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Has Matthew Johns been treated unfairly?

Has Matthew Johns been treated unfairly?

  • Yes. It has gone way too far.

    Votes: 172 74.1%
  • No. He deserves everything he gets.

    Votes: 60 25.9%

  • Total voters
Or maybe she consented to having sex with Matt and someone else. When she realised that there was more people in there, she felt that she was being taken advantage of? I don't know if that is rape, but it is certainly illegal.

I don't think being taken advantage of is illegal but morally wrong would be the term used. Should someone be treated badly for having bad morals?


My original post was deleted. I'll make it more family friendly...

Well...it really depends which part you are looking at.

The consentual sex? No crime there, so no...he doesn't deserve what is happening. For this part.

However where was he when the other guys were having their go? Did he word them up that she was there to have a go at? Did he leave the room unlocked so they could get in? Did he make any attempt to stop them from having sex without her consent with this woman?

If he let this happen then he deserves all that he gets.

Perth Red

Post Whore
You have to wonder about the parenting, one son a druggy and the other a wife cheating gang banger!

Seriously though he is getting a hard time but that comes with the job as a face on TV. If he had some morals and kept his pants up he wouldn't be in this position so hard to feel sorry for him.


Im ignoring the entire thing. I couldnt care less about some kiwi woman. The police came over and interviewed the entire club...she has post traumatic stress. Get f**ked, please have soemthing stressful happen to you then tell me you need to be on a pension for the rest of your life. f**ken money seeking ho bag.

Ice Ice Brady

Im ignoring the entire thing. I couldnt care less about some kiwi woman. The police came over and interviewed the entire club...she has post traumatic stress. Get f**ked, please have soemthing stressful happen to you then tell me you need to be on a pension for the rest of your life. f**ken money seeking ho bag.

One can only hope and pray you do not breed children and they suffer a sexual assault.


It's a load of s**t. For the woman behind that 4C story (forget her name) to come out and point the finger at the NRL for asking "Why pick on us?" instead of "What are we doing wrong?" is an absolute cop-out.

Time and time again the media drags the name of our code through the mud and portrays to the general public that if you are a Rugby League player then you are a rapist, a thug and a borderline alcoholic and you are only 1 Daily Telegraph front page away from having your contract torn-up and turning another generation away from the game. Honestly, it's like a motorist being told he is unreasonable for asking why a cop pulls him up and suspends his licence for doing 115 km/h in a 110 zone, when the cop turned a blind eye to 3 other drivers right in front who were doing 125, 140 and 150 respectively. Sure you might have a case that the guy doing 115 should clean up his act, but to throw the book at him while letting the other drivers off scott free for worse offences?

Meanwhile, incidents just as bad happen in the AFL just as frequently, but it gets swept under the carpet time and time again because "AFL players are such great role models to the community" blah blah f**king blah. There are plenty of incidences from Football (soccer) and Rugby Union too, but no, let's just continue to sink the boot into Rugby League because they are the only code that doesn't know how to treat women, sexist bunch of pigs that they are.

FMD this happened 7 years ago and no charges were pressed. The only issue at hand was that between Matty Johns and his immediate family, and by all reports that had been resolved. But no, now we must portray someone who consented to sex with some NRL stars as "the victim" and yet again portray rape, alcohol abuse etc. as something that only happens in Rugby League, because that is the agenda and nobody is allowed to question this agenda without being labelled a neanderthal or a misogynist.



I'd have to agree it's a societal problem.

I think the attitude of the Knights' under 20s says it all. I'm sure similarly to a lot of people, I was incredulous at some of the beliefs - the girl in the hypothetical situation "flirted with both of them" so apparently it was ok for one bloke to sneak in and have sex with her? What the hell? Having said that, to suggest at ages 18-19 they are already inculcated with ruby league's lack of respect with women is a little ridiculous. Facts are there are a lot of pricks in the world.
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Society has a culture problem not Rugby League. Rugby League players are a by product of a society that accepts, and, also, applauds what happened in 2002.

Im not sure society applauds what happened.

many may accept it becuase afterall group sex is perfectly legal.

As far as im concerned though if consenting adults want to have a gang bang its none of my business.


She ADMITTED to never saying "No." "Get out" or "Stop".

She claimed that the players had "mental power" as the reason she let it continue :roll:

OOOOOH! SCARY MENTAL POWERS! What happened, were they all staring at her with glowing red eyes or something?


Stood down by Nine.

I don't get it, the guy was involved in a consensual orgy 7 years ago and today loses his job??? What the?

Pete Cash

Post Whore
I think it is probably a story in the public interest and therefore it is part of being a celebrity. So in that sense I don't think he has been treated unfairly or fairly really. He has been treated how a person would expect a celebrity to be treated. It is a little unfair that he was the player singled out though.

Any sex Matthew Johns would have had besides with his wife would have been newsworthy because affairs sell papers. This one just sells more. So as I said I don't think he has been treated any worse than MOST celebrities would cop.

That said I think the game of Rugby League has been treated unfairly by the media for quite some time. The only thing we can really do is attempt to clean up the game as much as possible.