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Greg Inglis headed to South Sydney - no players to be shed

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I doubt Bennett would go there, he hates Tallis and if Tallis has any involvement......
Then again Tallis is only the forwards coach isn't he? Bennett would probably just sack him.
If that's the case I imagine the conversation going something like this:
"Rusty here, Wayne I'd like the best coach in the game to come and coach the greatest team in history to more premiership glory. I'll give you a contract, just say how much you want, for how many years, and it's yours."
"Hmmm sounds tempting, but that prick Tallis you got working for you, I hate his guts, I'm not working with him. It's me or him."
What do you think Crowe would say to that?

Dragon Dave

I can assure you Wayne is being offered as much as he wants to stay with us after 2011. We have made enough money from merchandise over the past month to sign him on for 5 years. It's either stay here, or retirement.


I can assure you Wayne is being offered as much as he wants to stay with us after 2011. We have made enough money from merchandise over the past month to sign him on for 5 years. It's either stay here, or retirement.
It's not that simple. We can match whatever you guys offer. But it's not about money. He's already done it all with the Dragons. But how many coaches have won a grand final with three different teams, including the two most iconic?


Wayne will be bloody busy if all the rumours are true. Coaching Brisbane, Cowboys AND Souths all at once?

Then again he is god so its possible


First Grade
It's not that simple. We can match whatever you guys offer. But it's not about money. He's already done it all with the Dragons. But how many coaches have won a grand final with three different teams, including the two most iconic?

Yeah i suppose winning with two iconic teams like broncos and st george is pretty good, i guess if he won one with a team like souths then that would be ok.


I've actually heard the same thing about Wayne. $1MIL per season from 2012.
The first Inglis-Souths rumors that I heard also mentioned Crowe being after Bennett for 2012. Lang's contract ends after next season, so does Bennett's...seems it works out perfect.

Special K

souths still have the worst halfback in the NRL though
Tim Smith signed with souths?

Inglis at fullback? Inglis at 95kg? Do you even know what you signed? If he was to get to 95kg he would have to cut off a leg. His storm profile has him listed at 104kg. That must have been around his round 1 weight as he got up to 112kg in the pre season - http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/greg-inglis-bulks-up/story-e6frf9if-1225828919444

Inglis will be your centre, best back and a great marketing tool but a 95kg fullback he is not.


Tim Smith signed with souths?

Inglis at fullback? Inglis at 95kg? Do you even know what you signed? If he was to get to 95kg he would have to cut off a leg. His storm profile has him listed at 104kg. That must have been around his round 1 weight as he got up to 112kg in the pre season - http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/greg-inglis-bulks-up/story-e6frf9if-1225828919444

Inglis will be your centre, best back and a great marketing tool but a 95kg fullback he is not.
If that photo is him at 110, or 105, or whatever it is, he can be that. He looks perfectly fit in that photo.

And he has to be at fullback, I'd be dissapointed if we put him in the Centres when we have Centres who can play, but a massive hole at fullback.

1 Eyed TEZZA

Wayne Bennett will not sign with another Sydney club ever. He will either go back to Brisbane and retire there or he will end up retiring at Saints.

I think he may take up the Queensland coaching gig full time after his NRL club career is over but that's it.

Wayne Bennett does not need money. There are things he finds more important.


Cool, so Souths have muscled through the cap some how, they've given a lifeline to a bloke who will probably stab them in the back as soon as Mundine orders him and they've wasted a whole heap of money on a player who has a good game once in a blue moon and beats his missus.

Top work Souths.


He was proven not guilty. Just like Greg Bird and Brett Stewart who have or will resume there playing careers. Whats the issue ?

Perth Red

Post Whore
Wayne Bennett will not sign with another Sydney club ever. He will either go back to Brisbane and retire there or he will end up retiring at Saints.

I think he may take up the Queensland coaching gig full time after his NRL club career is over but that's it.

Wayne Bennett does not need money. There are things he finds more important.

I'm hoping he hangs on a couple of years and comes West to help grow RL! He always seems an expansionist type of guy and we will need his profile and club building ability.


He was on even more with the Storm, was it a huge waste then? A contract that averages out to 666k a year for the best back in the league is just fine. Especially if we're smart enough to put him at fullback.
WTF has Jarryd Hayne's contract got to do with this???

We also shouldn't read too much into his 2010 performances. With no competition points to play for it's understandable if he wasn't up for it week in and week out.
With no competition points to play for he'd be in great company at Souths.

And the Storm played him at Center, where some weeks your just not going to see much of the ball. If we put him at fullback it gives him more oppurtunities to make an impact. That's why Slater was usually more consistent, his position gave him a bigger impact naturally. And another thing even before 2010, the Storm had half a team of strike weapons, Inglis didn't have to show up every week.
Slater never had to show up every week, but he did.

And if you don't see much ball at Centre, you have a big problem with your halves. I have not seen a game where Cronk hasn't shoveled the ball out wide to his left. A gun centre ALWAYS gets plenty of ball - and the halves love to hit 'em on the chest. Johns to Matt Gidley. Heather to Hodges. Sterlo to Cronin. Gower to Girdler (and later to Whatuira). JT to Lyon. Wally to Mal. A good centre always gets good ball.

If you are a centre and you suddenly play in a game where you see bugger all ball, you are playing Union.

In 2011, actual competition points + the excitement of a brand new environment + playing fullback (hopefully) gives him the chance to have his best year yet. Let's not forget he's only 23, talented players generally don't hit their peak until at least their mid 20s when their football brain catches up with their talent.

If Inglis is only going to play if his team is in the 8 then he is trouble. Souths are ALWAYS needing a win of 2 to stay in the race.

Eels Dude

He was on even more with the Storm, was it a huge waste then? A contract that averages out to 666k a year for the best back in the league is just fine. Especially if we're smart enough to put him at fullback.

Not when you consider the fact that half his salary consisted of under the table payments.
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