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Has Matthew Johns been treated unfairly?

Has Matthew Johns been treated unfairly?

  • Yes. It has gone way too far.

    Votes: 172 74.1%
  • No. He deserves everything he gets.

    Votes: 60 25.9%

  • Total voters
I think it is probably a story in the public interest and therefore it is part of being a celebrity. So in that sense I don't think he has been treated unfairly or fairly really. He has been treated how a person would expect a celebrity to be treated. It is a little unfair that he was the player singled out though.

Any sex Matthew Johns would have had besides with his wife would have been newsworthy because affairs sell papers. This one just sells more. So as I said I don't think he has been treated any worse than MOST celebrities would cop.

That said I think the game of Rugby League has been treated unfairly by the media for quite some time. The only thing we can really do is attempt to clean up the game as much as possible.


many celebrties involved in the music industry , movies etc. are treated like gods becuase of some of their sexual exploits.

none of them get stood down becuase they were involved in an orgy.


I was more outraged when Matt Johns appeared on the Roast a year or two ago looking decidely the worse for wear and possibly still quite pi**ed .

Matt Johns can feel rightly vilified by the media , what he did was stupid , irresponsible and moraly corrupt . As a senior player of 30 years of age he should have known a hell of a lot better .

Cheating on your wife is the lowest of lows but I don't think anyone else gets stood down from their job for cheating do they ??

The fact this matter was in the media 7 years ago and has been dredged up shows you just how far our society has sunk in demanding sensationalism of events.

Sadly the John's name in Rugby league circles isn't going to be remembered for their footy playing and thats the crime.


First Grade
Yes he has.

TBPH I am really, really, really pissed off. Why wait 7 damn years to say anything about it?

It wasn't only Matty there were "other" players there so why all the blame on Matty.



Or maybe she consented to having sex with Matt and someone else. When she realised that there was more people in there, she felt that she was being taken advantage of? I don't know if that is rape, but it is certainly illegal.

That is why I asked the question. Obviously the answer is no. Thanks for answering your own question on that - you clearly don't have any understanding or sympathy to victims of sexual assault.

If there was anything illegal that happened, the police would have laid charges. They didn't. So the facts are that the police found no case for rape or sexual assult. Please try and get that through your thick head. Stop making assumptions about what took place.


First Grade
When you become a personality in the media you have to know that your past will catch up with you at sometime...

There was no choice for him. He had to go. The NRL are trying to clean up the Rugby Leagues image. Actions he did 7 years ago has degraded that image.

How can you promote respect to women within the game and have a someone like Matt Johns heavily involved in the media side of it now?

Pete Cash

Post Whore
Sexual Assault cases are amazingly difficult to prove besides in the most obvious of cases. Police only press charges when they think they can make a case.


I don't think Matty Johns is a rapist, in fact if I have her story straight he seems to be one of the ones she consented to. It is just the rest of the situation becomes a little trickier.


The nail was hammered into Johns coffin when she gave that last testimony. It was pitiful and vindictive. Had it been Charmyne Palavi, he would still be at channel nine.

I have a question, how did 4 corners trace the woman? Did she write to 4 corners inorder to pay back Johns?


Another interesting bit of information I heard on the radio today on the (Steve Price show) was that she was approached by the two players the night before. She knocked them back saying she had a boyfriend. When approached by the players the next night, she agreed to go with them.

Says a lot about the morals of this "lady" if she is willing to cheat on her bf with a couple of footballers she just met.

The point I would make is that there has been poor judgement, low morals and poor behaviour by all involved. It is wrong to single out one party for punishment when each of them played their role in this whole situation.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
Saying that you have a boyfriend is the oldest lie in the book to get men to stop harassing you.

Not saying that this is what happened here, but it is certainly a common enough lie.


Ok, so can we now expect Alan Jones to be stood down from his job?

I've heard that he partakes in gay sex which i find disgusting and immoral ! :sarcasm:

Someone please explain the legal difference between a consensual GB and consensual man love ? :?


