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Greg Inglis headed to South Sydney - no players to be shed

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First Grade
You were carrying on about them many pages before you and I crosed swords

Nah - just picking on Gasnier - I think St George owuld have won without him this year.

Well you got me there - I thought you meant the CC.

Yeah - you get it wrong a lot.

But if you are talking Dally M's, I would suggest that the fact that Bert or Wally never got one gives you a bit of a clue. Usually the positional player of the year doesn't get the most points compared to another in the same position - so there's your cred.
EDIT: Pete has corrected that Wally lewis did win in 1988.

Price and Petero sticking up for their QLD teammate is hardly impartial.
Sticking up? Hah - more like a comment that Hannant was firing hard all year till that point.

If Smart means that Offiah and Grothe were crap, Inglis was the best pivot ever and picking Inglis twice in the same team is a fantastic idea, then I aint smart. Thankfully.

Where did I ever say Grothe was crap? I said I doubt his style of play would be effective. You read but do not comprehend. Fool.

So Trent Waterhouse in the centres of a tri nations final was a brilliant idea? You are showing your f*cking stupidity if Trent Waterhouse was one of the two best centres in Australia in November 2005. BTW, Where was Inglis?

Inglis was an 18 yo rookie... Should he have played in your opinion? Certainly better than Waterhouse...

I suppose Waterhouse was a better threequarter than Offiah ever could be?:lol:

I dont know but where exactly is Waterhouse in the 2005 final? I see the centres listed as Gasnier and Cooper.

Australia: Minichiello, King, Gasnier, Cooper, Tate, Barrett, Gower, Civoniceva, Buderus, Ryles, O'Donnell, Fitzgibbon, Kennedy.
Replacements: Wing, Mason, O'Meley, Price.

What are you on about Loudstrat? Talking more jibber jabber without substance?

If no match was played how come Souffs won?

And Wiki - that has cred doesn't it! Waterhouse the best centre - did that come from Wiki too?
Is it wrong? Wiki says there was no final in 1909 - is that not correct? If it is - then I suggest your bitching and moaning is without substance darling. I mean its not as though I am submitting an opinion to a Royal Commission and will partake into deeper research for you. You cannot afford me. :)

Stop trying to put words in my mouth that I think Waterhouse should be a centre. Its a tangent and off topic and just shows how ignorant and stupid you are.

Clearly you must be unemployed then!

Because I analyse arguments all day? Okay, so you have no idea whatsoever how the law works. Nor how policy analysts work. Nor economists. Nor academics. Or a whole host of professions. I'll give you a clue - its the first one.

In terms of getting rewards from an unlawful situation, they are not. If Melbourne were missing the players that put them over the cap, they would possibly have not even made the finals. Anyway - moot point. Inglis has it - but it aint proof that he's the best ever.

But they did thus it is a moot point. And he was the best player on the day which is rightly reconginised by his medal. And he has one like many other great players. And Mark Gasnier does not. So who has done more in their career Loudstrat? I eman its your argument just crumbling away here.

75 years huh (clue - the average lifespan for Aussies is 82 years). 2010-75=1935. So if you were born before 1st May 1935 that includes a bloke called Dave Brown, who, in May, 1935, scored 5 tries, and gave the final pass for another 8, and kicked 15 goals in a club game against Canterbury.

You've missed the point again...

Lifetime means from the point of birth to the point of death. Not since 1985 you absolute moron.
HAHAH you're an absolute idiot but at least you're seeing my point now Loudstrat.

Once in a generation "IF NOT" lifetime. Im glad you've stopped your dawn of time jibber jabber. Clearly you have no idea how English works. You are below a lay person.

You are asserting that Inglis is better than Dave Brown and Reg Gasnier, by saying he is the best player in a lifetime. You said it - a once in a lifetime player. "Best player centre in 30 years" would probably be acceptable for someone with a massive crush on him. having rubbished any comparisons I have given clearly indicated the hardness of your knob increases when thinking about Inglis.

No - I asserted he is the best of the last 25/30 years and POSSIBLY (If not a once in a lifetime player)... You clearly cannot understand English. You are too rememdial to engage with at an intellectual level. Do you know what possibly means? You need to to know what POSSIBLY means to understannd IF NOT. The mere fact I said IF NOT means I am not asserting absolutely. YOU CLOWN.

