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Gus Gould in PNG


If PNG were to be admitted into the NRL around 2013-15 it would be the greatest moment that RL Australia has had since its formation in 1908. That's how big it would be, don't kid yourselves, the knock on affect would be absolutely breath taking.

It would be un-fu*king-believable for our game!!!


If PNG were to be admitted into the NRL around 2013-15 it would be the greatest moment that RL Australia has had since its formation in 1908. That's how big it would be, don't kid yourselves, the knock on affect would be absolutely breath taking.

It would be un-fu*king-believable for our game!!!

Someone talking sense at last.


Nonsense. The NRL needs all the positive press it can get and how better to get it than to help a struggling country and its people realise their dream. The NRL should be falling over themselves with pride at the compliment that any country would see this as such a big thing. God knows there's nowhere near that much enthusiasm for the game in Victoria, SA, WA or probably even in most parts of NSW and Qld either. To be so selfish to think that PNG has to deliver some kind of major benefit to the NRL to make it worthwhile is ridiculous in itself, never mind suggesting that they don't. Half the clubs in Sydney don't offer as much to the sport. A stronger PNG will strengthen the international game, one of the few areas in which we have an advantage over the AFL. Their inclusion would be the best news story RL has had in a long time. One of the best things I've ever seen in RL was the reaction of the PNG players when they scored against Australia and England in the WC. If you could bottle that it would be worth more than all the News Ltd and Channel Nine money combined.

Nonsense you say.

Not being disrespectfull to the people of PNG but most Australians don't give a stuff about what happens in PNG. Probably because we don't know a whole lot about the country. I wonder how many Australians know the capital of PNG? Which may sound odd to say with them being such a close neighbour.

So to suggest the game would get positive press out of placing a local team from PNG in the NRL is what I would call nonsense. Obviously it would be huge in PNG. But here in Australia all I can see is people is asking why.

You need to remember the NRL is not the United Nations or some charity organisation. Its not the NRL's role to educate Australians about PNG. Its not the NRLs role to make life better for the people in that country. The NRL is a business and for it to not just survive but also to thrive it needs to be ran as a business.

There is no doubt the people of PNG love Rugby League. Seeing the vision of Goulds visit to the country pulled on most league fans heart strings. If we had more countries showing their passion for the game then league would be the most dominate sport in the world.

But it take just more then just passion for it to work. Some time in the future I feel PNG will be apart of the NRL. But for me that is 10-20 years away.
It wouldn't matter how passionate other countries are, they'd get nowhere if the authorities in the bigger RL nations ignored them as much as we do PNG. And clearly this is as a result of people here dismissing the people of that country, dismissing their ability to run a professional club and dismissing the positive impact a club there could have on the entire sport of RL. Reducing the whole idea to a charitable exercise that would only aid the people of PNG, as if that's a minor achievement, fails to really grasp the potential of the whole thing.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Get the Australian Govt, UN, WHO, whoever to throw in $10mill a year and they can have a team. Anything else is pipedream stuff. I'd love to see it but the obstacles are so massive that I very much doubt I ever will.


Will each game draw 6.6 Million people? Yes.

Will you be able to charge more than about 10c entry fee? No.

If the NRL gave them the infrastructure and unwaivering long-term support, or they found a massive financial backer, support and enthusiasm would be massively above average. Teams would play in front of 50,000 every week, but there isnt the financial base to hold themselves up.


the country is too poor and unstable...

there is no infrastrucutre...... and which NRL players would want to live and play for the team.....

It will cost NRL too much money with high risks


Nonsense you say.

Not being disrespectfull to the people of PNG but most Australians don't give a stuff about what happens in PNG. Probably because we don't know a whole lot about the country. I wonder how many Australians know the capital of PNG? Which may sound odd to say with them being such a close neighbour.

So to suggest the game would get positive press out of placing a local team from PNG in the NRL is what I would call nonsense. Obviously it would be huge in PNG. But here in Australia all I can see is people is asking why.

