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It was meant to be a Harmony Day Game

gunnamatta bay

For those in denial

LOL. Yesterday I predicted statements by the police that they will study the video. Sure enough Sparkles promises to hunt down the culprits by 'studying the video' which we all know really means we failed to do the job properly so we'll appease the general population with spin.

Fans sought after riot
March 19, 2006
POLICE will study videotape of fighting inside Telstra Stadium on Friday in a bid to make more arrests after a night of rugby league violence.
One man was arrested and ejected during the Bulldogs' 47-12 win over Wests Tigers, but images shown last night on Channel 9 indicate more police action may follow.
The footage will be handed over to police investigators, the Bulldogs club and the NRL.
NRL chief executive David Gallop and Bulldogs CEO Malcolm Noad have appealed to fans who contacted media outlets yesterday to pass their first-hand accounts on to police.
Mr Gallop said he hoped the courts would act "sternly" in dealing with hooligans.
Tales of violence and fear blocked the airwaves on football talkback shows yesterday after 19 people were ejected from the stadium.
Brawls, assaults and damage to public property were reported by NRL fans as Bulldogs supporters went on a "victory" rampage.
Channel 9's Matthew Johns was not immune to the wave of destruction. Johns described what he saw near the neighbouring Novotel hotel as "sickening".
"I looked up and there would have been six to eight at first – and I can't deny they had Bulldogs jerseys on," he said.
"They're laying into this guy or a couple of guys. People were getting out of cars to try and settle it down, but it was out of control."
Mr Gallop said the Bulldogs faced potential fines and the loss of competition points.
"First, we have to get reports from the clubs, police and stadium security," he said.
"We want people to take any complaints to police, and the sternest action must be taken by police and the courts.
"The Bulldogs have made big inroads regarding these problems recently, and it would be a great shame if we have to put competition points or fines into play again."
Police Minister Carl Scully said he would get reports from police at the ground and view CCTV footage.
The Sunday Telegraph

gunnamatta bay

One man was arrested and ejected during the Bulldogs' 47-12 win over Wests Tigers, but images shown last night on Channel 9 indicate more police action may follow.

Keep up the good work Sparkles and your band of boys in blue. And they call it 'intelligence' !!!!


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Bring Back the Spliff said:
I was not there last night - but the behaviour of the Wests Tigers fans I experienced during their 54-2 shallacking of us @ Homebush last year - was simply APALLING!

Rarely before in all my many years of personal attendance at Rugby League games have I encountered a more unsavoury bunch of Bad winners as that night. And how there wasn't some kind of incident THAT night as well, given this behaviour...is beyond me.

So the fact that many people - WHO WERE ACTUALLY THERE (I have heard many first person eye witness accounts from CREDIBLE people - on other Bulldogs fan sites) - state quite clearly two things about Friday night - 1. That it was incessant and vulgar baiting from the Tigers fans that escalated the issue into a physical confrontation from a verbal one and that 2. It was WESTS TIGERS fans that were in fact - ejected from the stadium following the fight.

Sureprises me not one little bit!

You have some RIGHT Cleetuses supporting your side Tigers fans - Ohhhhh yes you do! Ever been to Campeltown Stadium to watch a game? That is NOT a nice place to be for an away supporter - I can assure you!....Not that you are the Lone Rangers in that dept - but - you DO have a higher proportion of toolpieces in your fan ranks than most.

So stop all the crap. People that actually go to games - and not sit on their fat arses in front of the Box watching FOX every weekend - actually know the truth about your own fan base.

Does this excuse what occurred after the game which undoubtedly DID involve Dogs 'fans'?...No. Of course not.

But your 'holier than thou' attitudes here are stinking the joint up. Give it a rest.

I know you and I don't get along, but you've hit the nail on the head. F**king superb post.
Moffo said:
And yet the game has been ruined by some idotic fans that should be locked up. Limp Wristed security continue to let these guys run wild

Its an absolute disgrace

I'm so sick of it. I sit near these twats and I see what they do week after week. They don't give a sh*t about anyone around them, they'll call police merkins, they'll punch girls in the face and call them tarts

It is bigger then a rugby league problem, its a massive social issue

When the Dogs come to Melbourne all the Lebanese supporters turn up in groups with their Lebanese flag...it is a bloody league game not the olympics !!!...get rid of the Sh#t stirrers...they know nothing about league and should not even be near the bloody ground.:cool:


I had a tough time deciding whether or not to play my oztag GF or attend the game.. Guess I made the right decision.. Lost the GF 5-4 on the bell.