No problem. So why was GI at pivot in the first place if he was the worlds best centre? If Finch is so hopeless, why wait until they sign him to move him wide? I agree, Centre is his best spot by a country mile. But if he was the best pivot in the NRL - why did they so desperately seek to manufacture/buy a pivot and not a centre? Will Chambers not good enough?

Coaches normally try to assemble the best team they can with resources available.... YOU IDIOT.

Gaz was a crap pivot - as was Hayne. Which means, after what 5 games as pivot you aint gunna be Bob Fulton. And after about 5 games Hayne was equal to Finch, which just proves that Finch is sh*t. And Bellamy preferred him at pivot to Inglis. I cannot remember an award winning pivot moved with to accommodate a nuffy thrown out of his second club! Never hapened to Adam Dykes, Cliffy Lyons, Terry Lamb, Jamie Soward....

None of those guys were as big powerful ball runners like Inglis is who can go the length of the field and score tries. Not quite analogous sweetheart. But good for you for trying. :)

Lifetime - period of time between birth and death.

Not 65 years
Oh dear - you do not understand words have more than one defintion in context. Im sorry sweet heart - I will try and be completely literal for you challenged self from now on.

Dawn of time - point of reference to the incalculable and possibly abstract point where time began. Not 1985.



Loud strat you should really finish primary school equivalent reading and comprehension.

genius - derogatory term referring to a person who suffers from a disability in the area of mental capacity and brain function.
Well some argue its still a current medical term - but I was not attempting to flatter you Loudstrat.
Also may refer to someone ho reckons Offiah was crap, the Dally M's are anointed by God and gilded in truth, and that the production of sperm in males is solely for depositing on the image of Greg Inglis in glossy magazines.
None of which I have said sweetheart.

"I can pck 2 Inglises in my computer game which proves he is the best player ever" - nope - THAT is the statement of a fool.

That was also never said sweetheart. Im sorry as an educated person I expect when communicating to others that they will understand analogies. You clearly don't. Because that it not what I said NOR is it the gist of what I said. I Do NOT EVEN HAVE A PS3. The analogy was for you because you are clearly stupid. My fault - it went above your level. Ill make it clear.


Yes. Noa is obscure. So f*cking obscure that no one has any knowledge of him ever playing for NSW!!!!. I picked up on Rogers wondering how the hell a Cronulla captain who was born in Sydney is obscure?
Or you fell for a hook, line and sinker sweetheart on the Nodruku.

Jason Robinson - the crab that went to Union. That comment shows about your cred and intelligence in this field.
Errr the Gasnier crab went to union too. I am sorry Loudstrat just because a person leaves a code for another code I do not autmatically think less of them as a PLAYER. YOU FOOL.
Your words. Proof. End of story.
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First Grade
Here ya are Antiflog. I put a few things together for ya regarding those two hopeless wingers from the 1980's Eric Grothe and Martin Offiah.

Eric Grothe and the 1984 Prelim GF

Grothe destroying Canterbury in 83

Nuffy Offiah destroying Leeds 10 times in one game

Nuffy again in what was described as the greatest ever try at Wembly

And a highlights reel of nuffy Offiah's best moments for GB, Widnes, Wigan etc

The bloke glided across the ground and makes Inglis look like a f*cking slug.

Thanks dear.

Inglis > Gaz.

Your slug link does not work...
Well watched them - fail to see why Grothe 1983 try is on the list really. I've seen better tries every NRL round.

The Grothe '84 try is pretty good - could actually make an Inglis or Hayne video.

Watch how the best does it.

At 0.57 who does Inglis make his b*tch?
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First Grade
Thanks dear.

Inglis > Gaz.

Your slug link does not work...
Well watched them - fail to see why Grothe 1983 try is on the list really. I've seen better tries every NRL round.

The Grothe '84 try is pretty good - could actually make an Inglis or Hayne video.

Watch how the best does it.

At 0.57 who does Inglis make his b*tch?

