Hbf did 20k in 2015. Since then numbers have declined. 11k in 2016 & 2017 and finally 6k in July 2017. Post image of declining numbers some time.
FTA numbers are the only ones we have & are a good indication of support as they represent roughly 50% of viewership. In Sydney a lot of regular season games get about 500k across all media.
Using same ratio (which is unlikely as perth is not a hardcore nrl city) Perth does what 10k?! Of course you can just be a disingenuous dic.. & assume there's 20k watching NRL on fox & kayo in perth like you do.
Newcastle were doing 18k in attendance & actually broke record membership record in 2013 with around 17k at the same time they needed NRL to come in & sort them out.
Game day does not make or break club. If club approaching game like that they won't last one down season.
We have had one bad rugby league crowd in a decade due to terrible weather, which you couldn't even get right. You seem to forget that NRL clubs playing in Perth are largely neutral and are very different to having a Perth club to build a fanbase around.
How did the Warriors do playing in redcliffe of Gosford? Must mean theres no Rl fans in Redcliffe or on CC by your logic?
ah so now its across all media not just FTA? Melbourne gets 14k avg fta audience, Storm are one of the best supported clubs in the NRL. 95% of people in Sydney dont watch the NRL game on FTA. Its almost like its meaningless metric to use? Doh.
Newcastle, like many regional clubs struggled with corporate support. You need both, active fanbase and decent corporate sponsorship portfolio to be viable, or you did until the NRL massively upped the grant to $5mill over cap. That has now covered the shortfall for all clubs according to the NRL CEO.
You and I can pss in the wind all we like but end of day NRL will decide if they want a Perth club, then they will review bids and look at business cases where all of this will be laid out. Then they will decide.
You keep on hating on Perth and I'll keep on supporting the growth of the NRL.