1 Bulldog fan ejected for fighting, charged by police, banned from future Dogs games.

2 Wests Tigers fans ejected for under-age drinking.

16 fans, various supporters, ejected for not sitting in allocated seating.
Malcolm Noad- 2KY, March 19.

I wonder why the Wests Tigers fans that attacked the arabic women werent ejected, eh Dodge?


innsaneink said:
Malcolm Noad- 2KY, March 19.

I wonder why the Wests Tigers fans that attacked the arabic women werent ejected, eh Dodge?

It's probably similar to all those Dogs fans who weren't ejected for supposedly throwing beer and making lewd insults to all the WT fans according to the radio yesterday. If all the stories are true then 3/4 of the stadium should have been ejected (Dogs and Tigers fans alike)

Fact is people will exaggerate stories to push their own agenda. For me, I couldn't care less what team someone supports, if they are acting in a disgraceful manner then kick them out and ban them for good.


Moffo said:
I can appreciate that our fans do get baited. Absolutely

But please don't do a Khyser and shift the blame. We have a massive social issue on our hands and unfortunately, it is also bringing the game of rugby league into disrepute

Not shifting anything Moffo, just letting you know that white aussies whilst drunk do cause problems. I have no doubt that if alcohol was not served at the game on friday that it would of been trouble free.

I have plenty of white australian mates and they are fantastic blokes, but senseless yobbo's from campeltown are a different breed, macquarie fields riots anyone?

gunnamatta bay

Channel 9's Matthew Johns was not immune to the wave of destruction. Johns described what he saw near the neighbouring Novotel hotel as "sickening".
"I looked up and there would have been six to eight at first – and I can't deny they had Bulldogs jerseys on," he said.
"They're laying into this guy or a couple of guys. People were getting out of cars to try and settle it down, but it was out of control."

The area round the Novatel is flat and open with no real obstructions to block your vision. How is it people like Johns can witness this event but not one cop or security person sees it or takes any action?


N.Hindmarsh_Fan said:
I have no doubt that if alcohol was not served at the game on friday that it would of been trouble free.

Not a chance of that. These troublemakers are usually well under drinking age as it is and don't drink anyway.

I am not going to point at a particular ethnic group as I have seen just as many anglo Dogs fans acting disgutingly as well. It is a problem at our games and current measures have helped but still have not solved the problem. The club will keep working at it I have no doubt, but it is a social problem not a Rugby League one and that is what makes it tough.

Maybe if we didn't have such a wussy police "service" then we wouldn't be in the position we are in today.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
ink, come up with facts and figures all you like. You know for a fact I was at the game AND in the area the fights happened - you gave me the f**king tickets! I saw with my own two eyes, three Tigers fans being taken away by the coppers. One was a long hair bogan in a BWS shirt who kept saying "wasn't me" all the time. I'm not the only one with anecdotal evidence either. Save your "official reports" for someone who gives a sh*t. I know what I saw and I will not sit back and let my club be singled out when your club has a filthy scum element who is violent as well.



dodge get a grip.

No doubt that there are a handful of bogan Tigers supporters. But you could say this for every single club in the NRL. In fact, someone has probably experienced the same at every game in the competition.

Fact is though, you can't compare it to the element of Bulldog supporters who cause trouble. It's not even in the same ballpark.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
f**king wake up!

INSIDE the stadium, the trouble was caused by Wests Tigers supporters. They were the ones who threw the first punch, they were the ones who turned into cowards when the coppers showed their faces, and they were the ones the cops led away (unless of course Canterbury changed colours to Gold Black and White and changed their emblem to a Tiger). The file footage shows Bulldogs supporters going at it, yes. Very selective video IMO, the fight was much bigger and the bit you didn't see was awash with bogan Tiger fans.

I have no doubt there are an element outside the ground who are there purely to cause trouble. And they did so. But 1. As people say, chances are they don't give two f**ks about Canterbury or League. and 2. Noad asked for increased security in and out of the ground on Friday night. Now, please, honestly - tell me how he or the club can control people acting like f**kfaces outside the ground? Exactly what are we supposed to do?


hybrid_tiger said:

What absolute rubbish.


Yeah rightio mate, like I said previosly, I am not trying to shift blame ok, so get that through your head. I am saying that not all these "attacks" are unprovoked, I am not disregarding the element of trouble with bulldogs fans, I am merely saying that alcohol and high testoserone levels, do not mix.


Alcohol has NOTHING to do with Bulldogs violence.

And there is not blame to shift. The blame rests squarly with the Canterbury club. It was their home game and it's their problem to sort out.

No doubt it will be repeated in the future though.

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