Comparing Eric Grothe to Greg Inglis? Are you serious?

Well, I will agree that they are similar sorts of players - like Jarryd Hayne too - they can all absolutely destroy teams at will.

And PS, calling Martin Offiah a nuffy? Joker......


Nah - just picking on Gasnier - I think St George owuld have won without him this year.
I agree. They won without Gasnier, and under the cap. Unike Melboring.

Where did I ever say Grothe was crap? I said I doubt his style of play would be effective. You read but do not comprehend.
When you recon he's worse than Darius Boyd :lol:
That's ONE

Inglis was an 18 yo rookie... Should he have played in your opinion? Certainly better than Waterhouse...
Israel Folau - 18 year old rookie on test debut. And you would have rather had Watmough in the centres I take it?

You are the only person in history to say Waterhouse in the centres was a good idea!

If no match was played how come Souffs won?
Is it wrong? Wiki says there was no final in 1909 - is that not correct?
Well you are telling the story you brainless gimp. You tell me - how come Souffs won if Wiki says no final was played you dumb wankstain of a horny baboon.
If it is - then I suggest your bitching and moaning is without substance darling. I mean its not as though I am submitting an opinion to a Royal Commission and will partake into deeper research for you. You cannot afford me. :)
You couldn't submit an opinion to wall in a public toilet. As for affording you - what is there to buy? A mentally deficient clown with an obsession with fat Souths centres? You are Reject Shop material.

Stop trying to put words in my mouth that I think Waterhouse should be a centre. Its a tangent and off topic and just shows how ignorant and stupid you are.
Well, you are telling me the CC judges are never wrong! Clearly you avoid hypocrisy by applauding the Waterhouse selection.

Because I analyse arguments all day?
You analysing arguments all day sounds a bit like an old perve watching chicks on the beach. You can analyse all you want but you will never mount one.

Okay, so you have no idea whatsoever how the law works. Nor how policy analysts work. Nor economists. Nor academics. Or a whole host of professions. I'll give you a clue - its the first one.
Unemployed. Has to be.

But they did thus it is a moot point. And he was the best player on the day which is rightly reconginised by his medal. And he has one like many other great players. And Mark Gasnier does not. So who has done more in their career Loudstrat? I eman its your argument just crumbling away here.
Gasnier, because half the time Inglis cannot get off his fat arse

Once in a generation "IF NOT" lifetime. Im glad you've stopped your dawn of time jibber jabber. Clearly you have no idea how English works. You are below a lay person.
You really have some social class issues. WTF is a lay person? And being below one - does that mean I am being rooted by a prostitute?

No - I asserted he is the best of the last 25/30 years and POSSIBLY (If not a once in a lifetime player)... You clearly cannot understand English. You are too rememdial to engage with at an intellectual level. Do you know what possibly means? You need to to know what POSSIBLY means to understannd IF NOT. The mere fact I said IF NOT means I am not asserting absolutely. YOU CLOWN.
OK, so you reckon he's only POSSILY better than Reg Gasnier and Dave Brown. :lol: (But not as good as Trent Waterhouse)

Coaches normally try to assemble the best team they can with resources available.... YOU IDIOT.
You idiot - and as soon as Finch came along Bellyache had a better resource at Pivot than Inglis! How hard is that to undestand you fetit geniused dog turd????

None of those guys were as big powerful ball runners like Inglis is who can go the length of the field and score tries. Not quite analogous sweetheart. But good for you for trying. :)
They simply were better pivots than Inglis though.

Recognising that you are an unemployed gimp. That was dead easy!
Fair enough then.
Which, you chronic f*cking stupid git - IS LONGER THAN 25 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

................... - but I was not attempting to flatter you Loudstrat.
None of which I have said sweetheart.

That was also never said sweetheart
And all these terms of affection - are you trying to hit on me? Sorry, I'm strictly hetero, and even if I was a shirtlfter - to quote you - "You cannot possibly afford me" .
Im sorry as an educated person I expect when communicating to others that they will understand analogies. You clearly don't. Because that it not what I said NOR is it the gist of what I said. I Do NOT EVEN HAVE A PS3. The analogy was for you because you are clearly stupid. My fault - it went above your level. Ill make it clear.
You have to have been educated in a public toilet with an unflushed turd as a teacher. here is no way you made it past year 10.
:lol: Y9u clearly are a dumb f*ck!
Surely a trogludite such as yourself can work that out?
Surely such an educated man can spell "troglodyte"

Or you fell for a hook, line and sinker sweetheart on the Nodruku.
I called you out you gimp!

