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Help - Whats the rules re standing whilst cheering

Christ...I don't think I would last with a season ticket.

When Inu threw his 2nd shocker my missus said "Either the neighbours are going to call the cops or I am".


Staff member
Moved seats this year to halfway line in the KTS, and as per usual, stood to cheer whilst a try was happening, an older lady rapped me in the back the thr RL Weekly and told me to sit down. I was pretty pi$$ED off cause i figure i can stay at home and sit down to watch the game. Whats the rules , or thoughts on the matter?
BTW, i did stay down for the rest of the game, not happy

call security and get her evicted , thats assault :D

Seriously bro, dont worry about it, as long as you aint being excessive or wearing a high hat, I wouldnt let her worry me


Sheeshhhh she should be thankful she aint sitting near us in the KTS 30 mtr. Thank goodness all the regular STH's are back (well majority of them are), the standing, the cheering, the screaming and yelling (plus a few expletives) are all part of the game, so she wouldnt like it where we are (lol). If she hits you again have her thrown out for assault.

Eels Dude

It's a football game... It's not the opera or the theatre. When something exciting happens you stand up. Most people stand up not when a try is scored, but when a try is about to be scored. Pensioner or not, if you go to the football expect that. I think the best thing to do in that situation is say something like "F*** off this is a football game, if you smack me like that again i'll grab your magazine and shred it to pieces" And if she complains to security, just tell them you've got 15 witnesses around saying she kept smacking you in the head with it.


Or point her in the direction of the F3.. That sounds like the caper Newcastle Grannies get up too! :lol: You haven't been hit til you've been hit by one of them!


First Grade
Moved seats this year to halfway line in the KTS, and as per usual, stood to cheer whilst a try was happening, an older lady rapped me in the back the thr RL Weekly and told me to sit down. I was pretty pi$$ED off cause i figure i can stay at home and sit down to watch the game. Whats the rules , or thoughts on the matter?
BTW, i did stay down for the rest of the game, not happy
Similar thing happened to me in the stands. Never sat there again. Mario is a strong man plus he's also a mafia member so i doubt the oldies would touch him.


Post Whore
Mate, last time I went to the footy at Parra some short redhead security guard told me to sit down because I was "being too loud and obstructig people's view"...We'd just scored a try and Hindy was almost about to get into some biffo and I was screaming for that nice person to lay his hands off God and the redhead told me to sit down and calm down.

I told him:

"Go f**k yourself - I paid good money to come watch my favourite team play, and everyone else is standing up having a great time. Come see me at full-time and I'll shout ya a lager."

He promptly pissed off.

Point is - it's an exciting game; when someone makes a break or scores you stand up. It's natural. f**k the po-po.


Accredited Media Releases
Good Thread :D
Mate, last time I went to the footy at Parra some short redhead security guard told me to sit down because I was "being too loud and obstructig people's view"...We'd just scored a try and Hindy was almost about to get into some biffo and I was screaming for that nice person to lay his hands off God and the redhead told me to sit down and calm down.

I told him:

"Go f**k yourself - I paid good money to come watch my favourite team play, and everyone else is standing up having a great time. Come see me at full-time and I'll shout ya a lager."

He promptly pissed off.

Point is - it's an exciting game; when someone makes a break or scores you stand up. It's natural. f**k the po-po.

see i got to say matey - if you had stood up to watch the try and we just simply cheering noone would have minded. Seems like you carried on a bit, and topped that off with abusing the person behind you. I agree completely that its an exciting game, but that shouldn't be a reason to completely disresepect the people around you.

I stand up when the team makes a break, and i flop back down when we enevitabley drop the ball or get tackled. I've often turned around to give the lady behind me a courtesy "Sorry, got a bit excited" and she's never minded... A little common courtesy goes a long way to calm down a tense situation...
Same with swearing, squealing, abusing, and drunkeness... sometimes i just yell out a bit of "Soz guys, my bad!" and clear the air with my fellow Bay 48rs!

razzman - sounds like you had a bit of a prude behind you, maybe if you just do the "smile and polite" thing for a while, if she still wants to be a prude, then you can pull out the "No, stuff ya" or "Security!!" card...
I'm not sure if I saw this exactly what happened, but on the north hill, I saw one of the Raiders Army guys seem to get escorted out the back because he was leading their group of people in a bit of yelling. Nothing offensive, just Raiders cheering! Now, there was a group of people standing up, but they had nothing behind them apart from (old, broken, paint-peeling, crap) signs that you could see anyway... I'm just wondering what's it coming to when you can't even stand up in a group that's obviously just cheering on your team? There were parra supporters around who were off their tits and yelling definitely more obscenities, that were told to shut up, not get out...

Just my 5c.

Yeah I was in that group, we were told to sit down as soon as the whistle was blown for kick off.. There was definitely no offensive chants either, we didn't even unload anything at Brett Finch.

At home we have the back rows of a pretty crappy bay because that it one of the few places we can use our stand and sing terrace type support.. We have done the same at many other grounds as well without a problem.

One criticism I have to give of the ground is putting Billboards in front of the big screen... There were a few video ref decisions which meant we had to either walk around or try look under the billboard just to see a decision pending..

I also thought it was a joke that one of our fans was ejected for singing :?


Post Whore
Yeah I was in that group, we were told to sit down as soon as the whistle was blown for kick off.. There was definitely no offensive chants either, we didn't even unload anything at Brett Finch.

At home we have the back rows of a pretty crappy bay because that it one of the few places we can use our stand and sing terrace type support.. We have done the same at many other grounds as well without a problem.

One criticism I have to give of the ground is putting Billboards in front of the big screen... There were a few video ref decisions which meant we had to either walk around or try look under the billboard just to see a decision pending..

I also thought it was a joke that one of our fans was ejected for singing :?

It is common knowledge around here that most of the security guards at Parra are grandsons of either Hitler or Mussolini.
It's a very poor state of affairs when, while not obstructing the view of anything other than an advertising hoarding, you are told to sit down.

It is sport. People are meant to be loud in support of their team.
Is it any wonder, that with everything going on at the moment regarding the game day experience at Parra, that we had the lowest crowd of the weekend?????

It is common knowledge around here that most of the security guards at Parra are grandsons of either Hitler or Mussolini.

Just on a side from that comment, did anyone else notice we had a new security company from the one we have had for the past 5 years? We had ACES security instead of NES.

One improvement was the not being kicked out after 15 minutes.


Accredited Media Releases
Yeah I was in that group, we were told to sit down as soon as the whistle was blown for kick off.. There was definitely no offensive chants either, we didn't even unload anything at Brett Finch.

At home we have the back rows of a pretty crappy bay because that it one of the few places we can use our stand and sing terrace type support.. We have done the same at many other grounds as well without a problem.

One criticism I have to give of the ground is putting Billboards in front of the big screen... There were a few video ref decisions which meant we had to either walk around or try look under the billboard just to see a decision pending..

I also thought it was a joke that one of our fans was ejected for singing :?

thats utter bullsh*t matey, you guys are one of the most recognised, and most dedicated travelling supporters groups going, and you deserve better then that at away grounds. If we were singing and chanting non offensive chants at another away ground i would be devastated if we were asked to sit and shut up.

I hope that the OTHER NRL grounds treat you a bit better then parra did.. good luck for the rest of '09 :cool:


Post Whore
It's pretty poor actually.

When Sydney FC played an Asian Cup match there a couple of years ago, the Cove were allowed to stand and chant the whole game.
What's the difference?


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