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It was meant to be a Harmony Day Game



Could work.

Decent security and a strong non tolerant police presence would be the obvious option. How do these clowns continually get away with this sh*t?


Would that not have turned the whole stadium into a blood bath? I thought the whole point of this exercise is to stop/curb violence happening within the stadium either between opposition supporters or gangs of idiots attending the footy just to cause fights.

I can't see how penalising genunine fans buy either a) stopping games, b) deducting points from the team or c) throwing teams out of the competition is really going to solve matters.


No doubt it was Jamie. I just know that if it was our club in this situation I'd be hell-bent on trying to find a working solution fast.


First Grade
Prehaps season ticket holders for Canterbury can purchase 1 ticket for a Non Season ticket holder, and the season ticket number is written down, if any problems occur the season ticket holder who purchased theticket is responsible??


Glenn said:
Prehaps season ticket holders for Canterbury can purchase 1 ticket for a Non Season ticket holder, and the season ticket number is written down, if any problems occur the season ticket holder who purchased theticket is responsible??

Why not just have season ticket holders only to Dogs games for a while. The opposing teams supporters can use their season tickets to get into the game. That way everyone who is at the stadium is fully known and would also see season ticket numbers increase as those who don't normally purchase them would have to if they want to keep attending.

Admittedly it would see lower crowds for a while, but I would have a smaller crowd than one that sees the things that happened on Friday night.

Big Poppa Pump

Fox Sports showed footage of brawling in the stands - The newsreader made a point of saying it distracted the players especially Willie Mason & then it showed Mason standing there pointing up into the fighting in the crowd & laughing.


Big Poppa Pump said:
Fox Sports showed footage of brawling in the stands - The newsreader made a point of saying it distracted the players especially Willie Mason & then it showed Mason standing there pointing up into the fighting in the crowd & laughing.

How do you know he was pointing to the fighting? Was the angle that wide that they showed Mason and the fighting in the same shot? The media have been known often to selectivley choose images to make something look like it wasn't.

Not taking away from the disgraceful behaviour of the fans in any way, but don't be sucked in by the media's ability to twist things to look the way they want.


Obviously the solutions Canterbury and the NRL have put in place are not standing up. That is of no disrespect to Noad and his team as evidently they work long at hard on issues concerning crowd behaviour and safety at games.

I didn't see any fights at the game although i was at the other end to where the main one seemingly occured when Gibbs was knocked out. As people have pointed out, Canterbury have some great fans, just like every other club.

Whilst you don't want to punish the true Dogs fans i think more stringent measures are required to make people feel safe at Canerbury games. Having attended a few Tigers v Dogs night games there is a certain menacing atmosphere at train stations before and after games. A section of "fans" go to games with the intention to cause trouble and create a menacing atmosphere, whether through abuse or confrontation. I think this was escolated last night due to the fact the Tigers are the reigning premiers and thr Dogs have not knocked us off in a while. I saw tigers fans also dishing it out and this was a contributing factor to the level of unrest in the crowd.

At this point in time i would be taking away all Bulldogs night games. Don't stop at home games because these "fans" turn out in numbers at places such as Parra, Ctown and Moore Park.

The final straw would be to have a lock out and play games in front of an empty stadium. That would be a really sad sight and maybe these people might then wake up to themselves, do they really care though?

Big Poppa Pump

Cammo said:
How do you know he was pointing to the fighting? Was the angle that wide that they showed Mason and the fighting in the same shot? The media have been known often to selectivley choose images to make something look like it wasn't.

Not taking away from the disgraceful behaviour of the fans in any way, but don't be sucked in by the media's ability to twist things to look the way they want.

Don't shoot the messenger.


Moffo said:
i saw a scuffle whilst leaving the ground, i don't know if the police picked up many of them though

Good post mate and you are right. I've grown up in an incredibly multicultural area and I've got time for every different type of person. But these people sit outside the bounds of normality. They are a violent and dangerous subculture, and they sure as hell do not fit in with the generally accepted way of life.

