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I have had a gutful!!!


what a load of crap......most of the blame should be put on the money grubbing morons who use their camera phones and feed the media, for cash

any player should be able to go out and get as pissed as they want, and party as hard as they want, and carry on like idiots.......if there is any poster here, who has not done the same thing, throw your hand up, i know my hands will be staying down by my side......the players are not pillars of society or role models, they are just normal everyday young men who like a drink and to have a good time, and before you say they are highly paid proffesionals......so what, i am a highly paid proffessional, and as i said my hands will be staying down by my side, and you dont see me spread all across the papers, fair enough in cases like, danny wicks if he is found guilty, throw the book at him, but paul gallen taking a piss against a wall, so what, i got caught short last sunday morning, and ducked into an alley way.......ease up and give them a break, FFS

Can't believe anyone can actually think this way. If you're place of work had just gone through one of their worst years for off field incidents, and you know for a fact that taking a piss outside against a wall (or someone's head) will draw negative press and you are a senior representitive of your club, not to mention a representative of your state and country all the time being probably less than 50m from a decent bog then you are a moron and deserve to be held COMPLETELY responsible for anything that comes from it.


First Grade

Why is this rugby league's f**king problem?

Danny Wicks is a f**king idiot who ALL league fans I know will now be disgusted with. He will be dealt with as a criminal, not a rugby league player, and the Knights have stood him down.

How the f**k is this league's problem or responsibility? Why should they have to baby f**king idiots like this Wicks dope? Why? They already do so much in education and community work, there will always be the ones that act out, and you deal with them as they happen.

F**k sake.


This has nothing to do with league culture and everything to do with an out and out dickhead.


League players have always done dodgy sh*t. It's just that they are now being held accountable for it.

You think that gangbangs, drugs and assaults didn't exist before the last 5 years or so ?
Gee Rastus what a flame! Like AFL players haven't done exactly the same thing! You really are pathetic at winding people up. Find something else to do mate as you are not very good a this!

Ali's Choice

Rugby League is a microcosm of Society itself. In all levels across all societies you will always have that rogue dickhead element. That 0.1% of people who just can't help but f**k up. The question shouldn't be, "How do we eliminate this element from Rugby League?" the question should be "How do we eliminate this element from society?"

Put together any group of people the size of the group playing and participating in any level of the NRL, anywhere else in the world and you will have a small element of that group that:

a. will break the rules on what is acceptable within the group
b. will be expelled from the group for their behaviour

I believe that the NRL and Rugby League is doing all it can under the circumstances, but until society in general works out a solution to this issue, we will always have these sorts of things pop up in the NRL.

TBH I actually think the NRL are doing a reasonably good job. I think I heard that we've had 5 or 6 players face charges this year across the comp. I reckon, there'd be more than that facing charges just in the street that I live in. As usual, the media magnify the situation. Whilst I am not condoning Inglis behaviour and I think he is a complete goose and anyone who belts a Woman deserves to cop the complete brunt of the law, you can't single out the fact that he is a League player as some sort of cause for his behaviour. Nor can you tar all League players with the same brush.

I think you are being overly simplistic by explaining RL's issues away as being purely societal.

I had a quick look online regarding the number of RL behaviour issues we've had since 1990. I was able to compile the following list of players who have publically brought League into disrepute. Whilst some of these incidents were fairly minor (eg. Darren Lockeyer making 'Raper' jokes at public speaking gig) some were very serious, many of these players were repeat offenders and the vast, vast majority of the incidents these players were involved in were alcohol related.

Julian O'Niell
Chris Walker
Adam McDougoll
Brad Fitler
Dale Shearer
Matthew Johns
Todd Carney
John Elias
Craig Gower
Willie Mason
Sonny Bill Williams
Paul Gallen
Greg Bird
Danny Wicks
Brett Stewart
Nate Myles
Tevita Latu
Wes Patton
Andy Watmough
Greg Inglis
Craig Field
Neville Costigan
Jake Friend
Dane Tilse
Andrew Johns
Karmicheal Hunt
Sam Thaiday
Justin Hodges
Anthony Laffranchi
Reni Maitua
Wes Naqama
Tim Smith
Sione Faumuina
Brett Seymour
Johnathan Thurston
John Hopoate
Danny Williams
Brent Todd
Joe Kilroy
Noa Nadruku
Robbie O'Davi
Wayne Richards
Shane Webcke
Kevin McGuinness
Brett Firman
Anthony Minichiello
Mark Gasnier
Brett Finch
Brad Morrin
Corey Hughes
Michael Crocker
Gorden Tallis
Matt Hilder
Craig Trindall
Shaun Timmins
Richard Williams
Frank Pritchard
Bryce Gibbs
Terry Lamb
Anthony Cherrington
Trevor Thurling
Cooper Cronk


You only need look at the SMH Sport section this morning, front is the great century by the Windies capatain Gayle and the fact that the Windies are having a dig, and it continues as you turn the page, a bit of argy bargy but it means the teams are out there trying.
Then you turn the page again and its the NRL, double page spread about an NRL player arrested for drug dealing, Jake Friend feeling sorry for himself after umpteenth poor conduct and then a bit about Hayne resigning but having a whinge at the same time.
About sums up the NRL, most of it is smoke and mirrors, great sport to watch but full of mongrels!


