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How many weeks will Gallen get?

How many weeks for Gallen?

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First Grade
As I said, I didn't see the Shillington shot, but it is clear to anyone other than completely biased Blues fans that Gallen's was a deliberate swinging arm with intent, as evidenced by the closed fist.

Maybe, but plenty worse happens in origin that noone looks at twice. It would have passed by unnoticed if it weren't for the fight that followed.

If you think that tackle from Cronk was anywhere near dangerous (and let's face it, you wouldn't have brought it up if you didn't) you are kidding yourself. We saw several tackles last night that were at a worse angle not even penalised.

I've seen suspensions for less and worse let go. I'm not surprised (nor disappointed) that nothing came of it but the reality is it could have come under more scrutiny than it did but everyone knew it was a foregone conclusion given the circumstances. The inconsistency with the MRC and judiciary certainly isn't confined to incidents/players relating to origin but it certainly has a greater impact than anything else in the game.

I hardly think describing Gallen's act last night as "a bit rough" qualifies as outrage. All I'm seeing from you is hyper-sensitivity.

I didn't realise you were the spokesperson for all Queenslanders. My apologies. The rest of the state is outraged, have a look at any of the threads on the topic in this forum or check the Courier Mail.


f**king lol at you Qld merkins.
Should listen to the radio or read the paper up here the whinging is f**king unreal.


First Grade
I didn't realise you were the spokesperson for all Queenslanders. My apologies. The rest of the state is outraged, have a look at any of the threads on the topic in this forum or check the Courier Mail.

Then perhaps you shouldn't have accused me of hypocrisy.


First Grade
Then perhaps you shouldn't have accused me of hypocrisy.

I did because you complained about the tackle from Gallen but didn't complain about the tackle from Shillington that allowed him to front up for the game in the first place.

The comment you quoted was not relating to the claim of hypocrisy, it related to the claim of outrage.


First Grade
I did because you complained about the tackle from Gallen but didn't complain about the tackle from Shillington that allowed him to front up for the game in the first place.

I've let you know a few times now that I've not seen nor was even aware of any tackle from Shillington, yet you choose to ignore. But again, it just seems like you're being a bit sensitive. In reality, either side complaining about a grubby act could have a counterpoint of a similar grubby act put against it that wasn't complained about by said side.

Case in point - I bet you took issue with Wolfman copping Thurston's boot to the face a few years ago, however I guarantee you didn't complain about Luke O'Donnell getting away with head-butting and jumper punching Dave Taylor while Monaghan held him from behind.
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Loving the poor old kiwi's whinging....wah wah, they don't let us play Origin! Let's piss on their fields, that'll learn em!


Im so sick of this shit. Personally, I'm not afraid to say I can't stand children

That's really fascinating :roll: but none cares how you feel about children. The NRL on the other hand, I'm betting do care considering the coverage of the game began with an 8year old....

How do some of you c**k gobblers look in the mirror & call yourselves men!?

Comments like this are pointless & inane - I could just as stupidly retort why don't you crawl out of Gallen's arse but who actually thinks posting in a forum settles who is more masculine. Pointless. But hey don't let me stop u using such tough fighting words against complete strangers, ur bout as entertaining as Gallen breaking Farah's nose and allowing QLD back into the game while trying to get square with Myles.

Also for anyone interested, this is a good read from a NSW supporter, he touches on some interesting points:
The swinging arm was a deliberate act. Deserves a week for it.

That should then be discounted for showing Queenslanders that if you are going to hit someone do it face to face, not with your mate holding the player on the ground and then punching him in the head.

That's a dog act
Hands up all Queensladers!

Oh that's right, you pretend tough then stand their like a stunned mullet when someone says enough is enough and cobbers you.

Manu, what's worse someone having boxing practice on Nate's concrete head or some ugly fat grubby kiwi pissing in front of cameras like a dog?


First Grade
Queenslander here!

Just my 2 cents. I think Gal should've got 10 in the bin for the simple reason that he got no penalty at all against him for the punches. QLD got a penalty for the swinging arm in the tackle and that's it.
I had more of a problem because I thought NSW were holding down too long in tackles and not being penalised for it.

Can't wait for Game 2. I'm gonna be there cheering my guts out.

P.S. 2 flush shots to the head and still standing bitch :lol:


f**king lol at you Qld merkins.
Should listen to the radio or read the paper up here the whinging is f**king unreal.

ironic cause every time NSW whinge the picture of crying baby's come out..

7 in a row and barely a decision against them in that period and they manage to f**king whinge. let the footy do the talking.




I would have been happy with gallen in the bin if cronk was binned as well for the professional foul, they both evened eachother out imo.