wouldn't being officially cleared of any wrong doing by the police be a more desirable outcome?


I haven't read any of this thread, but now I see why the Daily Telegraph makes a song and a dance over these type of incidents, with the amount of posts and views this thread has, why wouldn't you.......

Apologies if the thread actually touches on the above point.


Willow said:
Are you suggesting the police would not do their job properly?

Quite the opposite actually!!

Willow said:
Rather than having a public dust-up in the mainstream media and on internet forums, wouldn't being officially cleared of any wrong doing by the police be a more desirable outcome?

Ask the Bulldogs the same question and see whether it's helped them? No one remembers the idiots who witnessed or was the so called victim. It's the player or players who cop it repeatedly even after they are officially cleared.


LeagueLegend said:
Quite the opposite actually!!

Ask the Bulldogs the same question and see whether it's helped them? No one remembers the idiots who witnessed or was the so called victim. It's the player or players who cop it repeatedly even after they are officially cleared.

So Penrith have cleared Gower and did away with the middleman (Mr Plod) ?


How the hell could anyone be beleiving these stories?

The accusations change everyday. The witnesses the newspapers have been using have retracted their claims. The newspapers just run a new story with a new witness to milk it even further.

Now we have a guy showing up a few days later trying to press charges because Gower didn't have his nose broken. He apparently got off lightly. At any rate, why did it take him like 3 days to realise Gowers nose wasn't broken?

I beleived the stories at first. But once Panthers cleared him and the papers started changing their stories, witnesses retracted statements, and Rob Weaver made a post in which he said the Panthers were threatened with follow up stories... i've chosen to beleive the story that hasn't changed, and the Panthers have backed. Hopefully the police sort this mess out.

Dave Q

Willow's raised a good point which shouldnt get lost in this thread and that is that if Gowie is innocent of any offence, they have nothing to fear by a proper police investigation.

But prior to the launch of the investigation, the Panthers released several statements from different individual sources attesting to Gowies innocence.

As all of this gear has come through the Panthers, its all second hand hearsay and their opinions and statements are entirely inadmissible in court.

Some of the people the Panthers have allegedly spoken to, people who were there, perhaps people who saw the whole thing, well they might give statements to the cops describing acts and behaviours they saw.

Then the Police will determine if they have a charge to lay.

The Panthers have a vested interest in winding up the enquiries and I suppose what they have done and sought to do is to put it in people's minds that Gower is not guilty of anything.

Their court is the one of public opinion I suppose.

One has to weigh up whether what they have done for Gower is better than a stone cold silence.

In some ways it is. In some ways it provides a balance to those who are saying otherwise and people now have second thoughts and doubts.

But lets not confuse what the Panthers say happened and what actually happened.

They are two distinct things.

Due process will determine whether the Panther's account holds up.

And lets not discount that the source of the Panthers information may not be telling them the truth either.

Gowie was probably too drunk to recall the important finer details of the evening.

Given his position at the club, using Learys police experience as some sort of validation is like arming the insane.

But on balance, the Panthers are making a good fist of this as far as their fans and supporters are concerned.

Significant doubt has been accomplished, certainly too much for me, right at this moment, to conclude that Gowie has done something unlawful.


LeagueLegend said:
You've been anti-Penrith this whole thread. Is there an underlying issue?

no mate, got a lot of time for the Panthers, always have had. In fact while doing the media stuff for this site I went out of my way to show the club in a positive light.

I am anti Gower, I firmly believe this guy has got away with blue murder *edit*.

your toing and froing reinforces my view.

I have always believed the Panthers to be right up there in the integrety stakes.
*edit* what i believe is going on here, does nothing to reinforce that view.

Whats your position at the Panthers ? Media ?


Assistant Moderator
LeagueLegend said:
Quite the opposite actually!!
Then why did you say: "I'm sure that will go down well with the investigation team along with PIC (Police Integrity Commision)." ?

LeagueLegend said:
Ask the Bulldogs the same question and see whether it's helped them? No one remembers the idiots who witnessed or was the so called victim. It's the player or players who cop it repeatedly even after they are officially cleared.
Oh I know the media can be bastards sometimes but that's beside the point now that the police are involved.

And I'm not asking the Bulldogs, I'm asking in relation to the Panthers. The two incidents are quite different.

I'm talking about clearing Gower's name, surely that's the desired outcome. Isn't it?
Would you prefer to fight fire with fire through the media?
Would you prefer it if there was no police investigation?


gower just wanted to make out with a guy, what's the big deal
no crime against being gay.


aids said:
gower just wanted to make out with a guy, what's the big deal
no crime against being gay.

Unfortunately not anymore.
Maybe the guy who beat him will be charged with a hate crime.

Dave Q

LeagueLegend said:
Economics Analyst - Clearview Financial Services actually.


Whats your call on a rate rise next time 'round?

How evenly spread is the Sydney property price plummett?

Is it a good time to sell blue-chip shares?

How bouyant will the job market be this time next year?

Any share tips?


First Grade
I don't get it.

Bshar Hassen told police he was crash tackled by Gower without provocation about 1am, sparking a brawl between friends of both men. The matter was referred to the Kings Cross command.

Can someone be charged for tackling someone else?