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Has Matthew Johns been treated unfairly?

Has Matthew Johns been treated unfairly?

  • Yes. It has gone way too far.

    Votes: 172 74.1%
  • No. He deserves everything he gets.

    Votes: 60 25.9%

  • Total voters

Ice Ice Brady

Could someone enlighten me as to who the winner is out of all of this?

Johns's career in tatters. His family life (along with presumably many of the Sharks on that team list) would be severely if not irreparably damaged. A code's reputation lies in ruins once more and every cleanskin still has to look over their shoulder and cop the snide insults and insinuations.

All for the belated revenge of a woman who will now go back to her life and find that destroying other's lives hasnt helped her at all.

How about Johns should have kept his teammates out of the hotel room? That would have certainly avoided this.

Victims of any sort of sexual assault are quite often scared to come forward. Good on this girl for coming forward and hopefully it will encourage other (real) victims to come forward. The merkins that are responsible for raping and sexually assaulting women should not sleep easy, even 7 years after they did whatever they did.

There is also the minuscule possibility that young players will realise the consequences of this sort of thing and the next time they have the opportunity to do something like this, they don't. But these guys are not paid for their brains are they?


Staff member
Well because the media is only doing what it's job is to do.
You can't fire a gun if you don't have the bullets.
Of course the media has played a part but I feel like blaming the media is pretty pointless.

As it is, Matt Johns could have cleared himself a bit more - Unfortunately he was only remorseful really for it being brought to attention and his family.

How is it the media's job to drag a 7 year old incident up purely to ruin somebody else's career? Yes, I believe that is why Johns was on the show to begin with. This was their whole advertising point of the show - the scandal about Matthew Johns. What did they think they were going to achieve?

I don't think blaming them is entirely pointless. I think it's a huge factor in the events, without disputing that yes it never would have happened if Johns hadn't been involved.

And I agree on the second part. He could have done something a little more appropriate than that.

El Diablo

Post Whore
channel 10 Sydney just did their report on him

and guess where they were getting opinions from?

an AFL ladies lunch :roll:


Staff member
however i do think it's a bit crap it happened so long ago and is being dragged up now. not saying it wasn't gross and wrong, coz it totaly was.

but say if he got involved in a group sex scandal THIS year i think people would have alot less sympathy for him. doing something like that in the current environment would have a whole other feel.

and really, I think this is just the view point people are arguing from.

well Shorty is right, if Matthew didn't put himself in that position to begin with...this whole thing wouldn't be happening. so in that sense yes, it is his fault.

Not sure about everyone else, but I already know this and that's why I'm arguing about a different point of the whole event. It seems to me like that's just common sense, and if that's what that whole 60 odd-page thread is discussing then that's pretty sad isn't it?


channel 10 Sydney just did their report on him

and guess where they were getting opinions from?

an AFL ladies lunch :roll:

Well their gig is AFL, so good business by them. I like how Gyngell called NRL "our" game.
Has he become an owner recently? I thought News owned the game, not nine.


Staff member
Could someone enlighten me as to who the winner is out of all of this?

Johns's career in tatters. His family life (along with presumably many of the Sharks on that team list) would be severely if not irreparably damaged. A code's reputation lies in ruins once more and every cleanskin still has to look over their shoulder and cop the snide insults and insinuations.

All for the belated revenge of a woman who will now go back to her life and find that destroying other's lives hasnt helped her at all.

Lol winner is ABC - ratings.

Blind Freddy

Correct me if Im wrong but I dont remember Warnie being involved in anything as vulgar as this nor do I recall any of the other parties being as obviously mentaly scared as the young lady involved.

They are not even in the same league mate. The only injustice here is that Matt is copping the blame all on his own, his "team mates" should be up there burning with him.

Warnie has been found to have cheated on his wife many times over... Mathew Johns has only publically done it once as far as we now, which i think is his personal worse event out of this. Mathew Johns also had a consentual moment with this particular female, just like Warnie had with his escapades.

Just to clear up, I'm not talking about the other players who may of later joined we are talking about Mathew Johns only.

So why does Johns cop it and Warnie doesn't?
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Staff member
channel 10 Sydney just did their report on him

and guess where they were getting opinions from?

an AFL ladies lunch :roll:
No surprises there then...7's reporting will be as bad if not worse :x
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Staff member
No, where did I say the woman is to blame for him being punted? I don't believe it all. Would he have been punted for this incident had it not resurfaced? Of course he wouldn't have. Why did it re-surface? Did Matthew Johns do something recently?