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I think you are being overly simplistic by explaining RL's issues away as being purely societal.

I had a quick look online regarding the number of RL behaviour issues we've had since 1990. I was able to compile the following list of players who have publically brought League into disrepute. Whilst some of these incidents were fairly minor (eg. Darren Lockeyer making 'Raper' jokes at public speaking gig) some were very serious, many of these players were repeat offenders and the vast, vast majority of the incidents these players were involved in were alcohol related.

Julian O'Niell
Chris Walker
Adam McDougoll
Brad Fitler
Dale Shearer
Matthew Johns
Todd Carney
John Elias
Craig Gower
Willie Mason
Sonny Bill Williams
Paul Gallen
Greg Bird
Danny Wicks
Brett Stewart
Nate Myles
Tevita Latu
Wes Patton
Andy Watmough
Greg Inglis
Craig Field
Neville Costigan
Jake Friend
Dane Tilse
Andrew Johns
Karmicheal Hunt
Sam Thaiday
Justin Hodges
Anthony Laffranchi
Reni Maitua
Wes Naqama
Tim Smith
Sione Faumuina
Brett Seymour
Johnathan Thurston
John Hopoate
Danny Williams
Brent Todd
Joe Kilroy
Noa Nadruku
Robbie O'Davi
Wayne Richards
Shane Webcke
Kevin McGuinness
Brett Firman
Anthony Minichiello
Mark Gasnier
Brett Finch
Brad Morrin
Corey Hughes
Michael Crocker
Gorden Tallis
Matt Hilder
Craig Trindall
Shaun Timmins
Richard Williams
Frank Pritchard
Bryce Gibbs
Terry Lamb
Anthony Cherrington
Trevor Thurling
Cooper Cronk

Without counting, I'm going to assume that list is 50 deep. Maybe 60, I'm not going to waste time counting.

What I did waste my time doing is I went back to find out how many players have been involved in the NRL since it's inception in 1998 (despite you having referenced player incidents prior to that).

The answer is 2,405 players.

Allowing you benefit of the doubt, 60 / 2405 = 2.5%

2.5% of players.

That means 98% of NRL players are relative cleanskins, good blokes. And that's a stretch, given some of the "offences" you've included people for.

Keep walking, is what I'm trying to say. ;-)

Ali's Choice

Without counting, I'm going to assume that list is 50 deep. Maybe 60, I'm not going to waste time counting.

What I did waste my time doing is I went back to find out how many players have been involved in the NRL since it's inception in 1998 (despite you having referenced player incidents prior to that).

The answer is 2,405 players.

Allowing you benefit of the doubt, 60 / 2405 = 2.5%

2.5% of players.

That means 98% of NRL players are relative cleanskins, good blokes. And that's a stretch, given some of the "offences" you've included people for.

Keep walking, is what I'm trying to say. ;-)

62 on that list.

2.5% is significantly higher than the 0.1% which Different Kind of Rabbit was using.

I would consider 2.5% to be a huge fraction, especially when you consider many of these players were repeat offenders. I can assure you, if 2.5% of a comparable sized company's workforce were involved in similar incidents, people would start questioning that company's culture and ethos.

Besides, my point is to support what other posters have said regarding the link to alcohol. If you read through the list of scandals involving these players (some minor some major) the vast majority involved alcohol. Feel free to dismiss the fact that 2.5% of NRL players have been involved in scandals since 1990, but do so at Rugby League's peril.
62 on that list.

2.5% is significantly higher than the 0.1% which Different Kind of Rabbit was using.

I would consider 2.5% to be a huge fraction, especially when you consider many of these players were repeat offenders. I can assure you, if 2.5% of a comparable sized company's workforce were involved in similar incidents, people would start questioning that company's culture and ethos.

Besides, my point is to support what other posters have said regarding the link to alcohol. If you read through the list of scandals involving these players (some minor some major) the vast majority involved alcohol. Feel free to dismiss the fact that 2.5% of NRL players have been involved in scandals since 1990, but do so at Rugby League's peril.

I was talking about Rugby League in general, not just the NRL but go ahead and put words in my mouth.

Rugby League is a microcosm of society. Only difference is that if you or I get caught pissing on a public wall its not front page news.

I would be very surprised if the number of ordinary Australians who get fined / booked for commiting illegal activity each year - i.e. pissing in public, traffic offenses ranging up to assault and drug possession etc etc is less than 2.5% of the total population.
Since everyone is so into research nowadays. Somebody go and compile a list of Politicians who have been booked for similar offenses to some of those that League players have been stung for. I guarantee you the list is just as long and these are the people making the laws. Sure, Rugby League players set a bad example and quite a few of them get involved in crime but at least they aren't running the country.


