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Hunt has asked for a release


  • Yes

    Votes: 20 95.2%
  • No

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Let's take a step or two back.

Like it or not, this has been the story of the NRL for a couple of weeks. This latest "development" (regardless if it's true or not) is only going to add fuel to the media fire. It will be the NRL story for the next couple of weeks. An ongoing saga neither Hunt or the club needs/wants.

If Hunt has asked for a release and wants out, the media circus will continue until he is granted a release.

If he hasn't asked for a release, the only way to put this fiasco to bed is for Hunt to come out and make a quick statement. At the next QLD origin media day. He takes 2 minutes to not take questions and make a statement stating he is not leaving. Surely he can set aside 2 minutes to give himself some clear air (again if the reports are not true).

The only thing Hunt has done via the media over the last 2-3 weeks is commit to being non committal. As club captain it just doesn't cut it IMO.

The ball is in Ben's court. Time to be a leader mate.

Coffs dragon

At this stage I’d be happy if he left & we can get some big mongrel forwards upfront with his coin. Bud is the future half for the club and it’s his time to get the ball in his hands, rather than be ignored.
I want a captain that is proud, honoured and loyal to lead the club forward. It’s time for some big changes with Flanno coming.


If it is true (I’ll wait until I hear the words from his actual mouth) the club should refuse.

Unlike Tallis, he’s at the end of his career so I doubt he’s stupid enough to sit out 2 years.

And furthermore as a professional he’s hardly going to dog it given both rep football and he’s facing teammates as their captain.

Say no (if true)


Why should we release him? The club hasn't done anything wrong. We have a contract, he agreed to the terms, he should do his job. I'd be happy to consider a release if there were compassionate grounds, but the compassion in this case belongs to the fans, not Ben Hunt. Sick of well-rewarded people thinking they can break a contract on a whim.
My gut feel is although I would much prefer he was a happy man where he is it’s clear that he hasn’t been happy here for a while and we should release him this week and free up his salary. If he isnt happy what is the point of wasting such a high proportion of the salary cap on him.
I fully understand your sentiment and agree in principle it’s just that he is such a big part of the salary cap and everything revolves around him on the field but if he isn’t happy then how can it work? Flanagan has a big problem to solve already.


Assistant Moderator
Good grief, some people here will believe anything.
IF (massive IF) Ben Hunt has asked for a release, then it's just a player manager looking for a deal.

That's business.

IF there is an offer of $900K per year on the table from another club, well I ask anyone here if you would not at least test the water? Again, massive IF.

Some of the posts here are borderline toxic.

Ben Hunt ain't going anywhere and that's great. So all this angst is for nothing.


Well he has just messaged Buzz Rothfield confirming his request for a release. What has pissed me right off is that he is a weak HUNT that he does it whilst away from the blokes he plays week in and out with but he seems that he doesn’t want to return to Wollongong after Wednesday. Mate are you for real. I liked Hook but if you couldn’t see the writing on the wall last year before you signed on again and now you want to bend us over without Vaseline. You want to go back to Queensland. GC give us Big Tino or Fifita and Fotoieka as a 2 for 1. We have paid you well for 6 years for a shit return yet you wanted a bloke as coach who made every supporter to turn away from the club as coach and players wanting release on mass. You have lost me and a heap of supporters respect as to your conduct and for that refuse to come to the Gong we don’t need to pay you and you are not able to play full stop. See you in court if you want to go that way. Listening to Zorba just now he says Flanagan is ruthless and won’t have anyone stand in his way and will play hard ball and so he should


Good grief, some people here will believe anything.
IF (massive IF) Ben Hunt has asked for a release, then it's just a player manager looking for a deal.

That's business.

IF there is an offer of $900K per year on the table from another club, well I ask anyone here if you would not at least test the water? Again, massive IF.

Some of the posts here are borderline toxic.

Ben Hunt ain't going anywhere and that's great. So all this angst is for nothing.


Good grief, some people here will believe anything.
IF (massive IF) Ben Hunt has asked for a release, then it's just a player manager looking for a deal.

That's business.

IF there is an offer of $900K per year on the table from another club, well I ask anyone here if you would not at least test the water? Again, massive IF.

Some of the posts here are borderline toxic.

Ben Hunt ain't going anywhere and that's great. So all this angst is for nothing.
So Willow you are so sure about this and we are all over reacting ...... Either way I for one don't care if he stays or goes ..... At least come out and say It's all bull or I'm out ......


Good grief, some people here will believe anything.
IF (massive IF) Ben Hunt has asked for a release, then it's just a player manager looking for a deal.

That's business.

IF there is an offer of $900K per year on the table from another club, well I ask anyone here if you would not at least test the water? Again, massive IF.

Some of the posts here are borderline toxic.

Ben Hunt ain't going anywhere and that's great. So all this angst is for nothing.
Well someone should f**king come out say so and put it to bed , the media should be accountable, I am sick of the shit thats is thrown towards St George, on a regular occurrence, its f**king every day.
If this is an unfounded rumour started by the Blues camp what would be the purpose? The only people it will antagonise are Saints supporters.
That excuse is pure BS and I don't buy it.
Players come and go - even the great ones, the club goes on. Bunt has not been one of the greats and the circus around the terms of his contract renewal and this current fiasco just tarnishes anything positive that he has done.
And it coincides with the Roosters current halves dilemma...


First Grade


When you have journalists like peanut head James Hooper calling us a basket case on daily basis, other peanut heads think ways of getting in Ben (unts head, there's no doubt being surrounded by his qlder mates, there influence would not help.
Listen the bloke signed a contract, he should honour it, If i was webb, I d dig my heals so tight until they bleed, he can sit out the seasons or play park football for 2 years, I dont give a shit!

Rocket Rod

What is it with this guy. He thinks he’s a megastar when he’s not. If all the rumours and innuendos are true then just let him go to the Titans or wherever he wants to go. He is overpaid for what he provides. Good player not great. Weak captain. Can’t kick clutch field goals. Can’t manage a game. Every now and then he gets a 40/20. Have I missed anything there if not then he is definitely not worth all the aggro that comes with him.
It’s up to him to now show some balls and speak in person and tell everyone how it is! Ffs


It’s all a bit strange. Hunt extended when he would have known there was little chance Hook remaining as coach. So why ask for a release now, what’s changed?

Why don’t one of these so called journalists, Weidler, Hoops etc just go straight to Hunt and ask him? We have heard everyone’s take on things, but not the man himself.
What? Fact check before publishing? Mwahaha.