Errr the Gasnier crab went to union too. I am sorry Loudstrat just because a person leaves a code for another code I do not autmatically think less of them as a PLAYER. YOU FOOL.
Your words. Proof. End of story.
Gaz aint a crab like Robinson who famously crabbed against the Kangaroos for an entire test. Gaz went for a year in his twilight. Robinson spent almost his life there. Big difference. Sort of like between yourself and a human.

Eels Dude

the Antilag gibberish thread. Shame for the rest of us who actually aren't interested in public slanging matches and would prefer to keep to the topic at hand. Egos should be kept to PMs.


First Grade
I agree. They won without Gasnier, and under the cap. Unike Melboring.

Pretty sure they won with gasnier. FOOL.

When you recon he's worse than Darius Boyd :lol: That's ONE
Where have I ever said this? You fool.

Israel Folau - 18 year old rookie on test debut. And you would have rather had Watmough in the centres I take it?

2005 Tri nations final - gasnier and COoper were in the centres. YOU ARE WRONG. FOOL.

You are the only person in history to say Waterhouse in the centres was a good idea!

You're the only person to say Waterhouse played centre in that game. He did not. Fool!

Well you are telling the story you brainless gimp. You tell me - how come Souffs won if Wiki says no final was played you dumb wankstain of a horny baboon.

Brainless? I doubt someone brainless could complete a BA (in Politics with Economics) /LLB(hons) from a World Top 50 university and a dip in IS. I'm not brainless sunshine. But you can goto wikipedia yourself and find out the rest of the info. What field did you apply your "intellectual mettle" to?

You couldn't submit an opinion to wall in a public toilet. As for affording you - what is there to buy? A mentally deficient clown with an obsession with fat Souths centres? You are Reject Shop material.

No - I'm lower than that. I have submitted opinions to Law Reviews, judges and academics - not a QC but closer than you'll presumably ever be.

Well, you are telling me the CC judges are never wrong! Clearly you avoid hypocrisy by applauding the Waterhouse selection.
You keep going on about Waterhouse. I fail to see any relevance. FOOL.

You analysing arguments all day sounds a bit like an old perve watching chicks on the beach. You can analyse all you want but you will never mount one.
Actually I do alright with the girls. Used to be my personality but now its probably my career choice. ;)

Unemployed. Has to be.
Nope. But always available for more retainers.

Gasnier, because half the time Inglis cannot get off his fat arse
Hah. Gasnier is Inglis' b*tch.

You really have some social class issues. WTF is a lay person? And being below one - does that mean I am being rooted by a prostitute?

A lay person is someone who is uneducated, typically of a profession, but generally it means someone who cannot understand due to lack of education or ability. Its not really to do with social class per se - but clearly it is correlative. :)

OK, so you reckon he's only POSSILY better than Reg Gasnier and Dave Brown. :lol: (But not as good as Trent Waterhouse)
Waterhouse is an average player. What are you on about FOOL?

You idiot - and as soon as Finch came along Bellyache had a better resource at Pivot than Inglis! How hard is that to undestand you fetit geniused dog turd????

Has Bellamy said that? I don't think so. You have missed the point. FOOL.

They simply were better pivots than Inglis though.

Maybe. Inglis is certainly better centre than them, though.

Recognising that you are an unemployed gimp. That was dead easy!
Sorry son - I'm not unemployed. Might not be at my dream job at Allen & Overy just yet - but I'll get there.

Fair enough then. Which, you chronic f*cking stupid git - IS LONGER THAN 25 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why all the exclamation points - you losing the plot?

GOT IT YET? And all these terms of affection - are you trying to hit on me? Sorry, I'm strictly hetero, and even if I was a shirtlfter - to quote you - "You cannot possibly afford me" .

