I've made about 10 posts since the news broke - none in the days following the (leaking of the) story. Hardly a need to "let go" - just giving my honest opinion J.
Are they not honouring his contract?
They are giving him full pay, full entitlements, super, etc
Very slimy behaviour imo. They're "honouring" the conditions of his contract - all except the bit about the length of time. Selective honour, if you will.
Go support another club if you still wanna carry on like a baby.
Aw, Jodeci the 3P apologist doesn't like people expressing opinions different to his, and needs to reply with personal attacks on the interwebs. I know who looks like they're crying anytime his 3P buddies stuff up and get called for it....
I think it's pretty obvious you dont support the board, nor Ozzie and the chairman and you are entitled to your opninions, but it's starting to get a bit boring you continiously bagging OUR CLUB.
Bagging the Board or CEO is not bagging the club. At least it never used to be when people would bag Fitzy and the old Board on here, but amazing how things change...
You dont even know the bloke and your having a go at him. Please.....
I'm criticising the way he is performing his role at OUR CLUB. His role (as Director) is one that is elected by Members. Members are entitled to their opinions - if you don't like mine, find out how to use the "Ignore" feature and you don't have to read it anymore. Simple.
Or failing that, get your mates to lift their game running OUR CLUB, then you won't feel you have to defend them on here anymore. Also should be simple, but they're just not up to it imo.
Directors and Roy should be able to defend their actions in the public domain, but Members haven't received a skerrick of info from these clowns about what they've done over the weekend. Amateur hour, thank god elections are around the corner.
Nice chatting with you J as always. You should know if you bring the personal attacks on here on behalf of your close mates, then I'll just heap 'em back on you. Now that could get boring - have yourself a good day :thumn.