You need to remember the NRL is not the United Nations or some charity organisation. Its not the NRL's role to educate Australians about PNG. Its not the NRLs role to make life better for the people in that country. The NRL is a business and for it to not just survive but also to thrive it needs to be ran as a business.

There is no doubt the people of PNG love Rugby League. Seeing the vision of Goulds visit to the country pulled on most league fans heart strings. If we had more countries showing their passion for the game then league would be the most dominate sport in the world.

But it take just more then just passion for it to work. Some time in the future I feel PNG will be apart of the NRL. But for me that is 10-20 years away.

I don't often call anyone here stupid and I say this with as much respect to you as humanly possible, but you are so way stupid it is not even funny. Your statements are so profoundly ignorant that to point out the errors in your assessment of what PNG would bring to the table of RL, I believe would be a complete and total waste of my time, so I won't even bother.


All we need to know about the PNG bid is if it is funded - and since there are two governments behind it, PNG and Australia, we don't need to know any more.


I'd like to know how many of you people who are calling for this ridiculous pipe dream to become a reality, have actually been to PNG and seen how bad the joint is first hand. They need to be spending their $$$$ on hospitals and health care and education, you know, the necessities in life???


None of the supporters ever answer the question of how they will get Aussies ( players and coaches) to live over there. PNG is one of the most difficult hardship postings in the world.

Maybe Gus can be the first over there as the local TV commentator?


A PNG NRL shouldn't be the aim at this stage it should be:

1) Get more players in the NRL!!! For gods sake how hard can this be given that 50% of the male population plays?? This is achieveable within a short period of time.

2) Build the strength of the National team. PNG could possibly challenge the big 3, just need more NRL and SL players. This is a medium term goal.

3) NRL team, but this is a long term goal 10-20 years away.


None of the supporters ever answer the question of how they will get Aussies ( players and coaches) to live over there. PNG is one of the most difficult hardship postings in the world.

Maybe Gus can be the first over there as the local TV commentator?

There are alot of reasons why a PNG NRL won't work in the near future. This isn't one of them. Plenty of people live in hardship postings.


There are alot of reasons why a PNG NRL won't work in the near future. This isn't one of them. Plenty of people live in hardship postings.

There are hard ship postings and then there is PNG.

Canberra struggles to attract NRL players, can you imagine how png will go?

Living and working at a mine may not be that different in outback aust or PNG, but if you are 20 yrs old the differences between syd, melb or the gold coast would seem a bit more fun than living behind your locked up compound in moresby.


Post Whore
There are alot of reasons why a PNG NRL won't work in the near future. This isn't one of them. Plenty of people live in hardship postings.

Hardship postings ??? Have you f**king been there ?

The crime and poverty is appalling, there is no infrastructure and they have a massive HIV problem.

I know they are the only country to have league as a national sport but no player with a family will relocate them to Moresby. This is a pipe dream.


There are hard ship postings and then there is PNG.

Canberra struggles to attract NRL players, can you imagine how png will go?

Living and working at a mine may not be that different in outback aust or PNG, but if you are 20 yrs old the differences between syd, melb or the gold coast would seem a bit more fun than living behind your locked up compound in moresby.

Yeah maybe so but I would say the only Aussie guys they would want to attract would be seasoned older players (not 20 yo party boys), they would have the juniors well and truely covered off between PNG and the other island nations.


Your not going to get young single blokes, and you will struggle to get blokes risking their families. What does this leave?

I know blokes who work over there but they are 40 something, broke and divorced looking for a quick buck after their ex wives have cleaned them out.


Post Whore
Your not going to get young single blokes, and you will struggle to get blokes risking their families. What does this leave?

I know blokes who work over there but they are 40 something, broke and divorced looking for a quick buck after their ex wives have cleaned them out.

SO your last chance saloon guys who are only there for the cash ?

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