Nobody hates Stephen Kearney. Everybody hates the results he had with Parramatta. You`re barking up the wrong tree. From the outset you assumed that the majority of forumites have very little knowledge of football, and that they blamed everything on the coach because they couldn`t see that making a football team successful is rather more complicated than just having a 'good' coach. And so, to create some balance, you decided to support the coach. You went so far with this that you ended up making statements that, I`m sure, even you didn`t believe. But you made a big mistake. Because most, if not all, people on this forum know a great bloody deal about football. We all know lots about different facets and different angles and different perspectives of the game - including you. Rugby League is not a simple game. There are thousands of different ways to approach it. Most people understand that. Most people understand that many different ingredients go into making a successful side - not just a 'good' coach. I think nearly everyone here can see that. But nearly everyone here could ALSO see that Stephen Kearney was a huge factor in our continued lack of on-field sucess. He was becoming more and more the biggest problem this club had. And also the simplest problem to solve. By, in effect, playing the opposite of devil`s advocate, you made yourself appear as one of the least knowledgeable footy fans on this forum. And I`m sure you`re not.