Im of the opinion rhat News ltd has little genuine regard for the code .
I think that News' regard for anything only extends so far as if they can make money out of it or not, aside from that I don't think that News gives a flying f##k about anything...
I base this on their continued poor coverage of tournaments like the recent world cup, their continued destabilising rhetoric through their influential media power against genuine growth for the code without damaging the core of this competition which is the Sydney clubs.
I don't think that their coverage of anything is particularly good, so why you'd think that their coverage of RL would be any better I don't know.
And the coverage of the sport is terrible across the board the not just at News, so why you'd choose to single them out for criticism in this regard I don't know, the ABCs' treatment of the sport is much more deplorable in my opinion, especially considering that they are a taxpayer funded...
And what "destabilising rhetoric through their influential media power against genuine growth for the code without damaging the core of this competition which is the Sydney clubs." I haven't seen any articles recently from News calling for Sydney clubs to be wrapped up or anything of the sort, sounds interesting though you've got some links.
Remembering it was News ltd money that propagated an untimely solut in the game bacj in 1996/97.
So? They thought they could make money out of the game and took the opportunity to do so, doesn't mean that they have some vendetta against the sport to destroy it... If anything it means the exact opposite as if the sport was destroyed it servery hurt them in their back pocket as they had a vested in the sport as well.
In a simplified way I think that their intentions were pure (to take RL to the next level and make it a more profitable enterprise while making a dime at the same time) but the way that they went about it was terrible.
And the boss/owner of News ltd does not like rugby league.
Why would you expect him to like RL!?
Rupert Murdoch was born and raised in Melbourne and spent a good chunk of time when he was younger in Adelaide as well, of course he isn't going to be a big RL fan. Why would you expect him to be, and why does it matter anyway?
BTW, Lachlan Murdoch on the other hand is supposedly a really big RL fan.
People like yourself are duped with what they read and hear in the News ltd press.
I basically don't partake in any News Corp content except to watch live NRL games on Fox and some movies that 20th century Fox produces, so yeah I'm not duped by anything that they produce cause I don't read/watch any of their newspapers or whatever except on the odd occasion that one is linked on here in a thread on a topic that I'm interested in on this forum...
So unless you have changed your "implosuon" stance you would be part of 'others ' .
You have proven to me on multiple occasions that you don't have a clue what my stance on anything is, and you've never bothered to clarify what it is, so how you know that I have an ""implosion" stance" on anything I don't know.
Maybe you have changed? Don't know? But North Sydney were shafted in no uncertain terms by News Ltd. And if you havent worked that out please do!
I don't see how Norths were shafted by News.
News didn't force the Bears to unsuccessfully relocate to the CC (if anything that was the ARL promising them that they'd be exempt from rationalisation if they relocated), News didn't bankrupt them by trying to build a stadium on the CC, News didn't delay the construction of said stadium by divining bad weather, News didn't force them into a desperate merger with the Eagles in an attempt to save themselves, News didn't play a part in any of the shenanigans that went on in said merger (that were perpetuated by both sides), etc, etc.
News had nothing to do with the Bears downfall, the Bears downfall was a mixture of poor decision making on their part, very poor timing, and a shit ton of bad luck as well, to blame their situation on News is at best just plain wrong and at worst massively conspiratorial.