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Greg Inglis headed to South Sydney - no players to be shed

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So an extra $100,000 that Souths 'didn't know about' but every other club did, and Colin Best knocking back '$160,000 for one year'.

There is something wrong... Cronulla would not being paying near 160,000 for Best, and he was told to look elsewhere by Souths because they could not fit him in the cap.

Souths = The New Melbourne.
Souths haven't bought anyone since then. So regardless of when they did or didn't know about it the money is still there. As for Best, it wouldn't surprise me if the Sharks had to pay overs to get him. And even if they didn't maybe Richo lied to him about the cap so as to not embarass him? Maybe we did and do have the room, we just didn't want to spend it on him?

I think it's hilarious how Rothfield assumes Richo is lying or misleading him now, and also assumes that Richo was telling the rock solid truth earlier about the cap. It's a case of Rothfield believing Richo when it suits his agenda, and thinking he's a lying merkin when it suits his agenda.


First Grade
so 150K + 160K + 100K = $410K

Melbourn'e salary for Greg was 700k? I thought under the rules for Melbourne this year and getting under the cap if they were to release any players this year the players had to receive the same salary they were contracted to melbourne otherwise the difference would come off melbourne's cap? does that mean that melbourne are now down 290k next year (on thier cap)? Or is the 290k made up of third party payments? Is there a limit on the amount that a third party can pay a player?


It's a case of Rothfield believing Richo when it suits his agenda, and thinking he's a lying merkin when it suits his agenda.
Now its revealed - you're Phil Rothfield.
You've described yourself to a T, believing the media when it suits your argument, disbelieving when it doesn't. But I thought you were a sharks fans phil?


Now its revealed - you're Phil Rothfield.
You've described yourself to a T, believing the media when it suits your argument, disbelieving when it doesn't. But I thought you were a sharks fans phil?
I believe the media when they report something logical, and have my doubts when I think they're being ridiculous. Which I think is the case for anybody.

And Danny Weidler >>> Phil Rothfield. By a mile.

Dragon Dave

So an extra $100,000 that Souths 'didn't know about' but every other club did, and Colin Best knocking back '$160,000 for one year'.

There is something wrong... Cronulla would not being paying near 160,000 for Best, and he was told to look elsewhere by Souths because they could not fit him in the cap.

Souths = The New Melbourne.

Can't say you guys haven't offered rediculous amounts of money to rubbish players in the past...

Cough Adam Cuthbertson Cough
Now its revealed - you're Phil Rothfield.
You've described yourself to a T, believing the media when it suits your argument, disbelieving when it doesn't. But I thought you were a sharks fans phil?

100% correct green.

The majority of Souths fans call the Daily Telegraph the Telecrap mainly because of its links to News LTD. But when it released an article late in the season on how Souths had apparently had a half dozen dud calls during thr season it all of a sudden became the Gospel and more believable than the pope.



100% correct green.

The majority of Souths fans call the Daily Telegraph the Telecrap mainly because of its links to News LTD. But when it released an article late in the season on how Souths had apparently had a half dozen dud calls during thr season it all of a sudden became the Gospel and more believable than the pope.

Not for me, it having 1 decent article doesn't mean that I became a huge fan all of a sudden.

Same with this Rothfield rubbish atm, while he goes on with his conspiracy theories he also said as long as it's above board he'd love to see Inglis at souths, that didn't make me like him.


Seriously? I do not know where you picked our 11 representative players from.

We have three three rep players in DTaylor, Burgess and Luke. We are almost certainly the club with the least amount of rep players. The Sharks would have more than us.

Your pack. Asotasi, Luke, Pettybourne, Burgess, Taylor, Crocker. Add Ross, Wesser, Sutton and Champion played City Origin all rep at some stage.

To Ziggy. Gasiner came mid season giving Dragons time to offload Costigan, Smith and Saffy giving them money to work with

When will it ever end?

For a bloke who many thought was a forgone conclusion to Souths, it sure does seem to be taking a hell of a long time to get the deal done.


Everyone except Souths fans can see that this deal stinks. Inglis's reputation will forever be tarnished for being a scumbag turncoat merkin, who stab you in the back at the first opportunity as long as there's something in it for him.

What a wanker. I hope he and Souths fail at everything they attempt.


Everyone except Souths fans can see that this deal stinks. Inglis's reputation will forever be tarnished for being a scumbag turncoat merkin, who stab you in the back at the first opportunity as long as there's something in it for him.

What a wanker. I hope he and Souths fail at everything they attempt.
Noone cared when Luke Lewis did the same thing to us. Even we didn't bitch and moan and complain about it, we moved on. So excuse me if I couldn't care less that Inglis decided to change his mind with the Broncos. He had every right to do that. People change their minds all the time, I doubt you've gone your entire life without ever thinking differently about something.

And why did noone think Brisbane was cheating the cap to get him? They have more stars than we do so why was it so easy for everyone to believe they were legit but we're lying cheating merkins. Now I'm not accusing them of trying to cheat, I don't think they did, I'm just pointing out everyones hypocrisy. Brisbane signing Inglis = perfectly legitimate buy. Souths signing Inglis = LIARS! CHEATERS!

Big Mick

Luke Lewis is totally different.

He didn't make out it was on compassionate grounds and all this BS.

He didn't turn his back on Souths and sign with the Roosters.

