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Inglis to fork out $113 000 to be released


First Grade
if he does go to souths, this will be the first time he will play in a team without the cronk,smiths,and slaters which made inglis look good.

Souths dont have that quality of players, i think it will be similar to justin poore where he will look average most of the year, due to going to a weaker team then the one he was at.

Like poore with the eels, i dont think inglis will help souths as the fans may think,they just dont have the players.



if he does go to souths, this will be the first time he will play in a team without the cronk,smiths,and slaters which made inglis look good.

Souths dont have that quality of players, i think it will be similar to justin poore where he will look average most of the year, due to going to a weaker team then the one he was at.

Like poore i dont think inglis will help souths getting in the finals, they dont have the players .
Yeah I agree, though Souths do have a few engimas with Luke (better hooker than Smith), Burgess and Taylor. Merritt can also be a game breaker when he's not relegated to the wing.

The 18th Man

I applaud the Brisbane Broncos. This circus was fast becoming a distraction that could interup off-season prepartations and pose more questions than answers. They gave a deadline, it wasn't met, the Broncos move on and wish Greg Inglis the best.

I'd be very, very surprised if:

1. South Sydney can fit Inglis and the additional $113,000 under the cap and

2. Brisbane don't announce another major signing at the completion of the Four Nations.

Whilst the South Sydney enthusiasm is good for the game, especially with a chance at Inglis, I don't think the Bunnies can win a competition with their current halves situation Inglis or no Inglis. Inglis is a difference maker, he won't be able to carry them if they're inconsistent at that position. Inglis was surrounded by a GREAT supporting cast at Melbourne we have to keep in mind. Souths are much improved, though a littler overrated if we are having some proclaim any possible signing of G.I. will see them return to Grand Final Day.
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First Grade
i dont mean poore was useless ,its just will be the case like inglis , in a new team which isnt strong as the one they left, they will be shown up


First Grade
Yeah I agree, though Souths do have a few engimas with Luke (better hooker than Smith), Burgess and Taylor. Merritt can also be a game breaker when he's not relegated to the wing.

They didnt show when it was time for them aka round 26

I just think souths are taking a risk with a player like inglis , who has played most of his career with smith,cronk , slater .

I dont think burgess and taylor will be as dangerous next year.


I love how these people are making it sound like Inglis is some overhyped chump who got his success off the back of others. Souths have a better forward pack than Melbourne. IMO Luke will be better over the next 5 years than Smith will. And as for Cronk, the same argument you make about Inglis could be made about Cronk. Maybe Sandow will look as good as Cronk with a target out wide like Inglis.


They didnt show when it was time for them aka round 26

I just think souths are taking a risk with a player like inglis , who has played most of his career with smith,cronk , slater .

I dont think burgess and taylor will be as dangerous next year.

Yeah those bludgers, at 22 and 21 they're already past their best aren't they.


You don't know if Inglis's situation is the same as it was six months ago nor how big a deal it really is to him. The city of choice may have just been a small tipping point when deciding between offers that are basically the same. Now the offers aren't the same, Souths offer is better. And he has mates at Souths too, Beau Champion is his cousin.

I don't know if his situation is the same as it was as 6 months ago but i know if i didn't want to live in a particular city at any particular time then i sure as sh*t wouldn't change my mind 6 months later and i sure as sh*t wouldn't let 100k sway that decision when i was being paid $500k for the next 2 years and even more than that for the next 8 or so.

You might not agree and you'd to live in any old sh*thole in the world for $100k which is entirely your prerogative but i certainly wouldn't. Though i can't speak for Inglis every bit as much as you can't so it's a moot point really. All i do know is that regardless of that point the fact is he does decide to miraculously change his mind and want to live in Sydney, he still won't be playing with his good mates he wanted to play with, he won't be playing in the state he wants to be playing in and he sure as hell won't be playing the loving supportive boyfriend and floowing the love of his life so she can persue her new career which are EXACTLY the reasons whey he sad he left.

Even you can't argue with that because it's all straight from the horses mouth. So beau champion is his mothers sisters brothers mother which somehow makes them cousins? His main family he re-located to melbourne so he could be close to them, you reckon they'll want to all live in Sydney too? Enjoy that extra $100k GI, i hope it's worth it :lol:


other teams know how they play and will be prepared better when they play souths and will notify the danger from burgess and taylor

By that logic why doesn't every young star get shut down after their first year or two in the league. At their age they're still rapidly improving, I'm sure they'll have answers for what opposition teams try to do to them.