You are 100% correct mate. It is a bigger issuie that just their ethnicity. It is the tip of the iceberg in relation to far broader-reaching social problems that exist in Sydney.

Do these tools not have parents who care? Where is the responsability gone for having teenage & 20-something kids who use a rugby league match as an excuse to intimidate others.

Yet if you bring up their ethnicity, they cry blue murder. (So I won't be this time around, but we ALL know the problems that exist.)

Do we seriously want ANOTHER Cronulla riot until something is done about these people? :roll:



Big Poppa Pump said:
Don't shoot the messenger.

Huh? I am just stating the facts. Do you believe the media are completely truthful in every story they put forward?

FFS I already said it didn't excuse the behaviour of the crowd, or do you just selectively read what you want.


Jedda said:
Perhaps the NRL need to look at putting a limit on fans buying tickets to Bulldogs matches.

For example; Only Dog's season ticket holders or members of the football club can purchase tickets. No gate sales and no free give-away tickets for any Bulldog matches.

The same rule would apply to any away supporters wanting tickets for Bulldog matches as well. One ticket per season ticket/membership holder only.

Surely the increased revenue naturally generated by genuine fans who would either purchase season tickets or membership could balance out any short-fall from non gate sales?

Does anyone think this could be a workable solution?

Hmm, you are at least looking at ways of solving the solution, so should be commended for it.

I know when I was in the Netherlands I wanted to go and see Ajax play. They said that it was mandatory that I buy an "ajax card" for 30 Guilders that was basically a photo ID that had people's contact details. Is that an option for Bulldogs home games? Maybe they need to pre-book tickets at the Leagues club before the game & quite their Canterbury Leagues Club Membership number or something?

Maybe the NRL should punish the Bulldogs by playing a few matches in front of a completely empty crowd? But then again that punishes both the decent Dogs fans and the travelling away supporters, who I always feel should be trwated like gold for making the effort to travel, support their teams & create a bit of colour at atmosphere.

Banning the size of flags is NOT the issue here. It only penalises the REAL rugby league fans like the Wests Tigers Fanatics etc etc.



Noad you useless git get off ya bum and do something.
Its only a matter of time before the NRL and the Dogs will get sued by someone.


dodge said:
Back up what claims? I watched these things happen. You weren't there at the game. Inside the ground I saw families of Bulldogs supporters and groups of men being baited by the bogan/hick element of Tigers supporters. They didn't worry about picking out men or women, just whoever they could get a rise out of. There's a difference between footy banter and deliberate malicious baiting of people. This is what I know for a fact happened inside the ground. Let me repeat, it was the Tigers fans I watched being evicted by police. The Bulldogs fans weren't the typical Lebanese or anything either. They were just a family trying to enjoy the night. Another group of men had a bogan breathing down their necks calling them every name under the sun and threatening to bash them. Then when the cops started questioning him, he shrugged and pulled the "wasn't me" routine. f**king spineless as well.

Now let me emphasise: this is what I saw, inside the ground. I have no doubt the f**kwit element of our supporters were f**king up outside and yes, something needs to be done. But I WILL NOT sit here and have you lump total blame on my club when others are in the hot seat as well, got it?

Oh...playing dumb are we Dodgey?

Back up what claims?

dodge said:
FYI the Tigers fans were attacking women last night, particularly any wearing Burqas.
Now I admit I wasnt there, but Ive spoken to several friends today who were there, all have told me that what you claim did not happen. They were all in the area you said and no one saw anything of the sort.

Ive seen no one else make claims that your making, I listened to all the radio programs today, heard no one complaining about Wests Tigers fans attacking lebanese women...either all my friends are lying to me, or you are.........


Bulldogs scrutinised over crowd fight


The Bulldogs may be stripped of premiership points if crowd violence among the club's supporters continues to be an issue at NRL matches.

A violent brawl in the stands at Telstra Stadium marred the Bulldogs' win over Wests Tigers, on a day that the NRL were supporting Harmony Day.

