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I have had a gutful!!!


First Grade
i just got into a fight on facebook coz a girl i know had her status like 'they should just cancel the entire NRL, they are all vile pigs'

my head exploded


unfortunately kiki she is speaking what alot of others are...

which is why i know alot of people who have been turned off the game and are now following other sports. eg a league and the netball...

nrl are losing fans... we cant put our head in the sand. enough is enough


i too have had a gut full.

i find the speed / connection lapses in this forum from time to time, disgraceful.

quite clearly it's the number one issue in the nrl & those at the wheel are asleep.

there needs to be a collective pulling of fingers from anuses to solve the most serious problem confronting my enjoyment of the nrl today!


unfortunately kiki she is speaking what alot of others are...

which is why i know alot of people who have been turned off the game and are now following other sports. eg a league and the netball...

nrl are losing fans... we cant put our head in the sand. enough is enough

i bet the girl kiki was arguing with has never watched a game let alone been to one...these type of morons aren't exactly "lost fans"

Pass the Ball

Rugby League is a microcosm of Society itself. In all levels across all societies you will always have that rogue dickhead element. That 0.1% of people who just can't help but f**k up. The question shouldn't be, "How do we eliminate this element from Rugby League?" the question should be "How do we eliminate this element from society?"

Put together any group of people the size of the group playing and participating in any level of the NRL, anywhere else in the world and you will have a small element of that group that:

a. will break the rules on what is acceptable within the group
b. will be expelled from the group for their behaviour

I believe that the NRL and Rugby League is doing all it can under the circumstances, but until society in general works out a solution to this issue, we will always have these sorts of things pop up in the NRL.

TBH I actually think the NRL are doing a reasonably good job. I think I heard that we've had 5 or 6 players face charges this year across the comp. I reckon, there'd be more than that facing charges just in the street that I live in. As usual, the media magnify the situation. Whilst I am not condoning Inglis behaviour and I think he is a complete goose and anyone who belts a Woman deserves to cop the complete brunt of the law, you can't single out the fact that he is a League player as some sort of cause for his behaviour. Nor can you tar all League players with the same brush.

Agreed, 0.1% would be about normal..

6/400 is 1.5% - unacceptable..


Agreed, 0.1% would be about normal..

6/400 is 1.5% - unacceptable..

You think 1 in 1000 people drink drive? Bet you its far more
1 in a 1000 people get in nightclub brawls? Not a chance.
1 in 1000 blokes occasionally whack their missus? Maybe...I don't know if its more or less, but I wouldn't be surprised if its more.
sh*tting in a hotel corridor, now there's an unlikely one...but I bet more than 1/1000 people have done equally embarrassing and disgusting things while on the piss.

you clearly have far too high expectations of wider society...


You think 1 in 1000 people drink drive? Bet you its far more
1 in a 1000 people get in nightclub brawls? Not a chance.
1 in 1000 blokes occasionally whack their missus? Maybe...I don't know if its more or less, but I wouldn't be surprised if its more.
sh*tting in a hotel corridor, now there's an unlikely one...but I bet more than 1/1000 people have done equally embarrassing and disgusting things while on the piss.

you clearly have far too high expectations of wider society...

i did all that last night.

some people need a life.


i'm sick of the public sh*tters, the women bashers and the general f**king idiots that are ruining the rep of the game. it breaks my heart to know that 99% of the footy players i've met or dealt with have been absolute dolls and yet they get tarred with the same brush. i know some of the boys in the NSW Cup have stopped telling people they meet that they play footy because of the negative reaction.

i am also somewhat humiliated as a woman who has/is publicly going into to bat for the code i love but is consistently let down. it makes me feel like a fool. and like i'm emptying the ocean with a teacup.

i try to just concentrate on the good stuff, which is thankfully the majority, but it's hard not to let it get to you.

geez, cheeer up life ain't too hard - you get paid to blog about league and other sports from a girly perspective...

