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Here we go.......again.


First Grade
And why would they strip points in 2013 for something that alledgedly took place in 2011?
I guess they will strip us of our AMCO cup too?


Staff member
no-one from the club has talked to the media, so how do they come up with a story offering deals with full pay?

the papers are trying to drag this story out as long as they can. i just hope the club and the players dont fall for the bullying tactics being shown right now.

if ASADA had some hard and convicting evidence, they wouldnt be coming out and asking people to come forward AGAIN. they asked for players to come forward when it first came out, no-one did, so they are clutching at straws.
Talking (off the record) to player managers, I'd say.


REdman should negotiate us a better deal.
1. Half the seasons games, not 6 months. Footballers work is not divided up across a year evenely. Alternatively , take the 6 months & start in October.
2. Able to stay involved with the club & training during the ban
3. Able to stay on full pay.
4. ASADA stay away from the club for a period of 10 years
5.ASADA does nto question the players again after the agreement.
6 ASADA to announce exactly which clubs will be targetted next to shift concentration away from the Sharks.
7 ASADA to admit that their case was 100% analystical evidence based
8 ASADA to pursue & life ban ELKIN


9. For the fans: Halftime entertainment will be to throw Elkin on to the field and the fans throw rocks at him.

Luke Bowden

First Grade
Stay Strong Sharkies.

I'm far from a supporter of your club, I love to put shit on you guys (for the right reasons).

But this shit just Ain't right!!! Hopefully it gets sorted out quickly and I can go back to loving to hate you!!


If anyone on here now wants to tell me that they don't agree that it doesn't look good.

I'd need some pretty f**king strong reasons.

Luke Bowden

First Grade
And why would they strip points in 2013 for something that alledgedly took place in 2011?
I guess they will strip us of our AMCO cup too?

Hahaha AMCO cup....... You are right though, makes no sense to strip points now....
You hang onto that cup though!!!


Stay Strong Sharkies.

I'm far from a supporter of your club, I love to put shit on you guys (for the right reasons).

But this shit just Ain't right!!! Hopefully it gets sorted out quickly and I can go back to loving to hate you!!

We all love to hang shit on other teams fans but there is a time and place.
ie immediately after a crushing loss in a grand final.

Shame some f**kwits don't get this.

Hopefully we can get back to hanging shit on each others team the proper
Australian way soon.



Stay Strong Sharkies.

I'm far from a supporter of your club, I love to put shit on you guys (for the right reasons).

But this shit just Ain't right!!! Hopefully it gets sorted out quickly and I can go back to loving to hate you!!

See crazy tiger.... A rugby league fan.


So from we can work out so far
1. there appears to be no scientific evidence (positive tests) implicating any Sharks players
2. this means that the investigation will be relying on testimonial evidence for any prosecution
3. this type of investigation is like a game of dominoes in that you need to knock one over to get others to follow
4. Dank is the link in all of this and he is not co-operating
5. Elkin brought Dank to the Sharks and was responsible for High Performance (whatever that means)
6. If Elkin or Dank is proven to have provided banned substances, they faces career threatening penalties
7. Elkin is now employed at another club - who are so far backing him
8. Elkin seems to have co-operated with Asada in order to cut a deal and save his career
9. With this info, the weak link becomes Sharks players due to Elkin's testimony
10. This is a high profile case and some scalps are needed
11. Sharks players feel that they have done nothing wrong
12. Asada needs the next dominoes to fall and start offering deals
13. Sharks players resist because they feel they have done nothing apart from follow instructions from the club.
14. Clubs have a duty of care to players
15. The investigation hurts Cronulla commercially because it is not well off financially and it is well documented that they are chasing sponsors
16. Sharks allegedly offer deals to players to get them to take the ban so that the issue is resolved and liability is covered

The crux of it seems to be is Elkin's testimony enough to get players banned. It seems that it is not otherwise they wouldn't offer the deals.

The players are getting a raw deal and the club is in a bad spot.

In these situations there is always a high profile scalp whilst others seemingly sail through.

The Melbourne salary cap rorts. Waldron is the scapegoat, whilst the players and Bellamy face no consequences.

Asada needs a big scalp and we are in the headlights thanks to Elkin.


Mr Elkin has informed Eels boss Ken Edwards about his involvement and Parramatta officials are so far satisfied he's fit to continue in the role.

Elkin: So thats the truth Ken, I didnt do a single thing wrong mate.... and when ASADA came knocking I sung like the proverbial canary.

Edwards: Fine, fine Trent....we are really proud of the way you handled things. And in hindsight you may have unloaded the wooden spoon to the sharks if they cant field a first grade team, there might be a bonus in this for you.

Elkin: (Jumping up & down clapping hands together) Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
By the way ken....a mate of mine is really good with sports nutrients & he is having trouble finding work...can you offer him anything??

Edwards: Sure Trent, any upstanding, honest friend of yours is a friend of ours. Tell him...or her to call me.

Elkin: Orsum Ken, I will text Danky now & give him your number...jiminy, he is gunna be over the moon to get some work.

Vin Fizz

If anyone on here now wants to tell me that they don't agree that it doesn't look good.

I'd need some pretty f**king strong reasons.

It tell ya what I think it will do. It'll galvanise them like nothing else. They will tear and bust this weekend I reckon. Next week is a different week and the ediot media are already reporting (if you elect to believe the feckers) that ARseARDA are turning to Manly now. I dunno.... apart from Fox Sports most networks and shows have indicated empathy toward our plight. That's support we don't usually get. As Flanno said his job is to coach the side, the side get payed to play and he leaves the rest to the back office team and media. His final comments are sage ...we will come out of this better for it. PS Bellayche has offered his ear to Flanno and you know how the Storm performed after their mess. I'm getting more and more confidant that our new team and new management are standing strong and dictating terms (not caving in to media hype or buying into speculation). I have a sneaky feeling that Beaker and crew have this completely under control and the media have the shits because they're are getting nothing, hence MSU.



Compare the treatment of the Sharks to the Essendon experience.*

Two footy clubs, identical allegations, same potential villain but the practice seems to have been pervasive, long lasting and accepted at Essendon whereas it was a short lived phenomenon at Cronulla, who stopped it pretty quickly.

Did ASADA meet with the Shark's players and officials to brief them on their rights and tell them about the "get out" clause??*(which allows athletes to escape punishment under "exceptional circumstances" if it can be proved they were given illegal substances against their consent).

ASADA did this with Essendon on February 20th, days*before they started any interviews. Yes. ASADA. Before*any player interviews. Lots of time to lawyer up, close ranks and get the story straight.

Excellent points Masked Avenger ... the contrast between how ASADA have treated Essendon & the Sharks is outrageous !!!

Great summary too Weaponhead ... basically it all centres on Elkin fessing up on the supplement program HE STARTED with Danks to save his sorry arse. What a pathetic grub act - if he didn't bring Danks to the club, none of this would be happening.

The club is stuck in a very difficult position due to the unsanctioned actions of Danks & Elkin. They want to protect players who may all be innocent pawns, but they have to also protect against potential legal liabilities. Further muddying the waters is the allegation that some players may have continued using Danks offsite after he was terminated by the club - if true, those players would obviously be less innocent than those who were just following the instructions of the club's "high performance" trainer.