Then it's not EXPANSION, and you are always the first to suggest a movement of licence, or a merger or culling of a team, you can't accept that expansion can be a good thing if pursued with good intentions, yet having another new qld team start up, all you want to do is cull its nearby neighbours, keep jumping at media shadows... sharks are going no where, its time to stop using that as a form of data, Greenberg has been moved on, most probably for suggesting just that. and in his tenure had not advanced any expansion of the game, nor improvements within the game itself or money the game was hemorrhaging due to his poor governance, since PVL and abdo had stepped up, all those metrics have improved, and hopefully expansion is upon us, if SEQ works, then we'll see other areas we can expand to.
As for this report, none of it is confirmed as read publically, so you cannot spout it as gospel or data, until you've yourself have read it, its just media spin until its available. Plus after all that it was carried out several years ago, and within those current parameters, the game was in decline in those areas, due to the wrestle, slow game play, confusion of refereeing decisions, money expenditure, the product was going stale at a slow rate, its now a better game for all its rule changes, and expansion has been floated around and rejected for over 15 years, its taken all of 1 year for these guys to approve it