is that because of your indepth analysis of the game or because you're chicks?

works both ways!

no doubt all this stuff with GI is rubbish but good riddance to him if he's guilty, such is life

Pass the Ball

You think 1 in 1000 people drink drive? Bet you its far more
1 in a 1000 people get in nightclub brawls? Not a chance.
1 in 1000 blokes occasionally whack their missus? Maybe...I don't know if its more or less, but I wouldn't be surprised if its more.
sh*tting in a hotel corridor, now there's an unlikely one...but I bet more than 1/1000 people have done equally embarrassing and disgusting things while on the piss.

you clearly have far too high expectations of wider society...

I would be very surprised if there were more than 0.1% of society charged with assaulting women in the last twelve months...

That would be 1 in 1000 that beat his missus in the last twelve months..

What do you think?

I am not talking about drink driving or having a blue when out on the turps..

Dave Q

shut up dave.

Come on now, he loves the attention.

Hes thinking up something twice as nasty to fire back at me.

Being horrible is one of his fave pastimes, I happen to like that part of his complex personality

And he knows it too. :)


First Grade
geez, cheeer up life ain't too hard - you get paid to blog about league and other sports from a girly perspective...

is that because of your indepth analysis of the game or because you're chicks?

works both ways!

no doubt all this stuff with GI is rubbish but good riddance to him if he's guilty, such is life

its not coz we're chicks its because we write about sport from a different perspective than usual.

but anyway i'm not saying life is hard, i'm just saying it's dissapointing. i had a meeting today about contributing to a new website for women about sport and they are doing every other sport except league coz they don't want to be involved in any scandals. i got so upset in the meeting trying to defend our code but it's pretty hard to do so when they are just like um look at the headlines today.

i deadset wanted to cry.

the girl kooki was arguing with probably has two black eyes.



leave the jokes for the funnymen dave.

if you're lucky, an earwig might log in. if it's had a hard day, you might outwit it.



geez, cheeer up life ain't too hard - you get paid to blog about league and other sports from a girly perspective...

is that because of your indepth analysis of the game or because you're chicks?

works both ways!

no doubt all this stuff with GI is rubbish but good riddance to him if he's guilty, such is life

So true.

Bravo my Dragonic friend.

How Matt Cooper looks without his shirt on is definitely my idea of indepth league analysis... :sarcasm:


First Grade
when did we ever say we did in depth league analysis?? thats the whole point of what we do, it isn't like everything else. it's not sposed to be.

theres plenty of people out there that are experts and do it brilliantly already. hence why we chose to do it differently.


turn on a game, you are smacked in the face with alcohol and betting advertising. even the commentators have a running debate about the odds on the game. Is it any wonder our game has the image it has??

i hate this


It's about changing perception. Unfortunately league players are going to screw up. Why, I don't know, some of them simply aren't that bright.

We all know that just because GI had a brain snap and hit his girl doesn't mean they all are going to do that.

There are a lot of players who do good in society, who help people out. I think the majority are like that and somehow that's the point that needs to be gotten across.

The game has been knocked down again because of this but more important is the response. Melbourne have already done all they can do by standing GI down. I mean they can't exactly trot out the execution squad. They can't rip up his contract until actually found guilty.

But yeah it is frustrating that the game gets dragged down do to one stupid, inexcusable brain snap. If he wasn't an NRL player and did the same thing we never would have known anyway.

Actions of one don't represent the actions of the entire code is what I'm really trying to say and that's the message that needs to be put out there.

kurt faulk

Originally Posted by perth red
turn on a game, you are smacked in the face with alcohol and betting advertising. even the commentators have a running debate about the odds on the game. Is it any wonder our game has the image it has??

i hate this

it's not a debate, it's an advertisement for sportsbet or whatever the f**k it's called.

just shows what a joke of a competition the nrl is when it actually condones the leagues callers to advertise betting during a game.

imagine how many kids listen to that and think it's normal to blow your money on sport.

the f**king scum.