He had a cooling off period dictated by the NRL and took it up to re-sign with his junior club who he's played all his footy with because he wanted to stay loyal.

Inglis has turned his back on a deal he got because he left on compassionate grounds to totally contradict everything he's said initially.

The fact Souths fans keep justifying it comparing Inglis to Lewis goes to show how f**king deluded they are. Totally different circumstances.

I couldn't care less that Inglis signed with Souths. Wont mean sh*t when he starts getting stuck into the Macca's again, and then you have a halfback who doesn't seem to have a brain.

Souths are beginning to look like one of those incredibly talented teams that just wont "get it together" until they have a halfback who is consistent and decent and not full of himself.
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Luke Lewis is totally different.

He didn't make out it was on compassionate grounds and all this BS.

He didn't turn his back on Souths and sign with the Roosters.

He had a cooling off period dictated by the NRL and took it up to re-sign with his junior club who he's played all his footy with because he wanted to stay loyal.

Inglis has turned his back on a deal he got because he left on compassionate grounds to totally contradict everything he's said initially.

The fact Souths fans keep justifying it comparing Inglis to Lewis goes to show how f**king deluded they are. Totally different circumstances.

I couldn't care less that Inglis signed with Souths. Wont mean sh*t when he starts getting stuck into the Macca's again, and then you have a halfback who doesn't seem to have a brain.

Souths are beginning to look like one of those incredibly talented teams that just wont "get it together" until they have a halfback who is consistent and decent and not full of himself.
Yeah Luke Lewis was heaps loyal, except for the period where he wanted to leave.

This compassionate grounds BS is irrelevant. Do people really think that's the only reason he was released? So if he didn't use the compassionate grounds excuse, the Storm magically have 500k+ cap room? Please. They would have released him anyway if he wanted to.

And excuse me if I don't care that the Storm may have been misled, my compassion for them is limited considering they carried out the biggest cheating scandal in league history.

Big Mick

I'm pretty sure he said he wanted to stay in Penrith so his girlfriend could be close to her sick father.

So...he has played for Penrith his whole career.

Its not as if he was signing with the Bunnies and turned around and signed with the Roosters.

That's the equivalent of what Inglis is doing.


Noone cared when Luke Lewis did the same thing to us. Even we didn't bitch and moan and complain about it, we moved on. So excuse me if I couldn't care less that Inglis decided to change his mind with the Broncos. He had every right to do that. People change their minds all the time, I doubt you've gone your entire life without ever thinking differently about something.

Nice revisionist history there. Shame it doesn't stand up to scrutiny. Lewis was roundly criticised for his decision, and rightly so. Whilst I think what Lewis did was despicable, the way he went about it was miles apart from the way Inglis is currently whoring himself out to the highest bidder.

And why did noone think Brisbane was cheating the cap to get him? They have more stars than we do so why was it so easy for everyone to believe they were legit but we're lying cheating merkins. Now I'm not accusing them of trying to cheat, I don't think they did, I'm just pointing out everyones hypocrisy. Brisbane signing Inglis = perfectly legitimate buy. Souths signing Inglis = LIARS! CHEATERS!

Brisbane had just lost Israel Folau, who was on similarly high coin. Brisbane never said publicly that they didn't have enough money under the cap, unlike Souths who admitted it several times.

Again on this "more stars" bs are you? Lockyer, Thaiday, Hodges. Who else do you think qualifies as a superstar? You've got Asotasi, Luke, Burgess as absolute stars of the game and arguably Sutton and Taylor getting close to that level.

I do enjoy blowing your arguments to bits over and over but surely this is getting a little embarrassing for you?


So...he has played for Penrith his whole career.

Its not as if he was signing with the Bunnies and turned around and signed with the Roosters.

That's the equivalent of what Inglis is doing.

I don't dispute that point Big Mick but the man did ask for a release on compassionate grounds did he not?


First Grade
The compassion angle was put out to soften the impact amongst Storm fans. The reality is it had absolutely nothing to do with Inglis leaving


Souths haven't bought anyone since then. So regardless of when they did or didn't know about it the money is still there. As for Best, it wouldn't surprise me if the Sharks had to pay overs to get him. And even if they didn't maybe Richo lied to him about the cap so as to not embarass him? Maybe we did and do have the room, we just didn't want to spend it on him?

Maybe not.

But you have re-signed Luke, Ross, Wesser, Mansour, Talanoa and Vai Vai. Are you seriously trying to tell me that not a single one of those players received an upgrade?

By the way, maybe Richo should check his own club's website more often. Seems they knew about the changes in June:

http://www.rabbitohs.com.au/News/Club-News/NRL-Announces-Changes-to-Salary-Cap-for-2011.html (note the date)

I think it's hilarious how Rothfield assumes Richo is lying or misleading him now, and also assumes that Richo was telling the rock solid truth earlier about the cap. It's a case of Rothfield believing Richo when it suits his agenda, and thinking he's a lying merkin when it suits his agenda.

Bahahahahahahahaha!!!! From earlier in your post:

maybe Richo lied to him about the cap so as to not embarass him? Maybe we did and do have the room, we just didn't want to spend it on him?

I think it's hilarious how you assume Richo is lying or misleading us then, and also assumes that Richo was telling the rock solid truth about the Inglis situation.
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