It's one in 40 people , I'd be flabbergasted if you can walk down the street and find 40 consecutive people who have been impeccably clean for the past 18 years, particularly if you go and narrow that group down to 18-34 year old physically fit males.

Ali's Choice

Since everyone is so into research nowadays. Somebody go and compile a list of Politicians who have been booked for similar offenses to some of those that League players have been stung for. I guarantee you the list is just as long and these are the people making the laws. Sure, Rugby League players set a bad example and quite a few of them get involved in crime but at least they aren't running the country.

Not sure how many politicians have been charged with drug trafficking, gun running, urinating on females in bars, glassing their girlfriends and defecating in Hotel hallways, but I'll do some research and get back to you.

Ali's Choice

It's one in 40 people , I'd be flabbergasted if you can walk down the street and find 40 consecutive people who have been impeccably clean for the past 18 years, particularly if you go and narrow that group down to 18-34 year old physically fit males.

The average 18-34 year old male isn't a highly paid professional sportsman with a public profile that ensures their misadventures reflect negatively on their sport.

You can block your ears and tell yourself nothing is wrong. But you'd be deluding yourself. If the NRL is fair dinkum about fixing the issue of player behaviour they need to look at the chief cause of these incidents, alcohol, and to a lesser extent club cultures that promote misogyny.
I agree.

The game has become a massive pile of crap.

And I totally agree with phil gould. Gee I hope he gets on the commission.


I did not write this and cannot edit it. So some loser goon with a tear in his eye has written this.


Its all one giant soap opera.

I can tell you one thing, as soon as news/arl are out of the game the better. retain the better people, sure, but as organisations they should be locked up.

Gould makes fair calls on the twats in the game. Of course I dont know them personally, so this is not a personal comment, merely a reflection of what we hear coming from them.


I am just shattered.

I know how hard my club has worked to create a great culture. I have seen the effort, I have witnessed the transformation.

To have that fat bag of sh*t screw it all up is just too much to handle.

And to add to that, some merkins in here jump on us Knights fans about it, like we were somehow responsible...

I think what hurts the most is he surely knew that his actions would not only blow up on him, but damage the club and the game - and he didn't care.

He didn't care about the badge on his breast, he didn't care about the town, he didn't care about the fans.

Was that Smithy's legacy, guys who don't give a fcuck? How do we deal with that? How does any club deal with that? How can you get them to behave, when they won't do it for their club - for what should be their second family - let alone themselves?

Wicks has screwed himself over.

But he has screwed us over more.


First Grade
Not sure how many politicians have been charged with drug trafficking, gun running, urinating on females in bars, glassing their girlfriends and defecating in Hotel hallways, but I'll do some research and get back to you.

Gun running?
Who is selling guns?


John Elias = Gun Runner IIRC

The average 18-34 year old male isn't a highly paid professional sportsman with a public profile that ensures their misadventures reflect negatively on their sport.

You'll get no argument from me, just disagreeing with the assertion that abhorrent behaviour is dramatically higher amongst RL players than any comparable section of society


First Grade
Originally Posted by Ali's Choice
Not sure how many politicians have been charged with drug trafficking, gun running, urinating on females in bars, glassing their girlfriends and defecating in Hotel hallways, but I'll do some research and get back to you.

& 'urinating on females in bars' -- who did that?

You're thinking of an AFL player(s) I believe.

Ali as you are a Nzer can you conform that 12 All Blacks have faces criminal charges in the last 5 years?

Ali's Choice


& 'urinating on females in bars' -- who did that?

You're thinking of an AFL player(s) I believe.

Ali as you are a Nzer can you conform that 12 All Blacks have faces criminal charges in the last 5 years?

I'm not sure what that has to do with this thread. I thought this was a Rugby League thread?

As for a player urinating on the female, IIRC in the late 1990s a Canterbury player urinated on a female make-up artist during preparation for a film shoot. From memory, a few of his teammates also got into trouble for exposing themselves to her as well. I could be wrong though.

My point is that the vast majority of Rugby League scandals arise from alcohol. If alcohol is the common factor, why are people so loathe to restrict its consumption? Elite swimmers, athletes and gymnasts don't get oozed every weekend, why do Rugby League players need to?


The average 18-34 year old male isn't a highly paid professional sportsman with a public profile that ensures their misadventures reflect negatively on their sport.

You can block your ears and tell yourself nothing is wrong. But you'd be deluding yourself. If the NRL is fair dinkum about fixing the issue of player behaviour they need to look at the chief cause of these incidents, alcohol, and to a lesser extent club cultures that promote misogyny.

f**k off n00b. who gave you permission to post in this thread

an nrl player walks the dog its front page news, a wallaby is charged for burglary and its barely mentioned. nrl players are on the end of receiving a sh*thouse deal from the media while wallabys and afl players can do some of the stuff nrl players do and its swept under the carpet. i dont mind personally, all these stories just get more fans to our great game of rugby league imo

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