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Inglis to fork out $113 000 to be released


holy sh*t why is this drama still goining. i'm a massive bronocos fan and i was delighted wen i heard inglis was moving here but now ther's all this other sh*t going on about him wanting to sign with other clubs and 113 000 to be realesed, i just get the feeling inglis doesnt real wanna play for the broncos theres no love ( Inglis stated he is intrested in going back to storm in 2 years, like who saids that when youv just singed a two year deal with a club), i reckon he just did it so he could be away from storm (while they rebuild club) and then he wants to go back to storm,


Re: Inglis to fork out $113 000 to be released
Will Mundine and his camp ever f**k off?
Mate u f**king legend
i'm with u 100%


:crazy:holy sh*t why is this drama still goining. i'm a massive bronocos fan and i was delighted wen i heard inglis was moving here but now ther's all this other sh*t going on about him wanting to sign with other clubs and 113 000 to be realesed, i just get the feeling inglis doesnt real wanna play for the broncos theres no love ( Inglis stated he is intrested in going back to storm in 2 years, like who saids that:roll: when youv just singed a two year deal with a club), i reckon he just did it so he could be away from storm (while they rebuild club) and then he wants to go back to storm,:x


Souths 'we're battlers' can buy as many players as they want. They still won't get near a premiership next year.


A few things to note as to the situation.

-Inglis left Melbourne to be with his girlfriend who has a job in Brisbane. Why on earth would he now want Sydney. He's actually purchased a property in Queensland.
- How can actor owner and a current boxer somewhat affiliated with the club be more of an influence then his very cloes friends - hodges,thaiday and lockyer whom he will work with every day
-To be considering it, Souths would have to offer the deal equal to Broncos plus the legal fee and a little bit extra. It would be assumed that legitimate third party deals are harder to come by in Sydney - bigger names down there. Thats a lot of money just sitting under the cap.
-Bad look for Souths, poaching players who have agreed to deals. It will come at the expense of current Souths players, whether that is in 2011 or 2012 when deals need to be renewed.


A few things to note as to the situation.

-Inglis left Melbourne to be with his girlfriend who has a job in Brisbane. Why on earth would he now want Sydney. He's actually purchased a property in Queensland.
- How can actor owner and a current boxer somewhat affiliated with the club be more of an influence then his very cloes friends - hodges,thaiday and lockyer whom he will work with every day
-To be considering it, Souths would have to offer the deal equal to Broncos plus the legal fee and a little bit extra. It would be assumed that legitimate third party deals are harder to come by in Sydney - bigger names down there. Thats a lot of money just sitting under the cap.
-Bad look for Souths, poaching players who have agreed to deals. It will come at the expense of current Souths players, whether that is in 2011 or 2012 when deals need to be renewed.

Sydney is a lot closer than France.

Big Sam

First Grade
A few things to note as to the situation.

-Inglis left Melbourne to be with his girlfriend who has a job in Brisbane. Why on earth would he now want Sydney. He's actually purchased a property in Queensland.
- How can actor owner and a current boxer somewhat affiliated with the club be more of an influence then his very cloes friends - hodges,thaiday and lockyer whom he will work with every day
-To be considering it, Souths would have to offer the deal equal to Broncos plus the legal fee and a little bit extra. It would be assumed that legitimate third party deals are harder to come by in Sydney - bigger names down there. Thats a lot of money just sitting under the cap.
-Bad look for Souths, poaching players who have agreed to deals. It will come at the expense of current Souths players, whether that is in 2011 or 2012 when deals need to be renewed.

Luke Lewis reneged on a deal with us in 2008. These things happen.

Also can more than one player at a club be on a 3rd party deal as it was my understanding that Crocker's contract was already being supplemented by a 3rd party deal?
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The thing with this whole saga is that if he signs with souths he's hurting an innocent party. Like em or not the broncos have done nothing wrong here. They signed this guy in good faith. Melbourne say he can't go unless he pays his legal fees. Souths step in and say come to us and say we'll pay your fees if you sign with us. Melbourne are happy, Souths are happy, Brisbane get shafted.
Maybe that's karma for brisbane and its past actions but it doesn't seem right.


It must be the off season, souffs fans are being cocky.

As always I'll just wait til the second week of march, they mysteriously dissapear around then...

Ahh Smackey, everyone loves your predictions in the Souths v Tigers game's.


Like em or not the broncos have done nothing wrong here.

Some people seem to think they have committed worse atrocities than the Third Reich.

I will be seriously pissed off if he walks away from one of the best line-ups in a while.


He'll probably sign with Souths, play until august and say "I've made a huge mistake"


A few things to note as to the situation.

-Inglis left Melbourne to be with his girlfriend who has a job in Brisbane. Why on earth would he now want Sydney. He's actually purchased a property in Queensland.
Sydney has jobs too you know, and he can still visit her for nearly 6 months a year if she doesn't come down.
- How can actor owner and a current boxer somewhat affiliated with the club be more of an influence then his very cloes friends - hodges,thaiday and lockyer whom he will work with every day
Apparently Mundine is a very close friend too, he's been in his ear for a while. And don't underestimate the Gordon Tallis factor.
-To be considering it, Souths would have to offer the deal equal to Broncos plus the legal fee and a little bit extra. It would be assumed that legitimate third party deals are harder to come by in Sydney - bigger names down there. Thats a lot of money just sitting under the cap.
They won't have to offer anything extra if they are the only ones willing to pay his bills. Brisbane certainly won't do it, their CEO has been quoted as saying they're almost at the point of walking away from the deal.
Bad look for Souths, poaching players who have agreed to deals. It will come at the expense of current Souths players, whether that is in 2011 or 2012 when deals need to be renewed.
It's not personal, it's just business. If it happens we haven't done anything wrong. Brisbane would be an innocent victim but it's not our fault. An opportunity came up, an opportunity that we had the ability to take advantage of, and we went for it.

He'll probably sign with Souths, play until august and say "I've made a huge mistake"

Yeah he'll say "I've made a huge mistake, and the mistake is I didn't come to this great club sooner. It's a good feeling to lock up the minor premiership in August."


Inglis will be very stupid to move to Souths if he does. Staying at the Broncos will mean he will finally win a premiership, go to souths and all he will be doing is learning how to still collect centrelink payments.


I am amazed that this ape does not have the balls to man up and pay for his legal defence, what a merkin.


I am amazed that this ape does not have the balls to man up and pay for his legal defence, what a merkin.

If someone told you they'd handle your legal issues, choose your lawyers, and take care of everything in relation to your case. Including paying the bills. And then as soon as you say you're leaving they do a backflip and refuse to pay, you'd feel its morally unfair for you to pay the bill.

Why should he pay the bill, maybe he's budgeted his finances and it would be a serious inconvenience to pay it. And if someone is willing to pay them, you'd consider it.

And "ape"? seriously? I think you can do better.


I am amazed that this ape does not have the balls to man up and pay for his legal defence, what a merkin.

He had no say in who they were and they were appointed under the proviso that the Melbourne Storm "brand" be protected at all costs, obviously by the suits who run the club. So why shouldn't Melbourne foot the bill?

Legal issues aside i don't want him at Brisbane anyway. For the amount that he takes up in the salary cap, no team would want someone who is half committed.

But its obvious whats going on here. Melbourne are baulking at the fact that they may have to include some of this money in their salary cap. Issues they didn't have when this case first came to light.
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