"Cannot afford me" is the rate at which my work is billable for. Not hitting on you - being condescending if anything.

You have to have been educated in a public toilet with an unflushed turd as a teacher. here is no way you made it past year 10.

BA/LLB (hons) Mofo.

:lol: Y9u clearly are a dumb f*ck!

Refer above.

Surely such an educated man can spell "troglodyte"

You never made a spelling mistake? I can point some of yours out in future if you want me too.

I called you out you gimp!

You sure did. And I revealed my qualifications and my career. What are yours?

Gaz aint a crab like Robinson who famously crabbed against the Kangaroos for an entire test. Gaz went for a year in his twilight. Robinson spent almost his life there. Big difference. Sort of like between yourself and a human.

Robinson is not Rupeni Caucau, but I'd select him way before Offiah ;)
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Staff member
the Antilag gibberish thread. Shame for the rest of us who actually aren't interested in public slanging matches and would prefer to keep to the topic at hand. Egos should be kept to PMs.
Couldn't agree more, this read is all but unreadable now.


First Grade
Couldn't agree more, this read is all but unreadable now.

Yeah my apologies to others. But I was not going to let that ignoramus assert bollocks and make unsubstantiated claims/straw man.

I have a tenacious aggressive nature.


First Grade
And PS, calling Martin Offiah a nuffy? Joker......

Well its not that dissimilar from Daz calling ET a nuffy really. I rate ET, I don't rate Offiah. Offiah is more guilty of what Daz claims ET is guilty of. Just feeding of space others put him in.

Big Pete

Doesn't help that some of Loud's points are off.

Langer did win the CC award in 1992.

Lewis won the 1988 Dally M Five Eigth of the Year.


Well there ya go. Learn something mew every day - but not from Antiflog!

Re Langer - I was thinking that was the year that Mackay won it from a losing side - I thought the two losers (Clyde and Mackay) were back to back.

Big Pete

That was 93 and it was Walters who was truly dudded.

Lockyer did deserve 2000 and Inglis was definitely deserving in 2007.


Village Idiot
Staff member
wow... get on here after the weekend and there's a whole heap of extra pages to go thru..

i'm going to guess a summary of the last 10 pages..

souffs fans - we are not over the cap and inglis will sign

everyone else - yeah right.. stop fooling yourselves..

fein - can anyone spare a dollar?


wow... get on here after the weekend and there's a whole heap of extra pages to go thru..

i'm going to guess a summary of the last 10 pages..

souffs fans - we are not over the cap and inglis will sign

everyone else - yeah right.. stop fooling yourselves..

fein - can anyone spare a dollar?
More or less that's it. But don't forget the hypocrisy, when the latest dailytelerag rumours say we're getting him, he's a fat useless over the hill merkin, when the telerag says we're not getting him, he's a superstar we're missing out on and we'll suck without him.

The bottom line is, we're getting him and an already formidable squad with him added to it will be the most talented in the NRL in 2011.


First Grade
another signing for Souths.

Youngest Burgess brother joins Rabbitohs

By Nathan Ryan
29 November 2010 01:11PM EST

EXCLUSIVE: YOUNGEST Burgess brother George will join big brother Sam at South Sydney next year in the NYC Toyota Cup competition.

Although he is contracted to Bradford, it is understood George will join the Bunnies for one season on loan, as he still has another two seasons to run on his deal with the English club.
An insider at the famous red and green club told nospam23.com.au: “George will be at Souths in 2011.
“I think Richo (CEO Shane Richardson) wants to wait to announce it but I’m not going to lie to you.
“He’ll be here next year.”
The 18-year-old twin will leave his brother Tom who also plays with the Bulls to work under newly appointed Toyota cup coach Scott Murray, who joins the club from the Roosters.
The deal was completed late last week with George expected to join Sam for pre-season training in January next year when the International also returns from holidays.
nospam23.com.au attempted to contact both Murray and Souths CEO Shane Richardson, however the pair did not respond.
Burgess is yet to make his Super League first grade debut for the Bulls potentially gaining his debut in the NRL next season.



Village Idiot
Staff member
what are you paying him with? clearasil?

certainly can't have any room left now?
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