I have a question, how did 4 corners trace the woman? Did she write to 4 corners inorder to pay back Johns?

I have a bigger question , what was Newcastle Knights role in the story ???

Why were the camera's in newcastle's rooms , why were the camera's at Newcastle's behaviour sessions ?? Why was the Knights CEO the only CEO interviewed ?? Why were the camera's on Newcastle's team bus ??

Obviously Newcastle invited Four Corners into their set up - but why and when ??

Does Newcatle have some role to play in dredging this story up ? Is there a vendetta ?


I think the media has gone overboard with this whole thing, yes he has done the wrong, that is having sex with a girl while still married, but by the letter of law he has committed no crime.

I do kind of agree with Nine standing down Matt Johns, for him and his family's sake he shouldnt be in the public eye for a while.

Taking a holiday to Broome seemed like a good idea at the time, until the f**kwits from Daily Telegraph hunted him down while he was trying to escape this whole situation.

Matty just go to Switzerland where no-one will recognise you, or even Tasmania.

Blind Freddy

I'm absolutely disgusted with this overblown situation. Bloody oath Johns has been treated unfairly.

Why is Shane Warne contracted with channel 9 after numerous sexual escapades even one inluding blow up dolls??

Why is Matthew Newton allowed to act on Underbelly which is on Channel 9 after the physical abuse of his Mrs?
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Why did 4 corners use an incident that happened 7years ago as an example to promote footballers behaving badly. Why not use a recent incident?
What did she expect was going to happen have tea and cookies...She is much to blame as Matthew.


I'm absolutely disgusted with this overblown situation. Bloody oath Johns has been treated unfairly.

Why is Shane Warne contracted with channel 9 after numerous sexual escapades even one inluding blow up dolls??

Why is Matthew Newton allowed to act on Underbelly which is on Channel 9 after the physical abuse of his Mrs?

Ratings. Both of the above are on shows that get high ratings. Johns is expendable because TFS is a low rating show.


First Grade
Let's not forget Johns isnt even the rapist (not saying there necessarily was one)

The sex with him was consensual.

It's the other guys who should be looking over their shoulder.

So to put this in perspective - Johns is at risk of being sacked by the Storm and Channel 9 for cheating on his wife 7 years ago.


Anyone alarmed by the sense of misproportion here?

Blind Freddy

Ratings. Both of the above are on shows that get high ratings. Johns is expendable because TFS is a low rating show.

The 9 network's marquee program Underbelly makes good ratings so its perfectly acceptbele to have a "wife basher" on there.

What Mat Newton did is a billion times worse that what Mathew Johns did. (Consentual group Sex V's Physical Spousal abuse)

Where were the calls to have his (Newton's) overgrown head to be pulled off Underbelly??

Absolutely Disgraceful Channel 9!!


Another interesting bit of information I heard on the radio today on the (Steve Price show) was that she was approached by the two players the night before. She knocked them back saying she had a boyfriend. When approached by the players the next night, she agreed to go with them.

Says a lot about the morals of this "lady" if she is willing to cheat on her bf with a couple of footballers she just met.

The point I would make is that there has been poor judgement, low morals and poor behaviour by all involved. It is wrong to single out one party for punishment when each of them played their role in this whole situation.

She agreed to sex to two people yes? Johns and Firman. Okay.

How then did ten other people end up in that room turkey slapping her, groping her and jerking off to the whole show?

Either Johns or Firman has dragged a fourth party in on this threesome.

If you can't see that there is something hugely intimidating and disturbing for a 19 year old teenager to be confronted with 12 grown men when she consented to two then there is something wrong with you. Yeah she made a mistake and a bad error in judgement but that mistake 'appears' to have been not to have had the guts to say 'no' when the dalliance turned into a porn movie without a camera. The balance of guilt lies on whoever invited the ten others and those ten for taking advantage of her situation without any regard for her.

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