First Grade
By that logic why doesn't every young star get shut down after their first year or two in the league. At their age they're still rapidly improving, I'm sure they'll have answers for what opposition teams try to do to them.
Yes they may or may not , reason why souths fans shouldnt be too excited if souths get inglis .He wont be what they are looking for.

Souths need better backline players

big country

Souths need better backine players, burgess and Taylor won't be as effective next year blah blah blah some posters here must have the key to unlock the universe


f**k me, could someone please shoot me as for the first time ever i agree with Gaba! Even if Souths do get Inglis they won't be any sort of premiership threat next year. You need a helluva lot more potent backs than just one to win the comp and given Inglis is prone to putting in only 1 decent game in every 4-5 then Souths will still have their biggest problem of just a very average back line save for 5-6 games a year that GI actually puts in.

If he didn't lift and put in for the most part under Bellyache like last year does anyone possibly think he's going to excel under John Lang while being one of the only half decent players in an entire backline? :lol:


First Grade
It's funny cos it's true :lol:

Even funnier Inglis walking out of the Storm (yes he wanted to and no he didn't have to, there's numerous direct quotes from both parties to confirm this) then the only team he wanted to go to doesn't want him any more :lol:

He didnt want to go, he had to too create room. That is the facts.

Bruno Cullen even said as much tonight.

The 18th Man

I love how these people are making it sound like Inglis is some overhyped chump who got his success off the back of others. Souths have a better forward pack than Melbourne. IMO Luke will be better over the next 5 years than Smith will. And as for Cronk, the same argument you make about Inglis could be made about Cronk. Maybe Sandow will look as good as Cronk with a target out wide like Inglis.

1. If you're referring to my earlier post, you are reading too much in to the Inglis reference. Inglis is arguably the game's best player, easily the game's best centre though in my opinion he cannot carry a team to Grand Final glory in a team that has two misfits in the halves. I am sorry if you don't agree with me.

Inglis played in some great teams with a great supporting cast. You say the Souths pack is better than Melbourne's in recent times, again, your opinion. What has Souths done with this pack over the last couple seasons?

Last season they won 3 from 9 away from home. Inglis can't fix that on his own and they will need too in order to be as some suggest, "top four". Only NQ were worse and Cronulla were on par with Souths. The debate as to who will finish where in 2011 is for 2011 not now, but if I am a Souths fan, I'd be wary of making foolish statements at the end of 2010.

Whilst on Inglis, there are sound reasons for Craig Bellamy preferring to retain Smith, Cronk and Slater. Read in to that as much as you'd like. I think Storm fans agree with Bellamy. They would have liked to keep Inglis in as much as he wanted to stay, though if they had a choice in letting one of the big four go, Inglis was going to miss out.

2. I love how Souths fans are suddenly experts on not only the Greg Inglis off-season drama but also Greg Inglis the man and player :lol:

All in all, Souths fans have right to be excited by any possible signing of Inglis. I don't think any Top Four or Grand Final claims are warranted. Again, my opinion.
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He didnt want to go, he had to too create room. That is the facts.

Bruno Cullen even said as much tonight.

Ok, so we'll just ignore the facts and direct quotes from the Storm who not only said it was more than capable they could keep him, but also made no secret that they wanted to go down that path to keep him hence their reluctance to let him go. Unless you're living on another planet you'd know the Storm did everything in their power to keep him but he just didn't want to stay. He was listenimg to his heart apparently and following his GF

All quotes from both parties are easily found and accesible if you can be bothered looking for them which no doubt you will be because it shoots a sh*tload of holes in your theory. Instead we'll just hang our hats on listen to Bruno who had absolutely no idea of the Storm's options on how and who they could keep. Yeah, thanks all the same but i'll go with the clubs word as opposed to an opposition clubs CEO but if that makes you feel better about GI wanting to walk out on the club then you go ahead and knock yourself out. Ignorance is bliss and all that ;-)


f**k me, could someone please shoot me as for the first time ever i agree with Gaba! Even if Souths do get Inglis they won't be any sort of premiership threat next year. You need a helluva lot more potent backs than just one to win the comp and given Inglis is prone to putting in only 1 decent game in every 4-5 then Souths will still have their biggest problem of just a very average back line save for 5-6 games a year that GI actually puts in.