In scenes similar to English football post-match, the violence continued outside the ground at the completion of the game, and NRL chief David Gallop said penalties may be issued to the Canterbury club after an investigation of the incidents.

"Given the strides the Bulldogs have made in this area it would be a drastic step to look at competition points and fines, but it is something that has to be fixed," Gallop told AAP.

But penalty or no penalty, Bulldogs president Malcolm Noad said that his club will take action against the instigators of the fighting, and will be barred from attending matches.

"It's surprising, it's disappointing. But we'll continue to work with the police to see if we can find out who they were," he said.

"And certainly they won't be coming to our games in the future."



Bulldogs fans put NRL club in hot water

March 18, 2006 - 10:55AM

The Bulldogs rugby league club has warned it will not hesitate to ban violent fans from future games following a wild brawl during a match.
The Bulldogs on Friday defeated the Wests Tigers in front of a near-record crowd of 32,578 at Telstra Stadium but the victory was soured by three separate altercations.
Midway through the second half of the match, a fight broke out in the grandstand as fans and players looked on.
One man was ejected from the stadium and has since been banned from future Bulldogs games.
The violence then continued outside with at least two fights erupting on stadium grounds.
But police on Saturday said they were not looking to make any arrests because no complaints had been made.
"If someone comes forward then we will look into it but until that happens we can't do much," a police spokesman said.
While the agitators may have received a lucky break the club has not.
NRL CEO David Gallop said he had not ruled out fining the club or stripping the Bulldogs of competition points if crowd violence continues.
"Given the strides the Bulldogs have made in this area it would be a drastic step to look at competition points and fines, but it is something that has to be fixed," he said.
NSW Police Minister Carl Scully said the incident was yet another black mark for the Canterbury club, which has a history of violent behaviour from its fans.
"They are expected to behave responsibly, we're sick of it. No other club behaves like this," Mr Scully said.
"It just seems to be Canterbury supporters."

Bulldogs CEO Malcolm Noad said the fights had been blown-up by the media.
Mr Noad said one man involved in Friday's grandstand fight had been banned from future matches, and added the club would not hesitate to ban others if more arrests were made.
He said the banned man had been charged, but NSW police could not confirm what if any charges had been laid.
"There was only one fight in the ground which happened during a break in play and was stopped in a few seconds," he said.
"The atmosphere on the whole inside the grounds was great."
Mr Noad said he understood police would not take any further action over the fights outside the stadium because there had been no complaints.
Nineteen people were ejected from the stadium on Friday, mainly for minor offences.



Bulldogs in strife again
March 18, 2006

THE NRL has not ruled out stripping the Bulldogs of competition points if crowd violence continues to be an issue at the club's matches.

The Bulldogs defeated the Wests Tigers in front of a near-record crowd of 32,578 at Telstra Stadium last night but the victory was soured by the behaviour of a minority of fans.
A fight broke out in the grandstand midway through the second half of the match, which was part of the NRL's promotions for Harmony Day.
Violence also continued outside the venue after the match.
Nineteen people were ejected from the Stadium, mainly for minor offences, but the ugly scenes from the stands are yet another black mark for the Canterbury club, which has a history of violent behaviour from its fans.
NRL CEO David Gallop said he was waiting for the incidents to be investigated by the club and police, but did not rule out fining or stripping the Bulldogs of premiership points.

"Given the strides the Bulldogs have made in this area it would be a drastic step to look at competition points and fines, but it is something that has to be fixed," Gallop said.




You see....we arent making it up.



Ink brings the facts
Dodge brings naught

it's a huge call for Scully the state Police minister to say "It just seems to be Canterbury supporters."
and i hope it's something that get a positive reaction from the club, the nrl or telstra managment, however impossible that is.


First Grade
aids said:
Ink brings the facts
Dodge brings naught

it's a huge call for Scully the state Police minister to say "It just seems to be Canterbury supporters."
and i hope it's something that get a positive reaction from the club, the nrl or telstra managment, however impossible that is.

The only problem is that Scully has about as much credibility as Dodge.

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