Oh I'm definitely not blaming the woman. That's what some people are doing I'm sure. I am saying the media has a large part in this though. Yes, Johns shouldn't have done this in the first place, but I don't really see how in 'fairness' he has to pay for a crime he didn't commit now in the present. He has to pay for it because it resurfaced. Why did it resurface? He is not being punished for what he did so much, but for the incident coming to light again. How is this, by itself, his fault?
But it was always going to surface at some point and Johns said that himself.
It's the unfortunate nature of the media and what happens when you are a high profile representative of a sport that is currently being lambasted by the media.

These things always come back to haunt you, they come out eventually.
As I said earlier, the article wasn't so much an issue about RL and rape but the consumption of alcohol in young men and the groupie factor.
It's not really her fault he got sacked. I'm sure if we got into discussing the actual incident I'd happily admit that I believe she was partly (reads: not just her, and not her primarily, other people too) at fault, but for him being sacked she isn't at fault at all.
Well, I mean we can't really get into that...but you know I'm sure she didn't expect to see a full room of men around her when she went back to the motel with Furman and Johns.
It appears she consented to intercourse with Johns and Furman yes but probably not to the watching men or the others that invited themselves in...

On the otherhand, the other footballers and furthermore the men that invited themselves in are definitely just as much and if not more at fault.
I don't really think it's his fault alone. Everyone can respect the argument that if he didn't do it in the first place (whatever 'it' may be depending on how much you believe of the story), but it's happened, and there's no denying that. What this thread is trying to discuss is whether there are other factors in his punishment - and to say there isn't is really quite odd. I'm not sure how anyone can dispute that this wouldn't have come back up again if it wasn't for the media. As I said earlier:
In terms of standing down, there really was no other choice.
In any other sporting media or whatever the exact same would have happened.


A bit of double standards here because we have andrew johns on one hand who has actually admitted to taking drugs so with this there is no debating ,he was forgiven he has moved on and now still appears and works for channel 9.

On the other hand there is "debate" no actual confirmation but speculation as to the events 7 years ago involving a matt who otherewise unlike his brother andrew has a pretty clean history in the game.

so on that front I think its a bit unfair, there was an investigation and no charges were laid period when does a guy get to move on with his life? even convicted criminals and murderers do their time and move on, johns was not even convicted of anything ,cant a man who has not been charged get the same benifit as a murderer and get to move on also?

People do silly things in life ,those things if already resolved should not surface and become a brick wall in the face of someone trying to live the rest of their life in peace.


Awful that he is being hauled over the coals for this attention grabbing 'woman'. They had consensual sex 7 years ago!! CONSENSUAL!!

Just because she felt used the day after is her problem. He and his wife dealt with it back then and he is suffering trial by media now. Disgraceful indictiment of our society.

The constant portrayal of women as victims and men as predators does nothing for equality of respect of women.

This seems to be the universal view on the AFL and soccer sites I frequent as well. It's quite pathetic.

Ice Ice Brady

i don't keep track of ladies lunches

So where do you think reports should go to find ladies who actively enjoy sport.

Going out onto the street would not necessarily garner the appropriate reaction because most females take no to little interest in sport.

I guarantee if there was an NRL ladies lunch, that the reporter would have gone there to get opinion. So your point is null and void. Go back to your hole.


Staff member
Analyst, taking an illicit substance is a little bit different to partaking in a group sex session with questionable consent isn't it?
I mean, there's one big difference between the two - What is it?


Staff member
But it was always going to surface at some point and Johns said that himself.
It's the unfortunate nature of the media and what happens when you are a high profile representative of a sport that is currently being lambasted by the media.

It sure is. It's worthy of discussion, too. ;-)

Well, I mean we can't really get into that...but you know I'm sure she didn't expect to see a full room of men around her when she went back to the motel with Furman and Johns.
It appears she consented to intercourse with Johns and Furman yes but probably not to the watching men or the others that invited themselves in...

Oh really, here, I was just making the point that with reference to the actual incident I think everyone was to blame; including the woman. Some more than others though.

In terms of standing down, there really was no other choice.
In any other sporting media or whatever the exact same would have happened.

There was no other choice imo. I think some people would disagree on the second point though.