If he didn't lift and put in for the most part under Bellyache like last year does anyone possibly think he's going to excel under John Lang while being one of the only half decent players in an entire backline? :lol:
Yeah there's obviously a lack of potency in the second highest try scoring team in the league with the most line breaks :roll:


There has to be much more to this than meets the eye IMO. I mean if the only came down to him having to pay say $100k then surely that alone wouldn't be enough for him to not sign the Bronc's contract?
Dead right. He is going to a club that has the test skipper on 250k and just signed a test prop. Brisbane is the land of the sponsor topped up contract - even more so since the NRL relaxed the third party rules = now very ironically sine the Storm broke the cap to keep Inglis.

Bruno could have topped the merkin's contract up by the extra $110k with a quicker phone call than he could order a home delivered pizza.

Anyone doubts the power of the Bronco finances just cast your mind back to how Tallis and Ikin got there - by sitting out contracts with finals clubs. Then recall some of the names behind the Thoroughbreds.

Whilst the Inglis snub is a nice backhander to a club that did the dirty re Tallis and Ikin, it proved to me that this overhyped twat is on the verge of oblivion, not greatness. Enenflow, you have painted the picture perfectly below:
Well i spose it comes down to what's most important to you. Let's weigh it up, he wanted to go "home" to Queensland to be with his missus and support her new job while being with good mates who he really wanted to play beside. Now if he doesn't want to pay the money he'll be going to play in a city that has been reported and quoted many times that he just doesn't want to live in, not to mention he won't be moving home to a state he loves living in, supporting his missus' new job (which was reportedly the main reason he left in the first place)

Now $100k might be enough for you to stay in a city you don't want to live in and not playing with the team you wanted to and with good mates you want to but to me, and this is only my opinion i'd give up $100k in a heartbeat to have the things i really wanted as opposed to something i wasn't real keen on. Especially if i was only 23 and i knew i had the capacity to earn millions (literally) over the next 10 years or so. Now, Did i really need to spell that out for you? Surely it wasn't that hard at all to work out for you was it? That was a rhetorical question because clearly is was that hard for you :sarcasm:

He must, by now, have pissed so many people off in this code that he is almost SBW like. Consider:

  • Turned his back on his state, obstensively because a family in Brisbane who looked out for him in his late teens convinced him o become a Maroon
  • Then turned his back on the club that houses so many Origin team mates, and his skipper
  • Turned his back on his "fiance" (maybe she turned her back on him by moving north before all this happened - her moving to Brisbane was always a farce that had a hell of a lot more to the story than we were given)
  • Turned his back on his old club - after his greedy contract negotiations went a hell of a long way to getting them in hot water (at least Anasta, Mason, Shreck and co hung around for the duration of their next contract)
  • Pissed of a third club (Titans) after ditching their offer of better money than the Broncos deal
  • No doubt losing cred with the NRL bosses who sighed with relief when Inglis signed his last Storm deal - and looked Mr Loyalty to the Cause after allowing all those Inglis to Jap/French Yawnion rumours to fester (the same ones that Hindy and Heather scotched very quickly - as Hayne did with AFL)
  • And if the Mundine rumours is true, no doubt pissing off his manager who negotiated the deal that not only almost got him de-registered and thrown in prison if the investigation had taken a certain turn, but probably negotiated the Broncos deal with Cullen and no has himself lost a heap of cred with some potential big payers for his other clients.
To this point we have assumed that Inglis would, at careers end, have a similar history as Reg Gasnier, Mal Meninga and Mick Cronin had. To me, right now, he looks more like Mark Geyer - about to spear tackle a stellar career with his arrogance. If Souths remember the last time they signed a coup from the Broncos by stealing an arrogant back with a big future - history just may repeat itself. And if it does, Parra will sign Inglis for $100k in 2016 and be laughed at.

At least in 2010, we signed our fat overrated Queenslander for only $150k.

Why would GI go free agent and piss away 2 guaranteed years? And even if he did and the Storm did backend his contract while overlooking the bad blood that's developed between the two parties recently, he'd have to play for free for a year, because the Storm are right at the salary cap as it is.

Face it, GI will spend 10 years in a Souths jersey where he'll be a grand final winner for the first time. The Storm can go ahead with "only" 3 superstars, they still have the talent to be a contender.

You gimp. Burgess, Crocker and Taylor were supposed to get you to the finals, look what happened. To get to a GF, Inglis needed Slater, Cronk, Quinn an a load of grapple tackling forwards to do the hard yards for 9 months. Inglis only ever has a good game outside Thurston. even his GF performances are overated.

And I doubt he'll last the season. He hasn't had the head for decent footy since 08 apart from a few fits and starts. IMHO - and I hope I am wrong - but this bloke is a meltdown waiting to happen. He has been at the centre of controversy for almost 18 months, from his protective bashing of his missus onwards.

Face it. Racism aside, Joey was right.

Let's agree to disagree.

And yeah I don't take notice of what the haters have to say, they wouldn't be saying it if GI was going to their team.

Actually I reckon Parra fans would. To a man (or woman Sarah) we would have Hayne over Inglis in a heartbeat. Hayne plays his clakker out each week -everything revolves around him in attack - Inglis will NEVER achieve that. Hayne has been super loyal - twice has taken hits in the pocket to stay an Eel - once to keep Inu, once to ignore AFL. He also put his Origin jumper on the line to honour his club one - when he Liverpool Kissed the overpaid twat Slater. To me that was a class at in terms of club loyalty. And Hayne has taken measures to get his head right after the early and inevitible big-head syndrome that Inglis, SBW and Folau and arguably Thurston never dealt with.

Face it - Inglis is already earning contracts on reputation and not form.

And Souths haven't signed him yet either. Ask Bruno Cullen how secure that situation is!!!

And also ask yourself this: With such a player wandering around unsigned (which is why Searle and Crowe got interested in the first place) how come the usual suspects are so bloody quiet? Canterbury, Easts and Manly - not a peep from them. And no mumbles either from the ultumate Maroon mentor - Creeping Jesus.

As Jack Gibson used to say "There is always free cheese in a mousetrap". When was the last time a test player presented themselves to Souths so easily? I'm thinking Ernie Hammerton in the 1950's?
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1. If you're referring to my earlier post, you are reading too much in to the Inglis reference. Inglis is arguably the game's best player, easily the game's best centre though in my opinion he cannot carry a team to Grand Final glory in a team that has two misfits in the halves. I am sorry if you don't agree with me.

Inglis played in some great teams with a great supporting cast. You say the Souths pack is better than Melbourne's in recent times, again, your opinion. What has Souths done with this pack over the last couple seasons?

Last season they won 3 from 9 away from home. Inglis can't fix that on his own and they will need too in order to be as some suggest, "top four". Only NQ were worse and Cronulla were on par with Souths. The debate as to who will finish where in 2011 is for 2011 not now, but if I am a Souths fan, I'd be wary of making foolish statements at the end of 2010.

Whilst on Inglis, there are sound reasons for Craig Bellamy preferred retaining Smith, Cronk and Slater. Read in to that as much as you'd like. I think Storm fans agree with Bellamy. They would have liked to keep Inglis in as much as he wanted to stay, though if they had a choice in letting one of the big four go, Inglis was going to miss out.

2. I love how Souths fans are suddenly experts on not only the Greg Inglis off-season drama but also Greg Inglis the man and player :lol:

All in all, Souths fans have right to be excited by any possible signing of Inglis. I don't think any Top Four or Grand Final claims are warranted. Again, my opinion.

Noone is saying he'll carry Souths to a GF by himself. If the others don't show up of course Souths won't get anywhere.

As for the halves, Sandow will have to deliver early in the season or he will be replaced by Reynolds, and Matt Mundine looks like our future 5/8. IMO both have the ability to be better than Sandow and Sutton (Sutton's future is at lock).

Our forward pack is the best in the comp on paper, we have 3 superstars in Luke, Burgess and Taylor. Throw in an underperforming Asotasi who has motives to fire up in 2011. You say they haven't done much the last couple of years, fair enough, but it was tough getting everybody on the park at one time in 2010. I think in 2011 they will be the dominant pack of the league. The Storm forwards have never been anything special, they were always good enough to do the job but I don't think they were ever as good as ours can be.

As for Melbourne's stars, IMO the weaklink of the big 4 is Cronk, I see him as an above average half on a normal team who was turned into a star by having an illegal amount of talent around him.

And if we play GI at fullback, which is a possibility, I think he'll have an opportunity to be better than he ever was in Melbourne. Let's not forget he's only 23, he still hasn't reached his peak.

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